states_rebuilder 6.4.0 copy "states_rebuilder: ^6.4.0" to clipboard
states_rebuilder: ^6.4.0 copied to clipboard

a simple yet powerful state management technique for Flutter

6.4.0 #

  • Update to fit Flutter 3.19 release
  • RM.injectNavigator is deprecated

6.3.1-dev1 #

  • Add ReactiveModel.isStateInitialized getter to check if the state has already initialized or not yet.

6.3.0 #

  • update to dart3
  • internal refactor

6.2.0 #

  • remove double debug print messages (issue #275).
  • Add dialogs and scaffold related navigation to InjectedNavigation.
  • Close drawer and bottomSheet programmatically. (Issue #274)
  • Moving the navigation functionality to its own independent packages: navigation_builder. Now states_rebuilder use the navigation_builder package without any breaking change.
  • Make stateAsync coherent with setToWaiting.
  • Refactor examples docs. Thanks to @montanajava.
  • Prevent injected state from disposing of if autoDisposeWhenNotUsed is set to false (Issue #278). Thanks to @KKranjcevic
  • Refactor internal code.

6.1.0+1 (2022-05-02) #

  • Fix issues #265 #267
  • Improve print log messages

6.0.0 (2022-02-27) #

  • Remove deprecated API
  • Refactor internal code
  • Add OnBuilder.createFuture and OnBuilder.createStream widgets.
  • Add OnBackNavigationScope widget
  • Add more examples
  • Fix issues #260 #259 #256

5.2.0 (2022-01-05) #

  • Add Navigator 2 support.
  • Add statesInterceptor to setState method.
  • Add setToIsIdle, setToIsWaiting, setToHasData, setToHasError methods.
  • Add OnBuilder.create listener.
  • Fix issues #241 #248
  • Improve internal logic

Breaking changes #

  • ReactiveStatelessWidget.didMountWidget takes BuildContext as parameter.

5.0.0 (2021-10-10) #

New features #

  • Add RM.injectFormField and OnFormFiledFielder to injected input fields other than TextFiled (See issue #219).
  • Add refreshToken method to IAuth interface. It is used to refresh token (See issue #228).
  • Add isEnabled and isReadOnly to to InjectedTextEditing, and OnFormBuilder (See issue #229).
  • Add TopStatelessWidget to replace TopAppWidget (See issue #232).
  • Add InjectedTabPageView to work with tabs and pages (See issue #233).

Breaking changes #

  • onSetState, onData, onError, onAfterState are all deprecated in favor to sideEffects parameter which takes a SideEffects object.(See issue #222).
  • Deprecate validator parameter in RM.injectTextEditing. validators is used instead.
  • Deprecate middleSnapState in favor to stateInterceptor
  • Deprecate onCRUD (in RM.injectedCRUD) in favor to OnCRUDSideEffects

See the detailed change log Here

4.4.0 (2021-09-04) #

  • Add OnReactive widget for implicit subscription:
final counter = 0.inj();
// inWidget tree
  () => Text(counter.state.toString()); // will rebuild if the state of counter changes
  • Add ReactiveStatelessWidget abstract widget for implicit subscription:
///All states consumed in a descendant widget of this widget will be listened to.
class MyWidget extends ReactiveStatelessWidget{
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Builder(
      builder: (context){
        return Text(counter.state.toString());
  • Add OnBuilder, OnAuthBuilder, OnCRUDBuilder, OnAnimationBuilder,OnScrollBuilder ,OnFormBuilder, OnFormSubscriptionBuilder, OnTabBuilder widget and their method equivalent: myState.rebuild, myState.rebuild.onAuth, myState.rebuild.onCRUD, myState.rebuild.onAnimation, myState.rebuild.onScroll, myState.rebuild.onForm, myState.rebuild.onFormSubscription, myState.rebuild.onTab,

  • myState.rebuilder,myState.whenRebuilder, myState.whenRebuilderOr are deprecated in favor to myState.rebuild, myState.rebuild.onAll, myState.rebuild.onOr,

  • Add InjectedPageTab to easily deal with page and tab views.

