stream_chat 7.3.0 copy "stream_chat: ^7.3.0" to clipboard
stream_chat: ^7.3.0 copied to clipboard

The official Dart client for Stream Chat, a service for building chat applications.

7.3.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Changed minimum Flutter version to 3.19 for the SDK.

7.2.2 #

  • Version to keep in sync with the rest of the packages

7.2.1 #

✅ Added

  • Added voiceRecording attachment type

7.2.0-hotfix.1 #

  • Version to keep in sync with the rest of the packages

7.2.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added markUnread method to Channel that marks messages from the provided message id onwards as unread

7.1.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixes a thread message causing reply messages on the main thread to be considered deleted

7.0.2 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1837] Delete image and file attachments from the CDN, when the message get's hard deleted.
  • [#1819] Handle network errors with String payload.

7.0.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1811] Bumped UUID dependency to ^4.2.1. This might produce a breaking change if you your code depends in UUID 3.x.x directly or indirectly.

7.0.0 #

  • 🛑️ Breaking

  • Removed deprecated channelQuery.sort property. Use channelStateSort instead.

  • Removed deprecated RetryPolicy.retryTimeout property. Use delayFactor instead.

  • Removed deprecated StreamChatNetworkError.fromDioError constructor. Use StreamChatNetworkError.fromDioException instead.

  • Removed deprecated MessageSendingStatus enum. Use MessageState instead.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.13/Dart 3.1

6.10.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1753] Fixed Unhandled null check operator exception when user is removed from a channel.

6.9.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1716] Fixed client not able to update message with type: reply.
  • [#1724] Fixed sendFile error on AttachmentFile with bytes and no name.

6.8.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed Channel.query not initializing ChannelState.

✅ Added

  • Added support for channel.countUnreadMentions() to get the count of unread messages mentioning the current user on a channel. #1692

🔄 Changed

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Dart 3.0

6.7.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added support for setting Message.type. #1682
    It is now possible to send system messages. System messages differ from normal messages in the way they are
    presented to the user. Like the name says, system messages are normally send from the system itself, but a user is
    able to send it as well by specifying type: 'system' with the message. The user who sends a system message client-side
    should have the Create System Message permission. Server-side system messages don't need that permission.

6.6.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Deprecated Message.status in favor of Message.state.
  • Deprecated RetryPolicy.retryTimeout in favor of RetryPolicy.delayFactor.

6.5.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Updated minimum supported SDK version to Dart 2.19

6.4.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1293] Fixed wrong message order when sending messages quickly.
  • [#1612] Fixed Channel.isMutedStream does not emit when channel mute expires.

6.3.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1585] Fixed channels left not being removed from the persistent storage.

🔄 Changed

  • Updated dio dependency to ^5.2.0.

6.2.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1422] Fixed User.createdAt property using currentTime when the ws connection is not established.

✅ Added

  • Added support for ChatPersistenceClient.isConnected for checking if the client is connected to the database.
  • Added support for ChatPersistenceClient.userId for getting the current connected user id.
  • Added two new methods ChatPersistenceClient.disconnect and ChatPersistenceClient.connect for disconnecting and connecting to the database.

6.1.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1355] Fixed error while hiding channel and clearing message history.
  • [#1525] Fixed removing message not removing quoted message reference.

✅ Added

  • Expose ChannelMute class. #1473

  • Added synchronization to the StreamChatClient.sync api. #1392

  • Added support for StreamChatClient.chatApiInterceptors to add custom interceptors to the API client. #1265.

      final client = StreamChatClient(
        chatApiInterceptors: [
            onRequest: (options, handler) {
              // Do something before request is sent.
            onResponse: (response, handler) {
              // Do something with response data
            onError: (DioError e, handler) {
              // Do something with response error

🔄 Changed

  • Updated dart sdk environment range to support 3.0.0.

6.0.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed streamWatchers. Before it was always new, now it is possible to follow the watchers of a channel.
  • Make Message.i18n field read-only.

🔄 Changed

  • Cancelling a attachment upload now removes the attachment from the message.
  • Updated dio and other dependencies to resolvable versions.

✅ Added

  • Added presence property to Channel::watch method.

5.3.0 #

🔄 Changed

  • Updated rate_limiter dependency to ^1.0.0

5.2.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added Huawei and Xiaomi PushProviders.

