sunac_flutter_cli 1.0.0 copy "sunac_flutter_cli: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
sunac_flutter_cli: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: flutter_template_cli

Official CLI for Sunac Flutter Template to build Flutter Modules easily

Documentation languages
en_US - this file zh_CN

Official CLI for Sunac Flutter Template to build Flutter Modules easily.

  // To install:
  pub global activate sunac_flutter_cli 
  // (to use this add the following to system PATH: [FlutterSDKInstallDir]\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin
  flutter pub global activate sunac_flutter_cli
  // To create a flutter project in the current directory:
  // Note: By default it will take the folder's name as project name
  // You can name the project with `sunac create project:my_project`
  // If the name has spaces use `sunac create project:"my cool project"`
  sunac create project
  sunac create package
  sunac create plugin
  sunac create module
  // To generate the chosen structure on an existing project:
  sunac init
  // To install a package in your project (dependencies):
  sunac install camera
  // To install several packages from your project:
  sunac install http path camera
  // To install a package with specific version:
  sunac install path:1.6.4
  // You can also specify several packages with version numbers
  // To install a dev package in your project (dependencies_dev):
  sunac install flutter_launcher_icons --dev
  // To remove a package from your project:
  sunac remove http
  // To remove several packages from your project:
  sunac remove http path
  // To update CLI:
  sunac update
  // or `sunac upgrade`
  // Shows the current CLI version:
  sunac -v
  // or `sunac -version`
  // For help
  sunac help

Exploring the CLI #

let's explore the existing commands in the cli

Create project #

  sunac create project

Using to generate a new project, you can choose between Flutter and get_server, after creating the default directory, it will run a get init next command

Init #

  sunac init

Use this command with care it will overwrite all files in the lib folder. flutter-getx-with-null-safety-template.

Separator file type #

One day a user asked me, if it was possible to change what the final name of the file was, he found it more readable to use: my_controller_name.controller.dart, instead of the default generated by the cli: my_controller_name_controller. dart thinking about users like him we added the option for you to choose your own separator, just add this information in your pubsepc.yaml


  separator: "."

Are your imports disorganized? #

To help you organize your imports a new command was created: sunac sort, in addition to organizing your imports the command will also format your dart file. thanks to dart_style. When using get sort all files are renamed, with the separator. To not rename use the --skipRename flag.

You are one of those who prefer to use relative imports instead of project imports, use the --relative option. sunac_flutter_cli will convert.

Internationalization of the cli #

CLI now has an internationalization system.

to translate the cli into your language:

  1. create a new json file with your language, in the translations folder
  2. Copy the keys from the file, and translate the values
  3. send your PR.
pub points



Official CLI for Sunac Flutter Template to build Flutter Modules easily

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


ansicolor, cli_dialog, collection, dart_style, http, intl, meta, path, process_run, pubspec, recase, version, yaml


Packages that depend on sunac_flutter_cli