4.3.0 (2021-06-07) #

  • Add InjectedAnimation.resetAnimation method reset the global duration, curve and repeats of the animation.
  • Add restart parameter to InjectedAnimation.triggerAnimation to force animation to restart from the lower bound.

4.2.0 (2021-05-27) #

  • Add shouldAutoStart parameter to RM.injectedAnimation (See issue #186).
  • Add setCurve and setReverseCurve to the InjectedAnimation. Useful for staggered animation (See issue #186).
  • InjectedAnimation.refresh and InjectedAnimation.triggerAnimation return a future that resolves when the started animation ends.
  • Add PersistState.shouldRecreateTheState (see issue #192).
  • Internal refactor to improve performance.
  • Increase test coverage
  • Fix typo (fromTween)

4.1.0+2 (2021-05-18) #

  • Fix onAuthStream issue #170

4.1.0 (2021-05-08) #

  • Solve #183 and #184 issues. (state can be nullable)
  • For InjectedCRUD and InjectedAuth, getRepoAs is now sync.
  • First release of InjectedAnimation InjectedScrolling, InjectedTextEditing and InjectedForm.
  • Deprecate TopAppWidget.waitFor in favor of TopAppWidget.ensureInitialization.
  • Refactor internal code.


  • In tests, global mock must be put inside setUp method.

4.0.0+1 (2021-03-2) #

Breaking change : #

  • Remove RMKey classes.
  • RM.injectComputed is removed
  • Change Injector.en to RM.env.

New features : #

  • Add On and OnCombined.
  • All onError callbacks in On and OnCombined expose a refresher to retry the last async function that causes the exception.
  • middleSnapState
  • Add RM.injectCRUD, RM.injectAuth, RM.injectTheme, andRM.injectI18N.
  • Add page route transition animation.
  • Add fullscreenDialog and maintainState parameters to the navigator
  • Add dynamic segment and nested routing
  • Refactor the internal logic.
  • Refactor to null safety.

See the detailed change log Here

3.2.0 (2020-10-27) #

  • Injected.persist is a function instead of a simple object
  • add persistStateProvider, catchPersistError and debugPrintOperations to PersistState class.
  • Persist read works with async
  final model = RM.inject<Model>(
    () => 0,
    persist:()=> PersistState(
      key: '__model_Key__',
      toJson: (state) => json.encode(state),
      fromJson: (json) => json.decode(json),
      onError: (err, stack){
        //If the persistance fails, the error is captured here, and the state is undone to the
        //last valid state
      //For this state the default persistance provider is overridden.
      persistStateProvider: MyAnOtherPersistanceProvider()
      //Print an informative message on the Read, Write, Delete operations
      debugPrintOperations: true,
      //Catch read, delete Exceptions
      catchPersistError: true,
  • Since errors are not created to be caught, states_rebuilder will not catch errors unless the parameter [StatesRebuilderConfig.shouldCatchError] is true. Instead, Exceptions are intended to be caught. Your costume error/exception classes must implement Exception not Error. As this may leads the app to break, to fix just search for all extends Error { and replace with implements Exception {

  • Introduction of Injected.inherit and Inject.reInherit methods for widget-wise injection. Similar to InheritedWidget.

  • Experimental with Injected.listen as possible substitution of Injected.rebuilder, Injected.whenRebuilder and Injected.whenRebuilderOr.

3.1.0 (2020-09-07) #

  • Add RM.navigate for simple navigation. Now, we use:
  navigatorKey : RM.navigate.navigatorKey,

//to  navigate:
* RM.navigator.toNamed('/page1');
* RM.navigator.toReplacement(Page1());
* RM.navigator.toReplacementNamed('/page1');
* RM.navigator.toAndRemoveUntil(Page1(), '/page2');
* RM.navigator.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil('/page1', '/page2');
* RM.navigator.back();
* RM.navigator.backUntil('/page2');
* RM.navigator.backAndToNamed('/page2');
//To show dialogs, menu and bottom sheets
* RM.navigator.toDialog => showDialog
* RM.navigator.toCupertinoDialog => showCupertinoDialog
* RM.navigator.toBottomSheet => showModalBottomSheet
* RM.navigator.toCupertinoModalPopup => showCupertinoModalPopup
//To show Scaffold related snackBars, bottom sheets and drawers
* RM.scaffoldShow.bottomSheet => Scaffold.of(context).showBottomSheet,
* RM.scaffoldShow.snackBar => Scaffold.of(context).showSnackBar,
* RM.scaffoldShow.openDrawer => Scaffold.of(context).openDrawer,
* RM.scaffoldShow.openEndDrawer => Scaffold.of(context).openEndDrawer,
  • Deprecate RM.navigator, RM.Scaffold and
  • Add state persistance feature.
  • Refactor internal logic to improve performance.

