stream_video_flutter 0.4.2 copy "stream_video_flutter: ^0.4.2" to clipboard
stream_video_flutter: ^0.4.2 copied to clipboard

The Official UI package for Stream Video, a service for building video calls, audio rooms, and live-streaming applications.

0.4.2 #

✅ Added

  • Added ClientDetails to SFU's join request.

🐞 Fixed

  • Tweaked SFU events handling to ensure there is no gap in handling them.
  • Fixed camera and microphone toggling on incoming/outgoing screen.
  • Fixed screen sharing not working when camera track was enabled.
  • Fixed issues with video freezing sometimes.

0.4.1 #

🚧 Build breaking changes

  • Bumped connectivity_plus dependency to 6.0.3

Note, that this changes the plugin requirements:

  • compileSDK 34 for Android part
  • Java 17 for Android part
  • Gradle 8.4 for Android part

🐞 Fixed

  • Added foreground service type to service declaration in AndroidManifest

0.4.0 #

🚧 Breaking changes

  • Updated minimum supported dart SDK version to 3.3.0 (which requires min Flutter SDK 3.19.0)

  • Updated flutter_webrtc to 0.10.4

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where subscriber offer events might be missed causing missing video/audio tracks for call participants.
  • Fixed speakerphone/earpiece switching on iOS.
  • User is now diconnected immedietaly when leaving the call.

0.3.9 #

  • Reverted flutter_webrtc dependency version back to 0.9.47 to fix the compilation issues for web in Flutter 3.19.

0.3.8 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed application of initial call configuration (via CallConnectOptions) and default settings from Stream Dashboard
  • Default camera facing is now applied from Dashboard settings (was ignored previously)

✅ Added

  • audioOutputDevice, audioInputDevice and cameraFacingMode added to CallConnectOptions
  • Optional connectOptions parameter added to call.join() method as a preferred way of setting initial call configuration - check out our documentation for more info

0.3.7 #

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.16

✅ Added

  • Added mirrorMode parameter to CameraConstraints, which determines whether the camera for the given track should be mirrored or not. When set as defaultMode the mirroring is set as true, when facingMode is set to user and false when facingMode is set to environment.

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that might break screen sharing functionality.
  • Fixed an issue that caused output audio device not being set correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that still caused constant notification sound being triggered during the call on Android.
  • Fixed an issue that blocked volume adjastment during the call on Android.

0.3.6 #

✅ Added

  • Added callEvents stream to Call that replaces events and coordinatorEvents streams (both are now deprecated).
  • Added callBackgroundBuilder to StreamOutg/oingCallContent.

🚧 Breaking changes

  • Removed the callCid parameter requirement from sendCustomEvent() method in Call class.

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that caused an empty Call participants list in CallState during ringing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused constant notification sound being triggered during the call on Android.
  • Disabled camera mirroring when using back camera and when screensharing.

0.3.5 #

✅ Added

  • Added keepConnectionsAliveWhenInBackground to StreamVideoOptions to allow keeping websocket connections and event subscribtions open when app is in the background (false by default).
  • Added support for Picture in Picture feature to Android - check out our documentation for more info
  • Added usage statictics reporting

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed handling of default audio output device setting from Stream dashboard
  • Fixed handling of default camera/microphone state setting from Stream dashboard
  • Fixed an issue where call could sometimes loose participants state
  • Fixed an issue in LobbyView where camera/microphone state selected would not be correctly applied into the call

0.3.4 #

  • Fixed the size of the LeaveCall aciton button in CallAppBar
  • Added showLeaveCallAction property to CallAppBar

0.3.3 #

🚧 UI changes to SDK components

  • CallParticipantsLabel - removed internal padding, it sticks to the corner of the video frame by default now
  • Extracted StreamLobbyVideo widget from StreamLobbyView that can be easly reused in custom layout
  • CallAppBar
    • LeaveCallOption moved from default call controls to CallAppBar
    • Participants button removed from CallAppBar together with onParticipantsInfoTap and participantsInfoBuilder properties
    • Layout Mode button removed from CallAppBar together with onLayoutModeChanged property. You can use new ToggleLayoutOption instead in custom layout anywhere
  • ToggleLayoutOption added
  • Components related to participants menu item from CallAppBar are removed: CallParticipantsInfoItem, StreamCallParticipantsInfoMenu and CallParticipantsInfoOptions
  • StreamCallParticipantsInfoMenuTheme is removed

Other changes:

