storyly_flutter 2.18.1 storyly_flutter: ^2.18.1 copied to clipboard
storyly_flutter is the official flutter package of Storyly. You can easily add stories to your Flutter app with this package.
2.18.1 (22.05.2024) #
- added key field for product variants to indicate variant type
- fixed a visual bug for poll and quiz interactive components on android platform
2.18.0 (13.05.2024) #
- improved placement of product tag interactive component based on content
- improved payload of product events
- fixed storylyStoryDismissed delegate trigger time on ios platform
- fixed an issue related to product payload of story impression events on android platform
- improved monetization templates on android platform
2.17.3 (06.05.2024) #
- improved usage of actionUrl and products in storylyActionClicked callback
- fixed an issue related to visibility of the product catalog interactive component on android platform
2.17.2 (25.04.2024) #
- fixed a bug related to analytic requests on ios platform
(DEPRECATED) 2.17.1 (24.04.2024) #
- fixed thumbnail image load issue of video stories
- fixed story dismiss issue after a non-modal view controller presented over stories on ios platform
- fixed a bug related to cta behavior of product related interactive components on android platform
- fixed icon corner radius flick on fragment transitions on android platform
- fixed a bug related to icon corner radius on android 8 and below devices on android platform
(DEPRECATED) 2.17.0 (08.04.2024) #
- fixed RTL support issues for product related interactive components
- fixed bugs related to conditional stories
- added additional bottom sheet customizations for product related interactive components
- improved bottom sheet functionality for product related interactive components
- improved StorylyDataSource by simplifying the sources for storylyLoaded callback
- improved network requests on android platform
- fixed a bug related to product sheet colors on android platform
- added privacy manifest files for the upcoming SDK requirements on ios platform
2.16.1 (19.03.2024) #
- improved price formatting for product related interactive components
- fixed a bug related to interactive component representation
- improved action flow for product related interactive components
- improved analytic events
2.15.0 (27.02.2024) #
- improved media url handling
- improved functionality of product catalog interactive component
- fixed a bug related to product cart state
2.14.0 (20.02.2024) #
- added animations for text interactive component
- improved functionality and design of story group countdown badge
- fixed a bug related to scroll position in storyly bar on android platform
- fixed an orientation bug for devices having iOS version <16 on ios platform
2.12.0 (12.01.2024) #
- added video position/resize handling
- added static inputs for product catalog interactive component
- improved data processing flow
- fixed a simulator architecture bug for cocoapods on ios platform
2.11.0 (09.01.2024) #
- IMPORTANT! increased minimum os version to 12 on ios platform; please refer to Xcode 15 Release Notes
2.10.0 (27.12.2023) #
- improved data cache flow
- fixed a bug related to conditional stories flow
- added background image position/resize handling
- fixed IllegalStateException during activity recreation on android platform
- fixed a ui bug related to outlineProvider on android platform
- changed storyly-exoplayer2 dependency to 2.18.1-1 on android platform
- fixed a bug related to story group size on android platform
2.8.0 (18.12.2023) #
- IMPORTANT! changed type of products parameter storylyOnProductHydration callback
- added nudge stories
- improved data update flow of story bar
- fixed a bug related to conditional stories flow
- optimized memory management of SDWebImage on ios platform
2.7.0 (06.12.2023) #
- improved codebase
2.6.0 (06.12.2023) #
- IMPORTANT! added storylyLocale parameter; please refer to Localization documentation
- IMPORTANT! removed productCountry and productLanguage parameters; please use storylyLocale parameter
- added animation for not-fitting images in automated shoppable image layers
- added storyProductFeed parameter for client side automated shoppable stories
- improved story screen reset flow on android platform
2.5.1 (16.11.2023) #
- improved story bar scrolling after data update
- changed storyId parameter to nullable for openStory function
- fixed a bug related to group select on android platform
2.5.0 (09.11.2023) #
- added improvements for text interactive components
- optimized story dismiss flow
- optimized memory usage on android platform
- fixed a visual bug in quiz interactive component on android platform
- fixed a visual bug in countdown interactive component on ios platform
2.4.0 (29.09.2023) #
- added gif support for story group covers
- added multi region and language support for product feeds
2.3.1 (22.09.2023) #
- optimized memory usage
- improved layout on orientation change
2.3.0 (09.09.2023) #
- added support for google fonts from Storyly studio for text interactive component
- added support for instance theme settings from Storyly dashboard
- added Live story group type to support streaming urls
- converted emoji interactive component results from click counts to percentages
2.2.1 (25.08.2023) #
- fixed compiler error from native side
2.2.0 (24.08.2023) #
- IMPORTANT! increased minimum os version to 11 on ios platform; please refer to Xcode 14 Release Notes
- IMPORTANT! removed armv7 and i386 arch support on ios platform; please refer to Xcode 14 Release Notes
- IMPORTANT! removed bitcode support on ios platform; please refer to Xcode 14 Release Notes
- IMPORTANT! deprecated storyDismiss and storyShow methods
- IMPORTANT! added closeStory, pauseStory and resumeStory methods
- added cart synchronization support and callbacks for product flow
- reduced framework size on ios platform
- changed sound volume behavior for video stories on ios platform
- fixed a bug related to group select on android platform
2.1.0 (17.08.2023) #
- added result interactive components for poll, quiz, reaction, image quiz, rating, question