3.0.0 (2020-09-04) #

Non breaking change : #

  • Refactor internal logic.

New features : #

  • Add global functional injection feature.
  • Add undo / redo state feature.

Breaking change : #

  • Add shouldRebuild parameter to StateBuilder and other widgets. Now StateBuilder will build only if the exposed model hasData (For performance reason). This make cause some unexpected behavior. To all the widget to rebuild on other state (onWaiting, onError), you can:
    • Use WhenRebuilderOr widget. Or,
    • return true in shouldRebuild parameter
      observe: ()=>MyReactiveModel(),
      shouldRebuild: (rm)=> true,
      builder: (context, rm){
  • The API of StateWithMixinBuilder has changed and named constructors have been added.

2.3.1 (2020-07-19) #

  • Refactor internal logic.

2.3.0 (2020-07-16) #

  • Add context subscription (#108)
      inject: [Inject(() => Model())],
      builder: (context) {
        //Get the injected ReactiveModel and subscribe this ContextBuilder to it.
        final rm = RM.get<Model>(context: context);

        return rm.whenConnectionState(
          onIdle: () => Text('idle'),
          onWaiting: () => Text('waiting'),
          onError: (e) => Text('${e.message}'),
          onData: (d) => Text(d.counter.toString()),
  • Add possibility to skip onWaiting while calling setState. (#109)

  • Add two static flags debugError and debugErrorWithStackTrace to console log states__rebuilder related errors.

  • Improve logics and docs.

2.2.0 (2020-06-02) #

  • Add the ability to do side effects without context (navigation, show dialogs ...). See more
  • add refresh method to the ReactiveModel object. See more
  • add notify method to the ReactiveModel object.
  • Refactor the logic of future and stream methods.

2.1.0 (2020-05-24) #

  • add debounceDelay and throttleDelay to setState method.
  • Refactor RMKey logic.
  • Add RMKey.get method.
  • Async dependency feature can work with flavors (Inject.interface).
  • fix bug #98.
  • Refactor docs.

2.0.0 (2020-05-13) #

Breaking change : #

  • Remove context subscription possibly.
    before :
final rm = RM.get<T>(context: context);

After: one have to use one of the four observer widgets

  observe : ()=> RM.get<T>(),
  builder : (context, rm ){

As consequence Injector.reinject is removed

  • Remove setValue, value, getFuture, getStream and getSetState. All the functionalities of the removed API are done with setState, future, stream methods.see more details
  • Remove the models parameter from the SateBuilder, WhenRebuild, WhenRebuilderOr, and OnSEtStateListener.

Non Breaking change : #

  • Add the possibility to listen to to a ReactiveModel from a Model Class: (#78)
    class ModelA{
    class ModelB {
        RM.get<ModelA>().listenToRM((ReactiveModel<ModelA> modelARM)){
          }else if (modelARM.hasData){
          //or you can use whenConnectionState
    The listenToRM return a void callBack to be used for unsubscription.
  • Add valueAsync to obtained the state of a ReactiveModel as future.
  • Refactor the code and improve performance.
  • Improve docs.
  • Resolve issues : #85

1.15.0 (2020-04-29) #

  • Add Inject.previous. #47 see more details
  • Add Shortcuts to get and create model, future, stream ReactiveModels:
IN.get<T>()//To consume the pure registered instance;
RM.get<T>(); //to get the ReactiveModel instance of type T.
RM.create<T>(myModel);// to create a local ReactiveModel.
RM.future<T>(myFuture);// to create a local future ReactiveModel.<T>(myStream);// to create a local stream ReactiveModel.
RM.getSetState<T>(fn); // to get the ReactiveModel T and call setState method

see more details

  • Add ReactiveModel.future and, to handle state notification of immutable objects.see more details.
  • Add the concept of ReactiveModel key (RMKey). see more details
  • Add onData (issue #78) and onError to the ReactiveModel.
  • Change the readme to focus on ReactiveModel concept.
  • add RM.printActiveRM to print the ReactiveModel has is sending the notification.
  • Fix issue #72

