storage_database 0.0.9 copy "storage_database: ^0.0.9" to clipboard
storage_database: ^0.0.9 copied to clipboard

A quick and simple offline StorageDatabase package for flutter

Getting started #

StorageDatabase #

Importing #

import 'package:storage_database/storage_database.dart';

Initializing #

// You have to give source class extended by 'StorageDatabaseSource'
// Default source is 'DefaultStorageSource' class
StorageDatabase storage = await StorageDatabase.getInstance(); 
// In this example you should to create source class extended with 'StorageDatabaseSource'
StorageDatabase storageEx2 = StorageDatabase(await MyStorageSourceClass.getInstance());

SourceClass #

import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:storage_database/src/storage_database_source.dart';

class MyStorageSourceClass extends StorageDatabaseSource {
  final SharedPreferences storage;


  // initializing function
  static Future<MyStorageSourceClass> getInstance() async =>
      MyStorageSourceClass(await SharedPreferences.getInstance());

  // setting data function
  Future<bool> setData (String id, dynamic data ) async {
    data = jsonEncode(data);
    return storage.setString(id, data);

  // getting data function
  Future<dynamic> getData (String id) {
    String? data = storage.getString(id);
    if (data != null) {
      return jsonDecode(data);
    } else {
      return null;

  // check for id function
  Future<bool> containsKey(String key) async => storage.containsKey(key);

  // remove function
  Future<bool> remove(String id) => storage.remove(id);

  // clear function
  Future<bool> clear(String id) => storage.clear();

Create Collection #

await storage.collection("collection-1")
             .set("any data && any type"); // c-1
await storage.collection("collection-1")
             .set("any new data but some type"); // c-2

Create Document into Collection #

// Map data : 
await storage.collection("collection-2") // c-3
             .set({'item 1': 'data 1', 'item 2': 'data 2'}); // d-1
await storage.collection("collection-2")
             .set({'item 3': 'data 3'}); // d-2
await storage.collection("collection-2")
             .set({'item 4': 'data 4'}, keep = false); // d-3
// List data :
await storage.collection("collection-3") 
             .set(["item 1", "item 2"]); // d-4
await storage.collection("collection-3")
             .set(['item 3']); // d-5
await storage.collection("collection-3")
             .set(["item 4"], keep = false); // d-6

Getting Collection data #

await storage.collection("collection-1").get(); // c-1 => 'any data && any type'
await storage.collection("collection-1").get(); // c-2 => 'any data but some type'
await storage.collection("collection-2").get(); // c-3 => {"documentId": {'item 1': 'data 1', 'item 2': 'data 2'}}

Getting Document data #

//// Map:
// d-1 => {'item 1': 'data 1', 'item 2': 'data 2'}
// d-2 => {'item 1': 'data 1', 'item 2': 'data 2', 'item 3': 'data 3'}
// d-3 => {'item 4': 'data 4'}

//// List: 
// d-4 => ['item 1', 'item 2']
// d-5 => ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3']
// d-6 => ['item 4']

Deleting data #

// delete collection
await storage.collection("testCollection").delete();
// delete document
await storage.collection("testCollection").document("testDocument").delete();
// delete item from collection
await storage.collection("testCollection").deleteItem("testDocument");
// delete item from document
await storage.collection("testCollection").document("testDocument").deleteItem("testDocument");
// note: 'deleteItem' working only with map and list type

Getting Document using document path #

StorageDocument document1 =  storage.collection('collection-2').document('documentId/item 1');
StorageDocument document2 =  storage.document('collection-3/documentId');

Working with stream #

List documentData = [];
int itemIndex = 0;
String lastItem = "";
  children: [
      stream: storage.collection("collection-3").document("documentId").stream(),
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
          return const CircularProgressIndicator();
        } else {
          if ( != null) {
            documentData =!;
          return SingleChildScrollView(
            child: Column(
              children: List.generate(
                (index) => Text(
      onPressed: () {
        itemIndex += 1;
        lastItem = "item $itemIndex";
      child: const Text("Add item"),
      onPressed: () {
        itemIndex -= 1;
        lastItem = "item $itemIndex";
      child: const Text("Remove item"),

StorageExplorer #

This feature use to manage files and directories.