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed initializing last synced date.

5.1.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added thumbUrl field in SendFileResponse model.

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove disposed channel clients from the client state.

  • Deprecated the sort parameter in queryChannels in favor of channelStateSort.

5.0.0 #

  • Included the changes from version 4.5.0.

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 5.0.0-beta.2

  • Channel.addMembers, Channel.removeMembers, Channel.inviteMembers and Channel.update positional parameters are now optional parameters.

      // previous
      channel.addMembers([...ids], message, hideHistory);
      channel.removeMembers([...ids], message);
      channel.inviteMembers([...ids], message);
      channel.update({...channelData}, updateMessage);
      // new
      channel.addMembers([...ids], message: ..., hideHistory: ...);
      channel.removeMembers([...ids], message: ...);
      channel.inviteMembers([...ids], message: ...);
      channel.update({...channelData}, updateMessage: ...);

5.0.0-beta.2 #

  • Included the changes from version 4.4.0 and 4.4.1.

5.0.0-beta.1 #

  • Minor fixes.
  • Removed deprecated code.

4.6.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added StreamChatClient.getCallToken and StreamChatClient.createCall methods.

🐞 Fixed

  • Only listen to client events when the user is connected to the websocket.

4.5.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix Channel.removeMessage not able to remove thread message.

✅ Added

  • Added hide_history flag in client.addChannelMembers, channel.addMembers.

4.4.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Do not serialize AttachmentFile.bytes

4.4.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix WebSocket contemporary connection calls while disconnecting

✅ Added

  • Export StreamAttachmentFileUploader.

🔄 Changed

  • Deprecated StreamChatClient.attachmentFileUploader, Use StreamChatClient.attachmentFileUploaderProvider instead.

4.3.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1135] Persistence was not removing the hidden channels.
  • Fix x-stream-client header generation.

4.2.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added PaginationParams.createdAtAfterOrEqual for message pagination.
  • Added PaginationParams.createdAtAfter for message pagination.
  • Added PaginationParams.createdAtBeforeOrEqual for message pagination.
  • Added PaginationParams.createdAtBefore for message pagination.
  • Added PaginationParams.createdAtAround for message pagination.
  • Added support for channel.disabled, channel.hidden and channel.truncatedAt in Channel.
  • Added support for channel.membership and channel.membershipStream in Channel.
  • Channel now listens for member.updated events and updates the Channel.members accordingly.

🔄 Changed

  • Deprecated PaginationParams.before and PaginationParams.after. Use PaginationParams.limit instead.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1147] channel.unset not updating the extra data stream.

4.1.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added support for extra data in attachment file uploader. Thanks, @rlee1990.

🔄 Changed

  • Deprecated role in Member in favor of channelRole
  • Deprecated currentUserRole getter in Channel in favor of currentUserChannelRole

4.0.1 #

  • Minor fixes

4.0.0 #

For upgrading to V4, please refer to the V4 Migration Guide

✅ Added

  • Added push_provider_name to addDevice API call

4.0.0-beta.2 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed reactions not working for threads in offline mode.
  • [#1046] After /mute command on reload cannot access any channel.
  • [#1047] own_capabilities extraData missing after channel update.
  • [#1054] Fix Unsupported operation: Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list.
  • [#1033] Hard delete from dashboard does not delete message from client.
  • Send only user_id while reconnecting.

✅ Added

  • Handle event.message in channel.truncate events
  • Added additional parameters to channel.truncate

4.0.0-beta.0 #

✅ Added

  • Added support for ownCapabilities.

🐞 Fixed

  • Minor fixes and improvements.

3.6.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#1081] Fixed a bug with user reconnection.

3.6.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed reactions not working for threads in offline mode.
  • [#1046] After /mute command on reload cannot access any channel.
  • [#1047] own_capabilities extraData missing after channel update.
  • [#1054] Fix Unsupported operation: Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list.
  • [#1033] Hard delete from dashboard does not delete message from client.
  • Send only user_id while reconnecting.

✅ Added

  • Handle event.message in channel.truncate events
  • Added additional parameters to channel.truncate

3.5.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • channel.unreadCount was being set as using global unread count on a very specific case.
  • The reconnection logic for the WebSocket connection is now more robust.

