supa_architecture 0.0.1+preview.5 copy "supa_architecture: ^0.0.1+preview.5" to clipboard
supa_architecture: ^0.0.1+preview.5 copied to clipboard

A comprehensive set of tools and utilities designed to streamline the development of Flutter applications.


Example Documentation for main.dart #

This documentation provides a detailed walkthrough of the main.dart example using the supa_architecture package. The example demonstrates initializing the application, setting up environment variables, configuring Sentry for error tracking, and integrating ReCAPTCHA and Toastification.

Table of Contents #

Prerequisites #

Before running this example, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Flutter SDK installed
  • Environment variables file (.env) configured with the following keys:

Overview #

This example demonstrates the following:

  • Initializing the Flutter application with SupaApplication.
  • Loading environment variables using flutter_dotenv.
  • Setting up ReCAPTCHA using the RecaptchaConfig class.
  • Initializing and configuring Sentry for error tracking.
  • Using MultiBlocProvider to manage state with BLoC.
  • Displaying Toastification notifications.
  • Conditionally displaying content based on authentication state.

Step-by-Step Guide #

Initialize the Application #

Start by initializing Flutter bindings and the SupaApplication.

Future<void> main() async {
  await dotenv.load();
  await SupaApplication.initialize();

Load Environment Variables #

Load the environment variables from the .env file.

await dotenv.load();


Initialize ReCAPTCHA configuration based on the platform (Android or iOS).

  captchaConfig: RecaptchaConfig(
    siteKey: Platform.isAndroid
        ? dotenv.env['GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_ANDROID_KEY']!
        : dotenv.env['GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_IOS_KEY']!,

Initialize Authentication #

Initialize the AuthenticationBloc.


Configure Sentry #

Configure Sentry for error tracking and performance monitoring.

await SentryFlutter.init(
  (options) {
    options.dsn = dotenv.env['SENTRY_DSN'];
    options.tracesSampleRate = 1.0;
    options.profilesSampleRate = 1.0;
  appRunner: () => runApp(MyApp()),

Setup Bloc Providers and Toastification #

Wrap the main application with ToastificationWrapper and provide the necessary BLoC providers.

  child: MultiBlocProvider(
    providers: [
        create: (_) => GetIt.instance.get<AuthenticationBloc>(),
        create: (_) => GetIt.instance.get<TenantBloc>(),
    child: BlocConsumer<AuthenticationBloc, AuthenticationState>(
      listener: (_, state) {
        // Listener logic here
      builder: (_, state) {
        return MyApp(state: state);

Build the Application #

Define the MyApp widget and build the application UI.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final AuthenticationState state;
  MyApp({required this.state});
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      theme: ThemeData(),
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Example for supa_architecture'),
        body: Center(
          child: Text(
                ? 'User is authenticated'
                : 'User is not authenticated',

Conclusion #

This example demonstrates a complete setup for initializing and running a Flutter application using the supa_architecture package. It covers environment variable loading, ReCAPTCHA setup, Sentry configuration, state management with BLoC, and UI building. By following this guide, you can set up a robust and scalable Flutter application with proper error tracking and state management.