1.14.3 (2020-03-10) #

  • Add reinjectOn parameters to Injector widgets. It takes a list of ReactiveModel, and it re-injects the registered models whenever any of the ReactiveModels in the reinjectOn parameters emits a notification. issue #47.

example of injected stream:

final multiplierRM = ReactiveModel.create(1);
Widget builder(BuildContext context){

  return Injector(
    inject: [ => Stream.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (num) => multiplierRM * num))],
    //Listen to multiplierRM and reinject the stream whenever multiplierRM emits a notification
    reinjectOn: [multiplierRM],
    builder: (context) {

The stream emits: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... because multiplierRM = 1.

when the value multiplierRM is set to 2:


The stream subscription is cancelled and an new subscription is established that emits the values : 2, 4, 6, 8 ..... (multiplierRM = 2). Now decedent widgets can subscribe to the stream and rebuild whenever the stream emits a value.

This works for injected streams, futures and vanilla dart classes.

  • Add watch parameter to constructor. issue 61

  • refactor code to improve performance.

1.14.2 (2020-02-28) #

  • Add ReactiveModel<T>.stream(T stream) and ReactiveModel<T>.future(T future) to create a ReactiveModel from a stream or future.
  • Override the toString method of the ReactiveModel to give an informative debug print.
  • Refactor the code.

1.14.1 (2020-02-25) #

  • Add ReactiveModel<T>() factory constructor. it is equivalent to Injector.getAsReactive(<T>). You will save nine key stroke and it looks more readable.
//You can use the long form
final fooRM = Injector.getAsReactive<Foo>();
//Or the new way:
final fooRM = ReactiveModel<Foo>();

for example instead of :

  builder:(context, fooRM){


you write:

  builder:(context, fooRM){

  • Add shouldOnInitState to OnSEtStateListener: Usually onSetState and its equivalent onData, onError are invoked only if the observable reactive model emits a notification. This means they are not invoked in the initState method. shouldOnInitState is an optional bool parameter and when se to true the onSetState method will be called from the initState method.
  • Add onData to WhenRebuilderOr
  • Fix issue #52 and #55.
  • Add tests to examples (Easiness of test, is a sign of good code).

1.14.0 (2020-02-18) #

  • Add resetToIdle and resetToHasData methods to the ReactiveModel. use case examples:
  1. Use it with getAsReactive so that each time the reactive model is obtained, it will be obtained with the desired asynchronous state, whatever its value before.
final fooRM = Injector.getAsReactive<Foo>()..resetToIdle();
//you can combine it with asNew
final fooRM = Injector.getAsReactive<Foo>().asNew('mySeed')..resetToIdle();
  1. Use it if the reactive model throws an error, and you want something like clearing the error.
  (s) => s.someMethod(),
  onError: (context, error) async {
    //awaiting the alert dialog
    await showDialog(
      context: context,
      builder: (context){
    //clearing the error.
  • Add Injector.enableTestMode static bool field. Set it to true in tests to inject fake dependency. ex: Let's suppose we have the widget.
Import 'my_real_model.dart';
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Injector(
      inject: [Inject(() => MyRealModel())],
      builder: (context) {
        final myRealModelRM = Injector.getAsReactive<MyRealModel>();

        // your widget

MyApp widget depends on MyRealModel.

To mock MyRealModel and test MyApp we set Injector.enableTestMode to true :

testWidgets('Test MyApp class', (tester) async {
  //set enableTestMode to true
  Injector.enableTestMode = true;
  await tester.pumpWidget(
      //Inject the fake model and register it with the real model type
      inject: [Inject<MyRealModel>(() => MyFakeModel())],
      builder: (context) {
        //In my MyApp, Injector.get or Inject.getAsReactive will return the fake model instance
        return MyApp();

  //My test

//fake model implement real model
class MyFakeModel extends MyRealModel {
  // fake implementation

See real test of the counter_app_with_error and counter_app_with_refresh_indicator.

