sqflite_migration_service 1.0.6 copy "sqflite_migration_service: ^1.0.6" to clipboard
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A new Flutter package project.

Sqflite Migration Service #

At the moment, using the user_version to track the database version in a sqflite database is very inconsistent between debug deploys and even over installing a new release build.

This package is a package used by the FilledStacks Development team in production for apps that require SQFLite to manage migrations in a more automatic-manual way. I know that sounds weird but you'll see what I mean.

Setup #

To start off you have to add the package into your pubspec.yaml file.


This package works specifically with sqflite and I recommend you use that one too. If you're using a different sqlite DB please file an issue with the library and I can most likely abstract the DB usage away and allow you to supply your own sqlite library. This library provides you with a single service to use. DatabaseMigrationService. You can register this with injectable by adding it to your third party services module or registering it normally with your service provider like below. Or if you're using Provider for Dependency Injection you simply construct it and pass it to the Provider.

locator.registerLazySingleton(() => DatabaseMigrationService());

How it works #

So the reason for making this package was to improve the management and as always, the readability of the migration code and provide a cleaner way to manage those migrations. This implementation actually comes directly from one of our clients who implemented this migration setup for their backend. There are 3 main parts to using this library.

  1. Creating your sql files as sql file using specific naming
  2. Supplying a list of those sql files to the DatabaseMigrationService
  3. Running the migration on every start

Lets start at the top.

Create Sql schema and files #

To keep things readable, the best approach we have is to keep the files separate, with the proper extensions to allow for code highlighting. In the root of your project folder create a new folder called assets. Inside that folder create a new folder called sql. Inside that folder create a new file called 1_create_schema.sql. That is the naming convention. [schema_version_number]_[migration_name].sql

  • scheme_version_number: Any number, this will be the number that's compared to the current databaseVersion. If this number is larger than the currentDatabase version it will run the SQL queries that you have written in the sql file for that number and will update the database when it's complete.
  • migration_name: I use underscore separated naming for consistency with the version number, but you can name it whatever you'd like. This is just a name to tell you what the migration is for. Keep it short, but make the name mean something. I know we all suck at naming, but suck it up, make it literal. something like 2_adds_description_into_todo.sql or if it's feature related 3_alter_schema_for_favorites.sql. Whatever you name it doesn't matter and it can change anytime, the only thing that can't change is the number in front of it. You don't want the same migrations running again.

Each query in the file has to be separated by a semi-colon. Here is an example of a schema file that we have in one of our projects.

-- SQL full line comments are supported
CREATE TABLE user_address(
  customerId INT,  -- and SQL line end comments are also supported
  latitude FLOAT,
  longitude FLOAT,
  customerNotes TEXT,
  label TEXT,
  placeId TEXT,
  streetShort TEXT,
  streetAdditional TEXT,
  streetNumber TEXT,
  city TEXT,
  state TEXT,
  zip TEXT,
  current INT

CREATE TABLE cart_products(
  additional_instructions TEXT,
  description TEXT,
  name TEXT,
  item_token TEXT,
  menu_id INTEGER,
  price INTEGER,
  quantity INTEGER,
  vendor_id INTEGER,
  options TEXT

CREATE TABLE cart_information(
  cash_fee INTEGER,
  credit_fee INTEGER,
  service_fee INTEGER,
  tax INTEGER,
  product_ids TEXT,
  subtotal INTEGER

Once you've created that file, open up your pubspec.yaml file and update the assets section add the entire assets/sql/ folder.

  - assets/sql/

Run those migrations #

In the initialise function of your DatabaseService you can now call runMigration pass it the database from sqflite and pass it all of your migration files.

  await _migrationService.runMigration(
    migrationFiles: [

This will run the migration 1, if the database version is 1, then run 2. If you're already on 1 it'll only run 2. If you don't know what the DatabaseService is. You can watch the video about SQLite on FilledStacks Youtube channel. That's it.

Add a new migration #

This is the part where the manual comment comes in when adding a new migration here are the steps.

  1. Create a file in the sql folder, make sure the version number is higher than the last file in the folder.
  2. Add the name file name EXACTLY as it is into the list of migrationFiles for the runMigration function.

And that's basically it. Migration files in sql format, separated by semi-colons and automatically applied based on the version of your current database which persists properly over deployments. If you have any issues, don't hesitate to file it.

Custom database version key in shared preferences #

The database version number is stored in shared preferences with the key database_version_key by default. That key can be changed by passing the parameter databaseVersionKey when calling runMigration of DatabaseService.

  await _migrationService.runMigration(
    migrationFiles: [
    databaseVersionKey: 'custom_db_version_key'