Importing #

import 'package:storage_database/storage_explorer/storage_explorer.dart';

Initializing #

// 1: normal initializing
StorageDatabase storageDatabase = await StorageDatabase.getInstance(); // you need to init storageDatabase first

Directory localIODirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() // this function from path_provider package
StorageExplorer storageExplorer = StorageExplorer(storageDatabase, localIODirectory);
StorageExplorer storageExplorer = StorageExplorer.getInstance(storageDatabase, customPath: "your/custom/path");

// 2: initializing from StorageDatabase Class
await storageDatabase.initExplorer();
// for use it
storageDatabase.explorer!.<FunctionName> // <FunctionName>: name of function you want to use

Create Directory #

// into local directory
ExplorerDirectory dir = explorer!.directory("dirName");

// into directory
ExplorerDirectory otherDir ="other dirName");

// using path
ExplorerDirectory otherDir = explorer!.directory("dirName/other dirName");
// Notes:
// 1- working with local directory and normal directory.
// 2- don't use real path:
//    - false Path: "C:\users\user\document\dirName\other dirName"
//    - true Path: "dirName/other dirName"
// 3- don't use backslash:
//    - false path: "dir\other dir"
//    - true path:  "dir/other dir"

Create File #

// into local directory
ExplorerFile file = explorer!.file("filename.txt");

// into normal directory
ExplorerFile file = dir.file("filename.txt");

Get Directory items #

List<ExplorerDirectoryItem> dirItems = dir.get();

Set File Data #

// normal: setting String data
await file.set("file data");

// bytes: setting Bytes data
await bytesFile.setBytes(bytes);

// json: setting Json data
await jsonFile.set({"key": "val"}); // Map
await jsonFile.set(["item 1", "item 2"]); // List
//// setMode (only with Map and List data, default mode is <append>)
await jsonFile.set({"other key": "other val"}, setMode: SetMode.append); // this mode for append values
// when get => {"key": "val", "other key": "other val"}
await jsonFile.set({"key": "val"}, setMode: SetMode.remove); // this mode for remove values
// when get => {"other key": "other val"}
await jsonFile.set({"new key": "new val"}, setMode: SetMode.replace); // this mode for replace all old values with new values
// when get => {"new key": "new val"}

Get File Data #

// normal: getting as String
String fileData = await file.get(); // => "file data"

// bytes: getting as Bytes
Uint8List fileBytes = await bytesFile.getBytes();

// json: getting as json
Map fileJsonData = await mapJsonFile.getJson(); // with Map => {"key": "val"}
List fileJsonData = await listJsonFile.getJson(); // with List => ["item 1", "item 2"]

Working with Directory Stream #

// used for watch directory items
List<ExplorerDirectoryItem> dirItems = [];
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    if (snapshot.hasData) {
      dirItems =;
    return ListView(
      children: List.generate(
        (index) => Text("<${item.itemType}>: ${dirItems[index].itemName}"),

Working with File Stream #

// used for watch file data

// normal: stream file data as String;

// bytes: stream bytes of file

// json: stream file data as json

Working with Network File #

This feature downloads the file from the Internet, then stores it where the file can be used later without re-downloading it, and it can also work even in an offline state.

// you need to initial it from explorer
await storageDatabase.explorer!.initNetWorkFiles();

// call it like that
ExplorerFile file = await storageDatabase.explorer!.networkFiles!.networkFile('http://your.url.file');
// now you can use ExplorerFile features

The feature contains a ready-made widget, especially for images, where it displays an animated shimmer while loading the image and then displays the image, and in case the image is damaged, an icon is displayed.

await storageDatabase.explorer!.networkFiles!.networkImage(
  width: 100,
  heigh: 100,
  borderRadius: 8,
  fit: BoxFit.fill,

StorageAPI #

This feature used for api requests and responses, and it has the feature of storing requests in an offline state, to be re-request it again later on online.

Importing #

import 'package:storage_database/api/api.dart';

Initializing #

// 1: normal initializing
StorageDatabase storageDatabase = await StorageDatabase.getInstance(); // you need to init storageDatabase first

StorageAPI storageApi = StorageExplorer(
  storageDatabase: storageDatabase,
  tokenSource: () => 'api-token',
  apiUrl: 'http://your.api.url',
  // requests cache removed for now
  //cacheOnOffline: true, // for store requests on offline
  //onReRequestResponse: (response) => print(response.value),

// 2: initializing from StorageDatabase Class
await storageDatabase.initAPI(
  tokenSource: () async => 'api-token',
  apiUrl: 'http://your.api.url',
  cacheOnOffline: true, // for store requests on offline
  onReRequestResponse: (response) => print(response.value),
// for use it
storageDatabase.storageAPI!.<FunctionName> // <FunctionName>: name of function you want to use

Working with APIRequest #

APIResponse response = storageAPI.request<TypeOfResponseValue>(
  'target',, // request type (get, post, put, patch, delete)
  log: true, // print on console request steps
  data: {"key": "value"}, // request data
  auth: true, // to send request with auth token
  onNoConnection: (reqId) => print('field to request $reqId'), // this requestId used for re-request later