  • Add tag and onWaiting parameters to OnSetStateListener widget.
  • Add tag parameter to WhenRebuild and WhenRebuildOr widgets
  • Improve the logic of setValue and setState. Now setValue has all the functionalities of setState.

1.13.0 (2020-02-12) #

  • Add static variable Injector.env and Inject.interface named constructor so that you can register under different environments.


//abstract class
abstract class ConfigInterface {}

// first prod implementation
class ProdConfig extends ConfigInterface {}

//second dev implementation
class DevConfig extends ConfigInterface {}

//enum for defined flavor
enum Flavor { Prod, Dev }

void main() {
  //Choose yor environment flavor
  Injector.env = Flavor.Dev;

      inject: [
        //Register against an interface with different flavor
          Flavor.Prod: ()=>ProdConfig(),
      builder: (_){
        return MyApp(
          appTitle: Injector.get<ConfigInterface>().appDisplayName;
  • StateBuilder<T>, WhenRebuilder<T> and OnSetStateListener<T> observer widgets can be set to observer many observable reactive models. The exposed model instance depends on the generic parameter T. ex:
//first case : generic model is ModelA
  models:[modelA, modelB],
  builder:(context, exposedModel){
    //exposedModel is an instance of ReactiveModel<ModelA>.
//second case : generic model is ModelB
  models:[modelA, modelB],
  builder:(context, exposedModel){
    //exposedModel is an instance of ReactiveModel<ModelB>.
//third case : generic model is dynamic
  models:[modelA, modelB],
  builder:(context, exposedModel){
    //exposedModel is dynamic and it will change over time to hold the instance of model that emits a notification.
    //If modelA emits a notification the exposedModel == ReactiveModel<ModelA>.
    //Wheres if modelB emits a notification the exposedModel == ReactiveModel<ModelB>.
  • Add WhenRebuilderOr. It is equivalent to WhenRebuilder but with optional onIdle, onWaiting and onError parameters and with required default builder.

1.12.1 (2020-02-.3) #

  • Add Continuous Integration and code coverage support.
  • Improve test coverage.

1.12.0 (2020-01-30) #

  • Add ReactiveModel<T>.create(T value) to create a ReactiveModel from a primitive value. The created ReactiveModel has the full power the other reactive models created using Injector have. ex: This is a simple counter app:
class App extends StatelessWidget {
  //Create a reactiveModel<int> with initial value and assign it to counterRM  filed.
  final counterRM = ReactiveModel.create(0);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: Center(
          // Subscribe StateBuilder widget ot counterRM
          child: StateBuilder(
            models: [counterRM],
            builder: (context, _) {
              return Text('${counterRM.value}');
        floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
          child: Icon(Icons.add),
          //set the value of the counterRM and notify observers.
          onPressed: () => counterRM.setValue(() => counterRM.value + 1),
  • Add WhenRebuilder widget. It is a shortcut of using SateBuilder to subscribe to an observable model and use ReactiveModel.whenConnectionState method to exhaustively switch over all the possible statuses of connectionState.

instead of:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StateBuilder<PlugIn1>(
      models: [Injector.getAsReactive<PlugIn1>()],
      builder: (_, plugin1RM) {
        return plugin1RM.whenConnectionState(
          onIdle: () => Text('onIDle'),
          onWaiting: () => CircularProgressIndicator(),
          onError: (error) => Text('plugin one has an error $error'),
          onData: (plugin1) => Text('plugin one is ready'),

You use :

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return WhenRebuilder<PlugIn1>(
    models: [Injector.getAsReactive<PlugIn1>()],
    onIdle: () => Text('onIdle'),
    onWaiting: () => CircularProgressIndicator(),
    onError: (error) => Text('plugin one has an error $error'),
    onData: (plugin1) => Text('plugin one is ready'),

As a good side effect of using WhenRebuilder, you can subscribe to many observable models and a combination status is exposed so that onData will not be invoked only after all observable models have data.


