sudoku_api 2.1.0
sudoku_api: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard
sudoku_api simplifies the generation, interaction, and management of Sudoku Puzzles.
Changelog #
2.1.0 #
- Fixed pattern set collection (thanks rmasarovic!)
2.0.0 #
- Added support for null safety (thanks Pherne!)
1.2.3 #
- Added better markup tracking with HashSet
1.2.2 #
- Fix some dart formatting
- Use dart SDK >=2.1.0 <3.0.0
1.2.1 #
- Bugfix: case-insensitive check for pattern name
1.2.0 #
- Updated packages
- Removed concept of difficulty, now more straight-forward with clues
1.1.1 #
- Fixed Board.getColumn()
1.1.0 #
- Added ability to serialize/deserialize puzzles
1.0.1 #
- Updated some formatting and pubspec.yaml desc. after pkg. analysis
1.0.0 #
- Initial release, woo hoo.