sticky_grouped_list_plus 0.0.8
sticky_grouped_list_plus: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard
A ScrollablePositionedList where the list items can be grouped into sections.
A ListView
in which list items can be grouped to sections. Based on scrollable_positioned_list, which enables programatically scrolling of the list.
Features #
- Easy creation of chat-like interfaces.
- List items can be separated in groups.
- For the groups an individual header can be set.
- Sticky headers with floating option.
- All fields from
Getting Started #
Add the package to your pubspec.yaml:
sticky_grouped_list: ^3.1.0
In your dart file, import the library:
import 'package:sticky_grouped_list/sticky_grouped_list.dart';
Create a StickyGroupedListView
final GroupedItemScrollController itemScrollController = GroupedItemScrollController();
StickyGroupedListView<dynamic, String>(
elements: _elements,
groupBy: (dynamic element) => element['group'],
groupSeparatorBuilder: (dynamic element) => Text(element['group']),
itemBuilder: (context, dynamic element) => Text(element['name']),
itemComparator: (e1, e2) => e1['name'].compareTo(e2['name']), // optional
elementIdentifier: (element) => // optional - see below for usage
itemScrollController: itemScrollController, // optional
order: StickyGroupedListOrder.ASC, // optional
If you are using the GroupedItemScrollController
you can scroll or jump to an specific position in the list programatically:
- By using the index, which will scroll to the element at position [index]:
itemScrollController.scrollTo(index: 4, duration: Duration(seconds: 2));
itemScrollController.jumpTo(index: 4);
- By using a pre defined element identifier. The identifier is defined by a
which takes one element and returns a unique identifier of any type. The methodsscrollToElement
can be used to jump to an element by providing the elements identifier instead of the index:
final GroupedItemScrollController itemScrollController = GroupedItemScrollController();
StickyGroupedListView<dynamic, String>(
elements: _elements,
elementIdentifier: (element) =>
itemScrollController: itemScrollController,
final scrolledItemIndex = itemScrollController.scrollToElement(identifier: 'item-1', duration: Duration(seconds: 2));
final scrolledItemIndexOnJump = itemScrollController.jumpToElement(identifier: 'item-2');
Parameters: #
Name | Description | Required | Default value |
elements |
A list of the data you want to display in the list | required | - |
itemBuilder / indexedItemBuilder |
Function which returns an Widget which defines the item. indexedItemBuilder provides the current index as well. If both are defined indexedItemBuilder is preferred |
yes, either of them | - |
groupBy |
Function which maps an element to its grouped value | required | - |
groupSeparatorBuilder |
Function which gets a element and returns an Widget which defines the group header separator | required | - |
separator |
A Widget which defines a separator between items inside a group | no | no separator |
floatingHeader |
When set to true the sticky header will float over the list |
no | false |
stickyHeaderBackgroundColor |
Defines the background color of the sticky header | no | Color(0xffF7F7F7) |
itemScrollController |
Instead of an ItemScrollController a GroupedItemScrollController needs to be provided. |
no | - |
elementIdentifier |
Used by itemScrollController and defines the unique identifier for each element. |
no | - |
order |
Change to StickyGroupedListOrder.DESC to reverse the group sorting |
no | StickyGroupedListOrder.ASC |
groupComparator |
Can be used to define a custom sorting for the groups. Otherwise the natural sorting order is used | no | - |
itemComparator |
Can be used to define a custom sorting for the elements inside each group. Otherwise the natural sorting order is used | no | - |
reverse |
Scrolls in opposite from reading direction (Starting at bottom and scrolling up). Same as in scrollable_positioned_list. | no | false |
sort |
Enables sorting by given order. | no | true |
and GroupedItemScrollController.jumpTo()
automatic set the alignment
so that the item is fully visible aligned under the group header. Both methods take automaticAlignment
as a additional optional paramenter which needs to be set to true if alignment
is specified.
Also the fields from ScrollablePositionedList.builder
can be used.
Highlight - Chat Dialog #
Easy creation of chat-like dialogs.
Just set the option reverse
to true
and the option order
to StickyGroupedListOrder.DESC
. A full example can be found in the examples.
The list will be scrolled to the end in the initial state and therefore scrolling will be against redeaing direction.
Difference between grouped_list and sticky_grouped_list: #
TThe list views in the GroupedList package are based on the default flutter listview and the silver list. This package is based on the scrollable_positioned_list which enables the possibility to programatically scroll to certain positions in the list. So if you need the ability to programatically scroll the list use the this package otherwise I would recommend to use the GroupedList package.
Used packages: #
Package name | Copyright | License |
scrollable_positioned_list | Copyright 2018 the Dart project authors, Inc. All rights reserved | BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License |