  final plugin1RM = Injector.getAsReactive<PlugIn1>();
  final plugin2RM = Injector.getAsReactive<PlugIn2>();
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return WhenRebuilder<PlugIn1>(
      models: [plugin1RM, plugin2RM],
      onIdle: () => Text('onIDle'),
      //onWaiting is called if any models is in the waiting state
      onWaiting: () => CircularProgressIndicator(),
      // onError will be called with the thrown error, if any of the observed models throws.
      onError: (error) => Text('plugin1 or plugin2  has an error $error'),
      //onData is called when all observable models have data
      onData: (plugin1) => Text('plugin1 and plugin2  are both ready'),
  • Add OnSetStateListener widget to handle side effects. It subscribes to a list of observable models and listen to them and execute the corresponding onData or onError side effects.

  • Add value getter and ReactiveModel.setValue method. They are the counterpart of the state getter and ReactiveModel.setState method respectively. They are more convenient to use with primitive values and immutable objects.

  • Add ReactiveModel.asNew([dynamic seed]) to create new reactive instance.

  • Replace setState.joinSingletonWith in with the bool parameter setState.joinSingleton.

  • A huge Refactor of the code. I have written the code from the ground using Test Driven Design principles. Now the cod is cleaner, shorter, and more effective.

1.11.2 (2020-01-10) #

  • Add the static method StatesRebuilderDebug.printInjectedModel() to debugPrint all registered model in the service locator.
  • Add the static method StatesRebuilderDebug.printObservers(observable) to )debugPrint all subscribed observers to the provided observable.
  • Refactor watch logic to work with asynchronous tasks as well as with List, Map, Set types.

1.11.1 (2020-01-05) #

  • Add onData(BuildContext, T) parameter to setState method. It is a shortcut to:

1.11.0 (2020-01-05) #

  • Inject.get for injected streams and future will no longer throw, it will return the the current value.
  • If whenConnectionState is defined, catchError is set true automatically.
  • Add watch parameter to StateBuilder widget and. watch allows to link the rebuild process to the variation of a set of variables.(Experimental feature).
  • Remove deprecated getAsModel and hasState.
  • Update docs and add Dependency Injection section in the readme file.

1.10.0 (2019-12-30) #

  • Add whenConnectionState method to the ReactiveModel. IT exhaustively switch over all the possible statuses of connectionState. Used mostly to return a Widget. (Pul request of ResoCoder).

1.9.0 (2019-12-28) #

  • Add assertion error helpful messages.
  • Add isIdle getter to the ReactiveModel as a shortcut to : connectionState == ConnectionState.none
  • Add isWaiting getter to the ReactiveModel as a shortcut to : connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting
  • Add onError(BuildContext, dynamic) parameter to setState method.
  • Add joinSingletonToNewData parameter to setState method.
  • Refactor codes to remove bugs and to use Flutter 1.12 version.

1.8.0 (2019-12-06) #

1- Add the following features: (See readme fille).

  • onSetState and onRebuildState parameters to the StateBuilder.
  • The BuildContext is the default tag of StateBuilder.
  • JoinSingleton, inheritedInject, initialCustomStateStatus parameters to Inject
  • reinject and getAsReactive to Injector. 2- Remove the following parameters:(Breaking changes)
  • tagID parameter from StateBuilder. before
  builder: (BuildContext context, String tagID){
    // code


  models: [firstModel, secondModel],
  builder: (BuildContext context, ReactiveModel<T> model){
    /// No more need for the `tagID` because the `context` is used as `tagID`.
    /// the model is the first instance (firstModel) in the list of the [models] parameter.
    /// If the parameter [models] is not provided then the model will be a new reactive instance
    /// See readme file for more information
  • The model parameter of the Injector.builder method. before
  builder: (BuildContext context, T model){
    // code


  builder: (BuildContext context){
    // no need for model parameter. It has less boilerplate.
  • Injector.getAsModel, StateBuilder.viewModel and StatesRebuilder.hasState are deprecated, and replaced by Injector.getAsReactive, StateBuilder.models and StatesRebuilder.hasObservers respectively.

1.7.0 (2019-11-14) #

1- Add onSetState parameter to the setState method to define a callback to be executed after state mutation. The callBack takes the context so you can push/pop routes, show dialogs or snackBar. (see example folder).

