stagehand 0.1.3+1 copy "stagehand: ^0.1.3+1" to clipboard
stagehand: ^0.1.3+1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

A scaffolding generator for your Dart projects. Stagehand helps you get set up!

Stagehand - A Dart project generator #

Stagehand banner

Build Status

Helps you get setup! #

Stagehand helps you get your Dart projects set up and ready for the big show. It is a Dart project scaffolding generator, inspired by tools like Web Starter Kit and Yeoman.

Things you can create with Stagehand #

  • consoleapp - a simple command-line application
  • package - a starting point for Dart libraries or applications
  • polymerapp - a web app built using polymer.dart
  • shelfserver - a web server built using the shelf package
  • webapp - a web app for the developer that doesn’t want to be confused by too much going on

Installation #


  • Dart SDK 1.6 or greater on your path


$> pub global activate stagehand


# activate stagehand again
$> pub global activate stagehand

Usage #

Stagehand will generate a project skeleton into the current directry. As an example, here is how you create a webapp with Stagehand:

With Dart 1.7 or greater:

$> mkdir fancy_project
$> cd fancy_project
$> stagehand webapp

With Dart 1.6:

$> mkdir fancy_project
$> cd fancy_project
$> pub global run stagehand webapp

Here is how you list all of the project templates:

With Dart 1.7 or greater:

$> stagehand

With Dart 1.6:

$> pub global run stagehand

Goals #

  • Opinionated and prescriptive; minimal to no options
  • Mobile-first
  • Support server and client apps
  • Becomes the best way to create a new Dart project
  • Used by WebStorm, CDE, Sublime, and more
  • Distributed as a pub package
  • Non-goal: fostering an entire ecosystem of generators. This project is opinionated. It’s not a framework for generators.

Issues and bugs #

Please file reports on the GitHub Issue Tracker.

Contributing #

Contributions welcome! Please read this short guide first.

Analytics and crash reports #

Learn more about how Stagehand uses Google Analytics for measuring usage and error reporting, and how you can opt-out.

Disclaimer #

This is not an official Google product.

pub points


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A scaffolding generator for your Dart projects. Stagehand helps you get set up!



unknown (LICENSE)


args, crypto, path, uuid


Packages that depend on stagehand