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A lightweight package for displaying customizable step progress indicators in a user interface.

StepProgress #

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StepProgress is a lightweight and highly flexible package designed to display step progress indicators for completing multi-step tasks in a user interface. This package supports both vertical and horizontal orientations, allowing developers to customize the display according to their application's needs. It provides a variety of customizable widgets that visually represent the progress of a task, making it easier for users to understand their current position and the steps remaining. With this flexibility, StepProgress can seamlessly integrate into various UI designs, enhancing user experience across different platforms.


Features #

  • Visual Step Indication: Clearly displays progress through a sequence of steps, available in both horizontal and vertical orientations.

  • Theming and Customization:

    • Comprehensive Theme: Easily customize the look and feel using StepProgressThemeData, controlling colors, text styles, and border properties.
    • Step Sizing: Adjust the size of step nodes with stepSize.
    • Titles and Subtitles: Add descriptive labels to each step for enhanced user understanding.
    • Visibility Control: Show or hide titles, subtitles, and connecting lines using StepProgressVisibilityOptions.
    • Custom Icons: Utilize custom icons for step nodes, with separate options for inactive and active states using nodeIconBuilder and nodeActiveIconBuilder.
  • Interactive Elements:

    • Step Tapping: Enable user interaction with steps using onStepNodeTapped callbacks.
    • Line Tapping: Provide actions when users tap on the lines connecting steps with onStepLineTapped.
    • Step Change Notification: Receive callbacks with onStepChanged when the current step is updated.
  • Programmatic Control:

    • StepProgressController: Manage the current step externally, allowing integration with your application's logic.
    • Initial Step: Set the starting step with the currentStep property.
  • Flexible Layout:

    • Dimensions: Control the width and height of the widget.
    • Spacing: Adjust margins and padding for optimal visual placement.

Showcases #

Example 1: Vertical Step Progress #



  totalSteps: 4,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  axis: Axis.vertical,
  titles: const ['step 1', 'step 2', 'step 3', 'step 4'],
  onStepChanged: (index) {
    debugPrint('on step changed: $index');
  onStepNodeTapped: (index) {
    debugPrint('on step tapped with index: $index');
  onStepLineTapped: (index) {
    debugPrint('on step line tapped with index: $index');
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Example 2: Horizontal Step Progress without Labels #



  totalSteps: 5,
  padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24),
  controller: _stepProgressController,
  onStepChanged: (currentIndex) {
    setState(() {
      currentStep = currentIndex;
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Example 3: Horizontal Step Progress without Nodes #



  totalSteps: 5,
  visibilityOptions: StepProgressVisibilityOptions.lineOnly,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  onStepChanged: (currentIndex) {
    debugPrint('onStepChanged: $currentIndex');
  onStepLineTapped: (index) {
    debugPrint('onStepLineTapped: $index');
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    stepLineSpacing: 6,
    defaultForegroundColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 55, 55, 55),
    activeForegroundColor: Color.fromARGB(255, 105, 105, 105),
    highlightCompletedSteps: false,
    stepLineStyle: StepLineStyle(
      lineThickness: 9,
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(2)),
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Example 4: Horizontal Step Progress Line Mode - Customized #



  children: [
      onPressed: stepProgressController.previousStep,
      label: const Text('PREV'),
      icon: const Icon(Icons.arrow_back_ios),
      child: StepProgress(
        totalSteps: 5,
        visibilityOptions: StepProgressVisibilityOptions.lineOnly,
        controller: stepProgressController,
        theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
          defaultForegroundColor: Color(0xFFeeeee4),
          activeForegroundColor: Color(0xFF1A76D2),
      onPressed: stepProgressController.nextStep,
      label: const Text('NEXT'),
      icon: const Icon(Icons.arrow_forward_ios),
      iconAlignment: IconAlignment.end,
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Example 5: Horizontal Step Progress Custom Node Icon #



  totalSteps: 4,
  margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12),
  controller: stepProgressController,
  nodeIconBuilder: (index) {
    return Text(
      '${index + 1}',
      style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 24, color: Color(0xFFa2a2ab)),
  nodeActiveIconBuilder: (index) {
    return Text(
      '${index + 1}',
      style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 24, color: Color(0xFFb1acaa)),
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    defaultForegroundColor: Colors.white,
    activeForegroundColor: Colors.white,
    borderWidth: 4,
    activeBorderColor: Color(0xFF2d9ada),
    borderColor: Color(0xFFdee0e2),
    stepLineStyle: StepLineStyle(lineThickness: 0),
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Example 6: Horizontal Step Progress with Positioned Label #