// to re-request
// to re-request multi requests ids
  [requestIds], // when is empty automatically is re-request all ids stored
  onResponse: (response) => print(response.message),

// to clear all request ids stored
await storageAPI.clear();

Working with APIResponse #

APIResponse<TypeOfValue> response = APIResponse<TypeOfValue>(
  bool success,
  String message,
  int statusCode,
  TypeOfValue? value,
// to get value
TypeOfValue value = response.value;

// Note: your api response data must be like that
  "success": true, //or false
  "message": "your message",
  "value": {"key1": "val1", "key2": ["val1"]}, // excepted any type this just example

// you can use this also
  "success": true, //or false
  "message": "your message",
  "key1": "val1",
// response.value => "val1"

// or this
  "success": true, //or false
  "message": "your message",
  "key1": "val1",
  "key2": ["val1"],
// response.value => {"key1": "val1", "key2": ["val1"]}

Laravel Echo (Beta) #

This feature used to laravel echo connection, and you listen to Laravel Models.

Importing #

import 'package:storage_database/laravel_echo/laravel_echo.dart';

Initializing #

// Laravel Echo Connector, migrations
storageDatabase.initLaravelEcho(connector, <LaravelEchoMigration>[]);

storageDatabase.initSocketLaravelEcho(<connector parameters>, <LaravelEchoMigration>[]);

storageDatabase.initPusherLaravelEcho(<connector parameters>, <LaravelEchoMigration>[]);

Note: Please read laravel_echo_null for more information if you use connector to initializing

Working with migrations #

This used to create migration to listen to Laravel Model events (Create, Update, Delete).

class ProductMigration extends LaravelEchoMigration {
  ProductMigration(super.storageDatabase, super.collectionId);

  String get migrationName => 'Product';

  String get itemName => 'product';

  Channel get channel => storageDatabase.laravelEcho!.private('products');

  // you can custom your events names and remove what you don't need
  Map<EventsType, String> get eventsNames => {
        EventsType.create: '${migrationName}CreatedEvent',
        EventsType.update: '${migrationName}UpdatedEvent',
        EventsType.delete: '${migrationName}DeletedEvent',

  onCreate(Map data) {
    log('Product Created $data');
    return super.onCreate(data);

  onUpdate(Map data) {
    log('Product Updated $data');
    return super.onUpdate(data);

  onDelete(Map data) {
    log('Product Deleted $data');
    return super.onDelete(data);

Your Events must be like that:

  • Create:

    class ProductCreatedEvent implements ShouldBroadcast {
      use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
      * @var Product
      private $product;
      * Create a new event instance.
      * @param Product $product
      public function __construct(Product $product) {
        $this->product = $product;
      * Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
      * @return array<int, \Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel>
      public function broadcastOn(): array {
        return [
          new PrivateChannel('products'),
      * The event's broadcast name.
      * @return string
      public function broadcastAs() {
        return 'ProductCreatedEvent';
      * The event's broadcast name.
      * @return array
      public function broadcastWith() {
        return [
          'product' // Item Name
              => $this->product->toArray()
  • Update:

    class ProductUpdatedEvent implements ShouldBroadcast {
      use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
      * @var Product
      private $product;
      * Create a new event instance.
      * @param Product $product
      public function __construct(Product $product) {
        $this->product = $product;
      * Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
      * @return array<int, \Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel>
      public function broadcastOn(): array {
        return [
          new PrivateChannel('products'),
      * The event's broadcast name.
      * @return string
      public function broadcastAs() {
        return 'ProductUpdatedEvent';
      * The event's broadcast name.
      * @return array
      public function broadcastWith() {
        return [
          'product' // Item Name
              => $this->product->toArray()
  • Delete:

    class ProductDeletedEvent implements ShouldBroadcast {
      use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
      * @var Product
      private $product;
      * Create a new event instance.
      * @param Product $product
      public function __construct(Product $product) {
        $this->product = $product;
      * Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
      * @return array<int, \Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel>
      public function broadcastOn(): array {
        return [
          new PrivateChannel('products'),
      * The event's broadcast name.
      * @return string
      public function broadcastAs() {
        return 'ProductDeletedEvent';
      * The event's broadcast name.
      * @return array
      public function broadcastWith() {
        return ['id' => $this->product->id];

Contact Us #

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WhatsApp + Telegram (+213778185797)

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pub points


unverified uploader

A quick and simple offline StorageDatabase package for flutter

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flutter, http, laravel_echo_null, path, path_provider, pusher_client_fixed, shared_preferences, shimmer, socket_io_client


Packages that depend on storage_database