sqlbrite 2.8.0 copy "sqlbrite: ^2.8.0" to clipboard
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RxDart Reactive stream sqflite(sqlite) for Flutter - Sqlbrite for flutter - A lightweight wrapper around sqflite which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations.

SQL Brite alt text #

Author: Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học #

Tests Build example Pub Pub Build Status codecov License: MIT Style Hits

  • Reactive stream wrapper around sqflite for Flutter inspired by sqlbrite
  • Streaming sqflite
  • RxDart reactive stream sqflite for Flutter
  • A lightweight wrapper around sqflite which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations.

Getting Started #

  1. Depend on it: In your flutter project, add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml
  sqlbrite: <latest_version>
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  1. Install it: You can install packages from the command line with Flutter:
$ flutter packages get
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  1. Import it: Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:sqlbrite/sqlbrite.dart';
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Usage #

1. Wrap your database in a BriteDatabase: #

final Database db = await openDb();
final briteDb = BriteDatabase(db);
final briteDb = BriteDatabase(db, logger: null); // disable logging.
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2. Using #

  • The BriteDatabase.createQuery method is similar to Database.query. Listen to the returned Stream<Query> which will immediately notify with a Query to run.
  • These queries will run once to get the current data, then again whenever the given table is modified though the BriteDatabase.

Create entity model

class Entity {
  factory Entity.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) { ... }
  factory Entity.empty() { ... }

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { ... }
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Use mapToOne extension method on Stream<Query>

// Emits a single row, emit error if the row doesn't exist or more than 1 row in result set.
final Stream<Entity> singleQuery$ = briteDb.createQuery(
  where: 'id = ?',
  whereArgs: [id],
  limit: 1,
).mapToOne((row) => Entity.fromJson(row));
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Use mapToOneOrDefault extension method on Stream<Query>

// Emits a single row, or the given default value if the row doesn't exist, or emit error if more than 1 row in result set
final Stream<Entity> singleOrDefaultQuery$ = briteDb.createQuery(
  where: 'id = ?',
  whereArgs: [id],
  limit: 1,
  (row) => Entity.fromJson(row),
  defaultValue: Entity.empty()
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Use mapToList extension method on Stream<Query>

// Emits a list of rows.
final Stream<List<Entity>> listQuery$ = briteDb.createQuery(
  where: 'name LIKE ?',
  whereArgs: [queryName],
).mapToList((row) => Entity.fromJson(row));
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Same API like Database

// will trigger query stream again

// will trigger query stream again
  where: 'id = ?',
  whereArgs: [id],

// will trigger query stream again
  where: 'id = ?',
  whereArgs: [id],

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Full power of RxDart operators

  • You can use RxDart operators to control the frequency of notifications to subscribers.
  • The full power of RxDart's operators are available for combining, filtering, and triggering any number of queries and data changes.
      where: 'name LIKE ?',
      whereArgs: [queryName],
    .debounceTime(const Duration(milliseconds: 500))
    .where(filterQuery) // query is lazy, this lets you not even execute it if you don't need to
    .mapToList((row) => Entity.fromJson(row))
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Philosophy #

SQL Brite's only responsibility is to be a mechanism for coordinating and composing the notification of updates to tables such that you can update queries as soon as data changes.

This library is not an ORM. It is not a type-safe query mechanism. It's not going to perform database migrations for you.

License #

MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 - 2022 Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học
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RxDart Reactive stream sqflite(sqlite) for Flutter - Sqlbrite for flutter - A lightweight wrapper around sqflite which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations.

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MIT (license)


flutter, meta, rxdart_ext, sqflite, sqflite_common


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