3.5.0 #

✅ Added

  • You can now pass score to client.sendReaction and channel.sendReaction functions.
  • Added new client.partialUpdateUsers function in order to partially update users.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#890] Fixed Reactions not updating on thread messages. Thanks bstolinski.
  • [#897] Fixed error type mis-match in AuthInterceptor.
  • [#891] Fixed reply counter for parent message not updating correctly after deleting thread message.
  • Fix channelState.copyWith with respect to pinnedMessages.

3.4.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#857] Channel now listens for member ban/unban and updates the channel state with the latest data.
  • [#748] Message.user is now also included while saving users in persistence.
  • [#871] Fixed thread message deletion.
  • [#846] Fixed message.ownReactions getting truncated when receiving a reaction event.
  • Add check for invalid image URLs
  • Fix channelState.pinnedMessagesStream getting reset to 0 after a channel update.
  • Fixed unreadCount after removing user from a channel.

🔄 Changed

  • client.location is now deprecated in favor of the new edge server and will be removed in v4.0.0.
  • channel.banUser, channel.unbanUser is now deprecated in favor of the new channel.banMember and channel.unbanMember. These deprecated methods will be removed in v4.0.0.
  • Added banExpires property of type DateTime on the Member, OwnUser, and User models.

✅ Added

  • Added client.enrichUrl endpoint for enriching URLs with metadata.
  • Added client.queryBannedUsers, channel.queryBannedUsers endpoint for querying banned users.

3.3.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • [#799] Fixed totalUnreadCount is not updating when app is resumed from background mode.
  • Fix retry mechanism failing in some cases.

3.3.0 #

✅ Added

  • Extra properties added to PaginationParams to aid in fetching messages.
  • Added hard delete functionality.

🐞 Fixed

  • closeConnection() now uses normalClosure status when closing websocket.
  • Fixed local unread count indicator increasing for thread replies.
  • Fixed user presence indicator not updating correctly.
  • ChannelEvent.membersCount defaults to 0 avoiding parsing errors due to missing members_count field.

3.2.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed StreamChatClient.markAllRead api call

3.2.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • markAllRead() now updates local channel states.
  • [#744] Fixed unread count not updating correctly

3.1.1 #

✅ Added

  • Added Filter.notExists.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#710] Fixed JWT requiring using String as id.
  • Fixed expired CDN attachment links not updating correctly.

3.0.0 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 2.2.1

  • Added 6 new methods in ChatPersistenceClient.
    • bulkUpdateMessages
    • bulkUpdatePinnedMessages
    • bulkUpdateMembers
    • bulkUpdateReads
    • updatePinnedMessageReactions
    • deletePinnedMessageReactionsByMessageId

✅ Added

  • Added Filter.contains and Filter.empty
  • Added support for next, previous value pagination in , read more.
  • Attachment class now has a fileSize and mimeType property. Setting a file will also set the file_size , mime_type key on extraData, so attachment.fileSize, attachment.mimetype and attachment.extraData['file_size'] , attachment.extraData['mime_type] is same respectively.

🐞 Fixed

  • [#659] Fixed unread count not updating correctly.
  • Fix Filter.empty() json encoding.
  • [#700] Connecting user without providing name uses id instead for setting

2.2.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed unread indicator not updating correctly
  • Fix not working because of null body

2.2.0 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed channel.markAllRead throwing failed host lookup.

✅ Added

  • User and OwnUser classes now have an image property. Setting an image will also set the ' image' key on extraData, so user.image and user.extraData['image'] is the same.
  • User and OwnUser classes now have a name property. Setting a name will also set the 'name' key on extraData, so and user.extraData['name'] is the same.
  • Channel class now has extra image getter and setter. As well as an updateImage to do a partial update after a channel has been initialized.
  • Channel class now has extra name getter and setter. As well as an updateName to do a partial update after a channel has been initialized.
  • Added slow mode which allows a cooldown period after a user sends a message.

2.1.1 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Mutes were not working correctly in 2.1.0

2.1.0 #

🛑️ Removed

  • The MessageTranslation class has been removed. Use the new i18n field in the Message class instead.

✅ Added

  • The Message class now has an i18n field for translations
  • The User class now has a language field for the user's language preference.

🔄 Changed

  • client.user is now deprecated in favor of client.currentUser.
  • client.userStream is now deprecated in favor of client.currentUserStream.

