surf_flutter_starter 0.0.4 copy "surf_flutter_starter: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
surf_flutter_starter: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard

CLI-tool for creating new Flutter projects, based on surf-flutter-app-template

surf_flutter_starter is a CLI tool for fast and easy creation of Flutter projects.

Usage #

To activate Flutter Starter, you have to add it to pub:

$ dart pub global activate surf_flutter_starter

and then run

$ dart pub global run surf_flutter_starter create

Dialog prompts will appear to follow project creation process.

Features #

Flutter project creation based on surf template( For the time being, it can change:

  • Project name.
  • App ID.
  • App Label.

Getting started #

Help in general:

CLI-tool for creating new Flutter projects, based on surf-flutter-app-template

Usage: surf_flutter_starter <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help       Print this usage information.
-v, --verbose    Print verbose output

Available commands:
  create   Creates new Flutter project based on Surf project template

Create command:

Usage: surf_flutter_starter create
-h, --help           Print this usage information.
-c, --config-path    Specify where config.json file is located.

CLI Architecture #

![Project Diagram](images/CLI-Project-Generator Structure.png)

Jobs #

Regular Job:

/// Atomic task, which does something and returns `Object?` on completion.
/// [Job]'s are used for project generation process. They are top-level entities,
/// which define several technical steps of creating new project. [Job]'s are
/// expandable. Meaning, that series of more [Job]'s can create more complex
/// structure.
abstract class Job {
  /// Executes specific task for project template creation.
  /// Returns `Object?`
  Future<Object?> execute();

Configurable Job:

/// [Job] requires [Config], as project-describing entity.
abstract class ConfigurableJob extends Job {
  /// Instance of [Config].
  /// Holds [Job]-specific instance of [Config], required for
  /// [Job.execute] & project creation process.
  late final Config config;

  /// Sets up [Job] before its' [Job.execute].
  /// Requires [Config].
  void setupJob(Config config) {
    this.config = config;

Config #

Config is a set of parameters, which specify project, that is being created.

/// Describes new project, that is being created.
/// Consists of values & parameters, that are being inserted
/// into new project when it's being created by user. User
/// defines those values & parameters as [ConfigParameter]s
/// whilst interacting with CLI.
class Config {
  /// ...
pub points



CLI-tool for creating new Flutter projects, based on surf-flutter-app-template



API reference


Apache-2.0 (LICENSE)


archive, args, cli_util, dio, io, meta, process_run, surf_lint_rules


Packages that depend on surf_flutter_starter