sqljocky5 2.1.5 sqljocky5: ^2.1.5 copied to clipboard
MySQL driver for Dart
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:sqljocky5/sqljocky.dart';
/// Drops the tables if they already exist
Future<void> dropTables(MySqlConnection conn) async {
print("Dropping tables ...");
await conn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pets, people");
print("Dropped tables!");
Future<void> createTables(MySqlConnection conn) async {
print("Creating tables ...");
await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE people (id INTEGER NOT NULL auto_increment, '
'name VARCHAR(255), '
'age INTEGER, '
'PRIMARY KEY (id))');
await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE pets (id INTEGER NOT NULL auto_increment, '
'name VARCHAR(255), '
'species TEXT, '
'owner_id INTEGER, '
'FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES people (id))');
print("Created table!");
Future<void> insertRows(MySqlConnection conn) async {
print("Inserting rows ...");
List<Results> r1 =
await conn.queryMulti("INSERT INTO people (name, age) VALUES (?, ?)", [
["Dave", 15],
["John", 16],
["Mavis", 93],
print("People table insert ids: " + r1.map((r) => r.insertId).toString());
List<Results> r2 = await conn.queryMulti(
"INSERT INTO pets (name, species, owner_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [
["Rover", "Dog", 1],
["Daisy", "Cow", 2],
["Spot", "Dog", 2]
print("Pet table insert ids: " + r2.map((r) => r.insertId).toString());
print("Rows inserted!");
Future<void> readData(MySqlConnection conn) async {
Results result =
await conn.execute('SELECT p.id, p.name, p.age, t.name AS pet, t.species '
'FROM people p '
'LEFT JOIN pets t ON t.owner_id = p.id');
print(result.map((r) => r.byName('name')));
main() async {
var s = ConnectionSettings(
user: "root",
password: "dart_jaguar",
host: "localhost",
port: 3306,
db: "example",
// create a connection
print("Opening connection ...");
var conn = await MySqlConnection.connect(s);
print("Opened connection!");
await dropTables(conn);
await createTables(conn);
await insertRows(conn);
await readData(conn);
await conn.close();