  totalSteps: 4,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  titles: const ['Step 1', 'Step 2', 'Step 3', 'Step 4'],
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    stepLabelAlignment: StepLabelAlignment.topBottom,
    stepLineSpacing: 2,
    stepLineStyle: StepLineStyle(lineThickness: 2),
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Example 7: Horizontal Step Progress Node Only #



  totalSteps: 4,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  visibilityOptions: StepProgressVisibilityOptions.nodeOnly,
  subTitles: const ['sub 1', 'sub 2', 'sub 3', 'sub 4'],
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(18),
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    stepLabelAlignment: StepLabelAlignment.right,
    labelStyle: StepLabelStyle(labelAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start),
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Example 8: Vertical Step Progress with lineSpacing #



  totalSteps: 4,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  axis: Axis.vertical,
  height: 300,
  titles: const [
    'Step 1',
    'Step 2',
    'Step 3',
    'Step 4',
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(18),
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    stepLabelAlignment: StepLabelAlignment.left,
    labelStyle: StepLabelStyle(
      labelAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
    stepLineSpacing: 24,
    stepLineStyle: StepLineStyle(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
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Example 9: Horizontal Step Progress with Square shape #



  totalSteps: 4,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  titles: const [
    'Step 1',
    'Step 2',
    'Step 3',
    'Step 4',
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(18),
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    shape: StepNodeShape.square,
    stepLineSpacing: 24,
    stepNodeStyle: StepNodeStyle(
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
      activeDecoration: BoxDecoration(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
    stepLineStyle: StepLineStyle(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
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Example 10: Horizontal Step Progress with Triangle shape #



  totalSteps: 4,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  visibilityOptions: StepProgressVisibilityOptions.nodeOnly,
  titles: const [
    'Step 1',
    'Step 2',
    'Step 3',
    'Step 4',
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(18),
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    shape: StepNodeShape.triangle,
    stepLabelAlignment: StepLabelAlignment.left,
    stepNodeStyle: StepNodeStyle(
      activeIcon: null,
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Example 11: Horizontal Step Progress with Diamond shape #



  totalSteps: 4,
  stepSize: 24,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  titles: const [
    'Step 1',
    'Step 2',
    'Step 3',
    'Step 4',
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(18),
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    shape: StepNodeShape.diamond,
    stepLineSpacing: 18,
    stepLineStyle: StepLineStyle(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
    labelStyle: StepLabelStyle(
      margin: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 6),
    stepNodeStyle: StepNodeStyle(
      activeIcon: null,
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
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Example 12: Vertical Step Progress with Hexagon shape #



  totalSteps: 4,
  stepSize: 24,
  height: 390,
  axis: Axis.vertical,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  titles: const [
    'Step 1',
    'Step 2',
    'Step 3',
    'Step 4',
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(18),
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    stepLabelAlignment: StepLabelAlignment.leftRight,
    shape: StepNodeShape.hexagon,
    stepLineSpacing: 18,
    stepLineStyle: StepLineStyle(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
    stepNodeStyle: StepNodeStyle(
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
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Example 13: Vertical Step Progress with Star shape #



  totalSteps: 4,
  stepSize: 28,
  height: 390,
  axis: Axis.vertical,
  controller: stepProgressController,
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(18),
  theme: const StepProgressThemeData(
    stepLabelAlignment: StepLabelAlignment.left,
    stepLineSpacing: 18,
    stepLineStyle: StepLineStyle(
      lineThickness: 3,
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
    stepNodeStyle: StepNodeStyle(
      activeIcon: Icon(
        size: 10,
        color: Colors.white,
      icon: Icon(
        size: 10,
        color: Colors.white,
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
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Installation #

To use StepProgress, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  step_progress: latest_version
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Then, run the following command to install the package:

flutter pub get
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Usage #

To use StepProgress in your Flutter app, first import the package:

import 'package:step_progress/step_progress.dart';
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Initialize Your StepProgressController #

final _stepProgressController = StepProgressController(totalStep: 4);
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Then Pass Your StepProgressController to the StepProgress Widget #

  controller: _stepProgressController,
  totalSteps: 4,
  onStepChanged: (index) {
    debugPrint('on step changed: $index');
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StepProgressThemeData parameters #