🐞 Fixed

  • #563: Channel.stopWatching() not working
  • #575: Wrong OwnUser.*

2.0.0 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 1.5.3

  • migrate this package to null safety
  • ConnectUserWithProvider now requires tokenProvider as a required parameter. (Removed from the constructor)
  • client.disconnect() is now divided into two different functions
    • client.closeConnection() -> for closing user web socket connection.
    • client.disconnectUser() -> for disconnecting user and resetting client state.
  • client.devToken() now returns a Token model instead of String.
  • ApiError is removed in favor of StreamChatError
    • StreamChatError -> parent type for all the stream errors.
    • StreamWebSocketError -> for user web socket related errors.
    • StreamChatNetworkError -> for network related errors.
  • client.queryChannels(), channel.query() options parameter is removed in favor of individual parameters
    • option.state -> bool state
    • -> bool watch
    • option.presence -> bool presence
  • client.queryUsers() options parameter is removed in favor of individual parameters
    • option.presence -> bool presence
  • Migrate this package to null safety
  • Added typed filters

🐞 Fixed

  • #369: Client does not return without internet connection
  • several minor fixes
  • performance improvements

✅ Added

  • New Location enum is introduced for easily changing the client location/baseUrl.
  • New client.openConnection() and client.closeConnection() is introduced to connect/disconnect user ws connection.
  • New client.partialUpdateMessage and channel.partialUpdateMessage methods
  • connectWebSocket parameter in connect user calls to use the client in "connection-less" mode.

🔄 Changed

  • baseURL is now deprecated in favor of using Location to change data location.

2.0.0-nullsafety.8 #

🐞 Fixed

  • Export PushProvider enum

2.0.0-nullsafety.7 #

🛑️ Breaking Changes from 2.0.0-nullsafety.6

  • ConnectUserWithProvider now requires tokenProvider as a required parameter. (Removed from the constructor)
  • client.disconnect() is now divided into two different functions
    • client.closeConnection() -> for closing user web socket connection.
    • client.disconnectUser() -> for disconnecting user and resetting client state.
  • client.devToken() now returns a Token model instead of String.
  • ApiError is removed in favor of StreamChatError
    • StreamChatError -> parent type for all the stream errors.
    • StreamWebSocketError -> for user web socket related errors.
    • StreamChatNetworkError -> for network related errors.
  • client.queryChannels(), channel.query() options parameter is removed in favor of individual parameters
    • option.state -> bool state
    • -> bool watch
    • option.presence -> bool presence
  • client.queryUsers() options parameter is removed in favor of individual parameters
    • option.presence -> bool presence

✅ Added

  • New Location enum is introduced for easily changing the client location/baseUrl.
  • New client.openConnection() and client.closeConnection() is introduced to connect/disconnect user WS connection.

🔄 Changed

  • baseURL is now deprecated in favor of using Location to change data location.

2.0.0-nullsafety.6 #

  • Fix thread reply not working with attachments
  • Minor fixes

2.0.0-nullsafety.5 #

  • Minor fixes
  • Performance improvements
  • Fixed skip_push in client.sendMessage
  • Added partial message update method

2.0.0-nullsafety.2 #

  • Added new Filter.raw constructor
  • Changed extraData
  • Minor fixes

2.0.0-nullsafety.1 #

  • Migrate this package to null safety
  • Added typed filters

1.5.3 #

  • fix: StreamChatClient.connect returns quicker when you're using the persistence package

1.5.2 #

  • fix: queryChannels should throw exceptions only if no data is present in cache.

1.5.1 #

  • Minor fixes and improvements

1.5.0 #

  • Minor fixes and improvements

1.4.0-beta #

  • Improved attachment uploading
  • Fix: update member presence
  • Added skip_push to message model
  • Minor fixes and improvements

1.3.2+1-beta #

  • Fixed queryChannels bug

1.3.1-beta #

  • Debounced frequent db calls

1.3.0-beta #

  • Save pinned messages in offline storage
  • Minor fixes
  • StreamClient.QueryChannels now returns a Stream and fetches the channels from storage before calling the api
  • Added StreamClient.QueryChannelsOnline and StreamClient.QueryChannelsOffline to fetch channels only from online or offline

1.2.0-beta #

  • 🛑 BREAKING Changed signature of method
  • Added pinMessage feature docs here
  • Fixed minor bugs

1.1.0-beta #

  • Fixed minor bugs
  • Add support for custom attachment upload docs here
  • Add support for asynchronous attachment upload

1.0.3-beta #

  • Fixed issue with disconnecting after connecting without awaiting the connection result
  • Fixed bug that caused duplicated typing.stop events to be fired

1.0.2-beta #

  • Deprecated setUser, setGuestUser, setUserWithProvider in favor of connectUser , connectGuestUser , connectUserWithProvider
  • Optimised reaction updates - i.e., Update first call Api later.