- added animation feature to interactive components entrance
- added story group countdown badge
2.0.1 (02.08.2023) #
- added storylyFacebookAppID
2.0.0 (24.07.2023) #
- migrated native version to 2.0
1.32.0 (17.04.2023) #
- added product catalog interactive component
- added image quiz interactive component
- added color option to poll interactive component
- added like/view analytics buttons for Moments story groups
- added local cache invalidation flow
- added etag implementaion
- improved data manager queue flow
1.30.0 (01.02.2023) #
- added product card interactive component
- added like/dislike feature for emoji interactive component
- changed design of the emoji interactive component
- added vertical/horizontal grid layout support
- IMPORTANT! removed storyGroupListEdgePadding and storyGroupListPaddingBetweenItems
- IMPORTANT! added storyGroupListOrientation, storyGroupListSections, storyGroupListHorizontalEdgePadding, storyGroupListVerticalEdgePadding, storyGroupListHorizontalPaddingBetweenItems and storyGroupListVerticalPaddingBetweenItems
1.29.0 (09.01.2023) #
- IMPORTANT! changed design of swipe interactive component
- IMPORTANT! updated Xcode version to 13.2.1 for builds
- fixed storyGroup:iconUrl format for user generated content
1.28.1 (13.12.2022) #
- IMPORTANT! added story group animation to borders, use storyGroupAnimation field to disable
- added past date information of story to header for moments story groups
- added localization(pt) support
1.26.5 (21.10.2022) #
- improved RootViewController handling on iOS side
1.26.4 (14.10.2022) #
- improved native dependency handling to support Monetization by Storyly
1.26.3 (11.10.2022) #
- improved Flutter 3+ support with nullability checks
1.26.2 (29.09.2022) #
- improved Flutter 3+ support with nullability checks
1.26.1 (25.08.2022) #
- added storyHeaderCloseIcon and storyHeaderShareIcon to support customazible icons
1.26.0 (24.08.2022) #
- added storyGroupTextTypeface, storyItemTextTypeface and storyInteractiveTextTypeface to support custom fonts
- added storylyPayload for Storyly Moments usage
- fixed #210
1.24.1 (30.07.2022) #
- IMPORTANT! added storyGroupTextColorSeen and storyGroupTextColorNotSeen fields
- IMPORTANT! removed storyGroupTextColor field
- IMPORTANT! added storylyLayoutDirection field
- fixed #202
1.24.0 (07.07.2022) #
- added swipe up designs with a/b test option
- added outlink parameter to countdown interactive component
- added application icon to countdown notification
- added accessibility features for navigation, story open/close, swipe/button/image cta interactive components
1.22.1 (27.06.2022) #
- added exported=false decleration to StorylyNotificationReceiver for countdown reminder for Android 31 support
- IMPORTANT! changed storyGroup:id and story:id fields' type to string
1.22.0 (20.06.2022) #
- added support for 9:20 media assets
- added storylyUserProperty field
- added storylyShareUrl field for customized share urls
- added name and currentTime field to Story object
- added comment interactive components
1.20.0 (26.3.2022) #
- updated native sdk dependencies
- updated Android native project dependencies; compileSdkVersion and targetSdk to 31
1.19.1 (21.2.2022) #
- fixed scrolling issue that occurs if StorylyView is used inside nested scrolling views
1.19.0 (21.1.2022) #
- added thematic product tag component for interactive stories
1.18.2 (6.1.2022) #
- added storyGroupTextSize and storyGroupTextLines fields for story group title text customizations
1.18.1 (30.11.2021) #
- implemented Android plugin using Hybrid Composition, for details check Hosting native Android and iOS views in your Flutter app with Platform Views
1.18.0 (26.11.2021) #
- added promo code for interactive stories
- fixed unexpeted story group transitions issue
- IMPORTANT! added dataSource field to storylyLoaded callback
1.17.0 (25.10.2021) #
- added image cta component for interactive stories
- added play modes handling for openStoryUri method, check for available modes from Play Modes for Deep Links
- added RTL support
- removed XLarge default style on story group size
- added previous story group automatic swipe when previous click on first story
- fixed storylyEvent callback issue, #136
1.13.1 (13.08.2021) #
- updated native sdk dependencies
1.13.0 #
- added setExternalData method for personalized content, check Integrations with Personalization Platforms
1.12.0 #
- added null support to package
- added storyGroupIconImageThematicLabel field to StorylyParam to show dark/light story group icons, check Thematic Story Group Icon
1.11.0 #
- added image component for interactive stories
- added video component for interactive stories
- IMPORTANT! removed advertising id(idfa compatibility for iOS 14.5) usage
1.10.1 #
- updated native dependencies
1.10.0 #
- added product tag component for interactive stories
- improved story area usage
- fixed pinned story groups ordering
1.9.2 #
- added documentation
- updated flutter version to 1.20.0
1.9.1 #
- added 'storylyBackgroundColor' parameter
- fixed scrolling issue that occurs if StorylyView is used inside SingleChildScrollView
1.9.0 #
- added Interactive VOD feature
- added vertical, horizontal and custom placement support for emoji component
- fixed color parsing issue
- fixed lag issue that occurs during scroll on iOS platform
1.8.6 #
- fixed ios methods not affecting bug
1.8.5 #
- added 'storylyEvent' callback
- added 'seen' field to StoryGroup and Story
1.8.4 #
- added 'storyGroupListEdgePadding' and 'storyGroupListPaddingBetweenItems' fields
1.8.3 #
- added close button to story header
- added 'storyHeaderCloseButtonIsVisible' parameter
1.8.2 #
- fixed crash related to missing permission
- updated android's compiledSdkVersion to 30
1.8.1 #
- fixed default background color bug
1.8.0 #
- added poll, quiz, emoji, countdown, rating interactive components
- added share feature to stories
- added 'small', 'large', 'xlarge', 'custom' story group sizes
- added 'storylyUserInteracted' callback
- removed close button from stories
- added language support for en, tr, de, fr, ru, es locales
- added 'openStory' methods to open stories by programmatically