Property Description Type Default Value
defaultForegroundColor The default color of the step nodes. Color Color.fromARGB(255, 191, 196, 195)
activeForegroundColor The color of the active step node. Color Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 167, 160)
highlightCompletedSteps Whether to highlight completed steps. bool true
borderColor The color of the border around the step nodes. Color Colors.white
activeBorderColor The color of the border when the step is active. Color? null
borderWidth The width of the border around the step nodes. double 0.0
enableRippleEffect Whether to enable the ripple effect on step nodes. bool false
shape The shape of the step nodes (e.g., circle, square). StepNodeShape
stepAnimationDuration The duration of the animation for step transitions. Duration Duration(milliseconds: 150)
stepLineSpacing The spacing between step lines. double 0.0
stepLabelAlignment The alignment of the labels for the step nodes. StepLabelAlignment? null
labelStyle The style of the labels for the step nodes. StepLabelStyle StepLabelStyle()
stepNodeStyle The style of the step nodes. StepNodeStyle StepNodeStyle()
stepLineStyle The style of the lines connecting the step nodes. StepLineStyle StepLineStyle()
rippleEffectStyle The style of the ripple effect on step nodes. RippleEffectStyle RippleEffectStyle()

StepNodeStyle Properties #

Property Type Description Default Value
defaultForegroundColor Color? The default color for the foreground of the step node. If not set, it will be read from the theme. null
activeForegroundColor Color? The color for the foreground of the step node when it is active. If not set, it will be read from the theme. null
animationDuration Duration? The duration of the animation for the step node. If not set, it will be read from the theme. null
iconColor Color The color of the icon. const Color.fromARGB(253, 6, 138, 129) (teal color)
shape StepNodeShape The shape of the step node. null
decoration BoxDecoration The decoration of the step node. const BoxDecoration(color: Color.fromARGB(50, 255, 255, 255)) (semi-transparent white)
activeDecoration BoxDecoration The decoration of the step node when it is active. null
icon Widget? The icon widget to display. null
activeIcon Widget? The icon widget to display when the step is active. const Icon(Icons.check, size: 18, color: Colors.white)
enableRippleEffect bool Whether to enable the ripple effect. true

RippleEffectStyle Properties #

Property Type Description Default Value
foregroundColor Color? The color of the ripple effect's foreground. If null, the theme determines the color. null
animationDuration Duration? The duration of the ripple effect animation. If null, the theme determines the duration. null
borderColor Color? The color of the ripple effect's border. If null, the theme determines the color. null
borderWidth double The width of the ripple effect's border. 1

StepLineStyle Properties #

Property Type Description Default Value
foregroundColor Color? The color of the step line. If not set, it will be determined by the theme. null
activeColor Color? The color used when the step is active. If not set, it will be determined by the theme. null
animationDuration Duration? The duration of the animation. If not set, it will be determined by the theme. null
lineThickness double The thickness of the line in the step progress. 4.0
borderRadius BorderRadius The border radius of the line in the step progress.

StepLabelStyle Properties #

Property Type Default Value Description
labelAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment The alignment of the label along the cross axis.
titleStyle TextStyle? null The style to use for the title text.
subTitleStyle TextStyle? null The style to use for the subtitle text.
activeColor Color? null The color to use when the step is active.
defualtColor Color? null The color to use when the step is not active.
textAlign TextAlign How the text should be aligned horizontally.
titleMaxLines int 3 The maximum number of lines for the title text.
maxWidth double 48 The maximum width of the step label.
subTitleMaxLines int 1 The maximum number of lines for the subtitle text.
overflow TextOverflow TextOverflow.ellipsis How visual overflow should be handled.
padding EdgeInsets The amount of space to surround the label with.
margin EdgeInsets EdgeInsets.all(2) The amount of space to surround the label with.
animationDuration Duration? null The duration of the animation when the style changes.

Support the Package #

We appreciate your support for the StepProgress package! You can help us by:

  • Liking the package on
  • Starring the repository on GitHub.
  • Reporting any issues or bugs you encounter here.

Your contributions and feedback are invaluable to us!

If you wants to support me:

License #

StepProgress is released under the BSD-3-Clause License.

Contact Me 📨 #

Feel free to reach out to me through the following platforms:

I look forward to connecting with you!



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A lightweight package for displaying customizable step progress indicators in a user interface.

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#stepper #stepprogress #progressindicator #stepbystep #steptracker


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BSD-3-Clause (license)




Packages that depend on step_progress