1.0.1-beta #

  • Fixed pub analysis issues

1.0.0-beta #

  • 🛑 BREAKING Renamed Client to less generic StreamChatClient
  • 🛑 BREAKING Segregated the persistence layer into separate package stream_chat_persistence
  • 🛑 BREAKING Moved Client.backgroundKeepAlive to core package
  • 🛑 BREAKING Moved Client.showLocalNotification to core package and renamed it to StreamChatCore.onBackgroundEventReceived
  • Removed flutter dependency. This is now a pure Dart package 🥳
  • Minor improvements and bugfixes

0.2.24+2 #

  • Fix reconnection bug while using tokenProvider

0.2.24+1 #

  • Stop ws reconnection after calling disconnect

0.2.24 #

  • Create enum for push providers
  • Add merge helper functions in Message and ChannelModel for easier data manipulation

0.2.23+3 #

  • Remove + notation from userAgent
  • Fix optimistic update for totalUnreadCount

0.2.23+2 #

  • Do not throw an error when calling queryChannels without an active connection if the offline storage is enabled

0.2.23+1 #

  • Throw an error when calling queryChannels without an active connection
  • Wait to establish a connection if calling queryChannels while connecting

0.2.23 #

  • Add thread_participants in message model

0.2.22 #

  • Add thread-less message reply feature (QuotedMessage)

0.2.21+2 #

  • Fix but not throwing error during querychannels and persistance disabled
  • Fix reaction.updated event handling

0.2.21+1 #

  • Fix error in the offline storage queryChannelCids query

0.2.21 #

  • Fix channel.hide(clearHistory: true) not clearing local messages
  • Add banned field to member

0.2.20 #

  • Return offline data only if the backend is unreachable. This avoids the glitch of the ChannelListView because we cannot sort by custom properties.

0.2.19 #

  • Added message filters for

0.2.18 #

  • Correctly dispose resources when disposing the client state
  • Limit parallel queryChannels with same parameters to 1
  • Added clearUser parameter to client.disconnect to remove the user instance of the client

0.2.17+1 #

  • Do not retry messages when server returns error

0.2.17 #

  • Add shadow ban feature

0.2.16 #

  • Listen for user.updated events

0.2.15+2 #

  • Fix reaction score updates

0.2.15+1 #

  • Listen to reaction.updated event

0.2.15 #

  • Fix search message response

0.2.14 #

  • Add event.extradata

0.2.13+1 #

  • Let user change channel.extradata if the channel is not initialized yet

0.2.13 #

  • Add parent_id to events for typing indicators in threads

0.2.12+2 #

  • Fix error with reactions with null user

0.2.12 #

  • Do not save channels in memory if not being watched. This was leading to some bugs in some specific use-cases.

0.2.11 #

  • Fix getter
  • Use detached loggers
  • Throw error while connecting if it comes from backend
  • Fix ws reconnection

0.2.10+2 #

  • Fix bug with event filtering

0.2.10+1 #

  • Add default limit to pagination

0.2.10 #

  • Added channel.state.unreadCountStream

0.2.9 #

  • Adding a message on Channel.update is now optional

0.2.8+1 #

  • Fix retry logic

0.2.8 #

  • Add missing event types
  • Fix local sorting on offline storage

0.2.7+1 #

  • returns an existing channel if available
  • Update message in the offline storage if attachment has expired (for the new CDN)
  • Fix GetMessagesByIdResponse format
  • Do not query messages if already existing in offline storage

0.2.6 #

  • Experimental support for Flutter web and MacOs

0.2.5+2 #

  • Cleaned up Serialization on extra_data

0.2.5+1 #

  • Fix api call

0.2.5 #

  • Add channelType and channelId properties to event object

0.2.4+2 #

  • Fix query members messing channel state

0.2.4+1 #

  • Do not resync if there is no channel in offlinestorage

0.2.4 #

  • Add null-safety to ws disconnect
  • Add pagination parameters to queryUsers request