  • Added StreamCallType class that replaces depricated String type parameter
  • Exapanded CallStats class with more structured WebRTC statistics as stats field
  • Changed raw statistics in CallStats to be of a Map<Stirng, dynamic> type
  • Added publisherStats, subsciberStats and latencyHistory to the CallState that hold some of the processed statistcs

Bug fixes

  • Fixes incoming call behavior when both CallKit and Stream incoming screen component is used
  • Fixes the issue on Android that caused missed call notification when ringing with reused call id

0.3.2 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Various fixes to call ringing and push notifications.
  • Fixes call ringing cancellation when app is terminated on iOS (requires additional setup - check Step 6 of the APNS integration) in our documentation.
  • Fixes late push notification handling on Android, where already ended call was ringing if the device was offline and the push was delivered with a delay.
  • Fixes call ringing cancellation when caller timed out while calling
  • Fixed action tap callback on Android call notification.
  • Fixed background image for incoming/outgoing call screens when participant.image is invalid.
  • Fixes possible crashes for Android SDKs versions <26.
  • Fixed screen sharing on iOS when screen sharing mode was switched between in-app and broadcast.
  • Changed the version range of intl package to >=0.18.1 <=0.19.0 because it was causing isses with other packages.

✅ Added

  • Added custom field to CallParticipantState with custom user data.

0.3.1 #

  • Important: Fixes crash for CallKit on iOS.
  • Added support for SFU migration to improve video resilience.
  • Fixes for streaming flags in CallState (backstage, broadcasting, recording).

0.3.0 #

🚧 Breaking changes

  • The functionality from stream_video_flutter_background is now merged into stream_video_flutter. You no longer have to use the background plugin.
  • Removed the incomingCallerNameOverride and incomingCallerHandlerOverride from StreamVideoPushParams in favor of the new callerCustomizationCallback in StreamVideoPushNotificationManager.

✅ Added

  • Added LivestreamPlayer - a in-built widget that allows you to easily view livestreams.
  • Added screen sharing functionality and related toggle option for both Android and iOS. Check our documentation for more details
  • Exposed call coordinator events through the coordinatorEvents stream in the Call class.
  • Added StreamCallContentTheme to video theme.
  • callerCustomizationCallback to StreamVideoPushNotificationManager that allow dynamic customization of CallKit call screen.

Example usage:

pushNotificationManagerProvider: StreamVideoPushNotificationManager.create(
    callerCustomizationCallback: ({required callCid, callerHandle, callerName}) =>
          CallerCustomizationResponse(name: "Customized $callerName"),
  • Added a includeUserDetails field to determine if user details should be passed to backend when connecting user.
  • Added team, notify, and custom properties to getOrCreate() for Call.

🐞 Fixed

  • Added Apple audio configuration to make audio work in silent mode.
  • Fixed ringing call cancellation issues.

0.2.0 #

✅ Added

  • removeMembers and updateCallMembers to Call
  • incomingCallerNameOverride and incomingCallerHandlerOverride to StreamVideoPushParams to allow customization of CallKit call screen
  • participantsAvatarBuilder and participantsDisplayNameBuilder to StreamOutgoingCallContent and StreamIncomingCallContent to allow customiztion of Incoming and Outgoing call screens

Example usage:

   outgoingCallBuilder: (context, call, callState) =>
               call: call,
               callState: callState,
                   (context, call, callState, participants) => your widget here,

🔄 Changed

Breaking changes 🚧

  • renamed inviteUsers to addMembers in Call
  • renamed parameter name in getOrCreateCall from participantIds to memberIds

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed call join bug
  • Fixed CallKit call not ending bug
  • Anonymous users can no longer connect to WS
  • Users can no longer join a call twice
  • Fixed landscape call control visibility

0.1.0 #

  • Aligned SDK initialization with other SDKs
  • Fixed callkit and push implementation for SDK
  • Added parsing for CallPermissions
  • Fix duplicate participants in call
  • Hide debug stats in production
  • Display call participants in lobby view
  • General bug fixes and improvements

0.0.4 #

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.10/Dart 3.0

0.0.3 #

  • Fixed track subscription bug

0.0.2 #

  • Updates for backend
  • Support for reactions

0.0.1+1 #

  • Fixed README

0.0.1 #

  • Initial beta release of Stream Video 🚀



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The Official UI package for Stream Video, a service for building video calls, audio rooms, and live-streaming applications.

Repository (GitHub)
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#video #audio #audioroom #webrtc #livestream


unknown (license)


cached_network_image, collection, equatable, flutter, flutter_webrtc, plugin_platform_interface, rate_limiter, stream_video, visibility_detector


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