2- Add catchError parameter to the setState method to define whether to catch error while mutining the state or not.(see example folder). If an error is thrown, hasError getter is true and the error can be obtained via the error getter (see point 5 below).

3- Add the getter connectionState to the ModelStatesRebuilder<T>to get the asynchronous status of the state. it can be ConnectionState.none before executing the Future, ConnectionState.waiting while waiting for the Future and ConnectionState.done after resolving the Future.

4- Add the field stateStatus to the ModelStatesRebuilder<T> class. It allows defining a custom status of the state other than those defined by the connectionState getter.

5- add the getter hasError, hasData and error to the ModelStatesRebuilder<T> class.

6- Change the name blocs to models.

7- Refactor the code and fix bugs.

8- Update docs and examples.

1.6.1 (2019-10-22) #

  • Add watch parameter to setState method and constructor. watch allows to link the rebuild process to the variation of a set of variables.
  • Update docs

1.6.0+1 (2019-10-18) #

  • Add Injector.getAsModel method. When called with the context parameter, the calling widget is automatically registered as a listener.
  • Add setState(Function(state)) to mutate the state and update the dependent the views from the UI.
  • Model class have not to extend StatesRebuilder to get reactivity.
  • Add the named constructorInject.future which take a future and update dependents when future completes.
  • Add the named which take a steam and update dependents when stream emits a value.
  • Injector.get or Injector.getAsModel now throws if no registered model is found. This can be silent by setting the parameter silent to true
  • Injected model ara lazily instantiated. To do otherwise set the parameter isLazy of the Inject widget to false.

1.5.1 (2019-09-14) #

  • add afterInitialBuild and afterRebuild parameters to the StateBuilder, StateWithMixinBuilder and Injector widgets. afterInitialBuildandafterRebuild` are callBack to be executed after the widget is mounted and after each rebuild.

1.5.0+1 (2019-09-12) #

  • Use ObservableService and hasState instead of Observable and hasObserver, because the latters are widely used and can lead to conflict

1.5.0 (2019-09-06) #

  • Add hasStates getter to check if the StatesRebuilder object has listener.
  • Add inject parameter to the Injector widget as an alternative to the models parameter. With inject you can register models using interface Type.
  • Add observable interface. Any service class can implement it to notify any ViewModel to rebuild its corresponding view.
  • Refactor the library to make it design patterns wise and hence make it testable.
  • Test the library

1.3.2 (2019-06-24) #

  • Add appLifeCycle argument to Injector to track the life cycle of the app.
  • Refactor the code.

1.3.1 (2019-06-13) #

  • remove rebuildFromStreams.
  • Initial release of Streaming class
  • The builder closure of the Injector takes (BuildContext context, T model) where T is the generic type.
  • Fix typos

1.3.0 (2019-06-04) #

  • Initial release of rebuildFromStreams method.
  • Initial release of Injector for Dependency Injection.
  • deprecate blocs parameter and use viewModels instead
  • StateBuilder can have many tags.

1.2.0 (2019-05-23) #

  • Remove stateID and replace it by tag parameter. tag is optional and many widgets can have the same tag.
  • rebuildStates() when called without parameters, it rebuilds all widgets that are wrapped with StateBuilder and StateWithMixinBuilder.
  • Each StateBuilder has an automatically generated cached address. It is stored in the second parameter of the builder, initState, dispose, and other closures. You can call it inside the closures to rebuild that particular widget.
  • add StateWithMixinBuilder widget to account for some of the most used mixins.
  • Optimize the code and improve performance

1.1.0 (2019-05-13) #

  • Add withTickerProvider parameter to StateBuilder widget.

1.0.0 (2019-05-12) #

  • Add BlocProviderto provide your BloCs.
  • You can use enums to name your StateBuilder widgets.
  • rebuildStates now has only one positioned parameter of List
  • If rebuildStates is given without parameter, it will rebuild all widgets that have stateID.
  • improve performance.

0.1.4 #

  • improve performance

0.1.3 #

  • Add getter and setter for the stateMap.

0.1.2 #

  • Remove print statements

0.1.1 #

  • Change of the example

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version


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a simple yet powerful state management technique for Flutter

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collection, flutter, flutter_localizations, meta, navigation_builder


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