0.2.3+3 #

  • Fix reaction add/remove logic

0.2.3+2 #

  • Skip system messages during unreadCount computation

0.2.3+1 #

  • Removed moor_ffi from dependencies in favor of moor/ffi

0.2.3 #

  • Fix reject invite payload

  • Add multi-tenant properties to channel and user

0.2.2+1 #

  • Fix queryChannels payload

0.2.2 #

  • Fix add/remove/invite members api calls

0.2.1 #

  • Add isMutedStream to Channel
  • Add isGroup to Channel
  • Add isDistinct to Channel

0.2.0+2 #

  • Fix search messages response class

0.2.0+1 #

  • Fix offline members update
  • Add channel mutes
  • Fix default channel sort

0.2.0 #

  • Add lastMessage getter to Channel.state
  • Add isSystem property to Message
  • Incremental websocket reconnection timeout
  • Add translate message api call
  • Add queryMembers api call
  • Add user list to client state
  • Synchronize channel members status
  • Add offline storage
  • Add push notifications helper functions

0.2.0-alpha+23 #

  • Add lastMessage getter to Channel.state

0.2.0-alpha+22 #

  • Add isSystem property to Message

0.2.0-alpha+21 #

  • Incremental websocket reconnection timeout

0.2.0-alpha+20 #

  • More robust offline storage insertions

0.2.0-alpha+19 #

  • Add translate message api call
  • Add queryMembers api call

0.2.0-alpha+18 #

  • Revert moor_ffi version to 0.5.0

0.2.0-alpha+17 #

  • Add user list to client

  • Synchronize channel members status

0.2.0-alpha+16 #

  • Try QueryChannels when resync endpoint returns an error

0.2.0-alpha+15 #

  • Fix receiving reactions

0.2.0-alpha+14 #

  • Avoid sending local event for optimistic updates

0.2.0-alpha+13 #

  • Fix offline on app first start up

0.2.0-alpha+12 #

  • Fix retry mechanism in threads
  • Fix delete channel query

0.2.0-alpha+9 #

  • Add retry mechanism and retry queue

0.2.0-alpha+8 #

  • Add copyWith to Attachment

0.2.0-alpha+7 #

  • Add channel deleted/updated event handling

0.2.0-alpha+6 #

  • Align with stable release

0.2.0-alpha+5 #

  • Rename client parameters

0.2.0-alpha+3 #

  • Remove dependencies on notification service

  • Expose some helping method for integrate offline storage with push notifications

0.2.0-alpha+2 #

  • Fix unread count

0.2.0-alpha #

  • Offline storage

  • Push notifications

  • Minor bug fixes

0.1.30 #

  • Add silent property to message

0.1.29 #

  • Fix read event handling

0.1.28 #

  • Fix bug clearing members when receiving a message

0.1.27 #

  • Update dependencies

0.1.26 #

  • Remove wrong members property from ChannelModel

0.1.25 #

  • Fix online status

0.1.24 #

  • Fix unread count

0.1.22 #

  • Add mute/unmute channel

0.1.20 #

  • Fix channel query path without id

0.1.19 #

  • Fix loading message replies

0.1.18 #

  • Export dio error

0.1.17 #

  • Ignore current user typing events

  • Add event types

0.1.16 #

  • Fix message update

0.1.15 #

  • Fix mentions handling

0.1.14 #

  • Handle message modification and commands

0.1.13 #

  • Add message.updated event handling

0.1.12 #

  • Add export multipart_file from dio

0.1.11 #

  • Add channel config checks

0.1.10 #

  • Rename Channel.channelClients to channels

0.1.9 #

  • Fix channel update on message delete

0.1.8 #

  • Add delete message handling

0.1.7 #

  • Add reaction handling

0.1.6 #

  • Add initialized completer

  • Update example

0.1.5 #

  • Add ClientState and ChannelClientState classes to handle channel state updates using events

  • Update example supporting threads

0.1.4 #

  • Update some api with wrong or incomplete signatures

  • Add documentation for public apis

0.1.2 #

  • add websocket reconnection logic

  • add token expiration mechanism

0.1.1 #

  • add typing events handling

0.1.0 #

  • a better example can be found in the example/ directory

  • fix some api calls and add missing one

0.0.2 #

  • first beta version