supabase 2.6.2
supabase: ^2.6.2 copied to clipboard
A dart client for Supabase. This client makes it simple for developers to build secure and scalable products.
A Dart client for Supabase.
This is a Dart library for Supabase for use cases such as server-side Dart like Dart Edge, or non-Flutter Dart environments.
If you are developing a Flutter application, use supabase_flutter instead.
package is for non-Flutter Dart environments.
What is Supabase #
Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. We are a service to:
- listen to database changes
- query your tables, including filtering, pagination, and deeply nested relationships (like GraphQL)
- create, update, and delete rows
- manage your users and their permissions
- interact with your database using a simple UI
Docs #
The docs can be found on the official Supabase website.
License #
This repo is licenced under MIT.