spotlight_ant 0.4.0 copy "spotlight_ant: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
spotlight_ant: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard

Spotlight the widget by wrapping it and with highly flexible configuration.


codecov Codacy Badge Pub Version

SpotlightAnt help focus on specific widget with highly flexible configuration.

This package is separated from my project POS-System.

Play it yourself by visiting the online demo page!

See more details in example.

Installation #

flutter pub add spotlight_ant

Usage #

final ant1 = GlobalKey<SpotlightAntState>();
final ant2 = GlobalKey<SpotlightAntState>();

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Column(children: [
    // this is the main ant with `ants`, we call it gaffer
      key: ant1,
      ants: [ant1, ant2], // only gaffer can set it
      child: MyCircularButton(),
      key: ant2,
      // set the ants again here will build two spotlight shows.
      spotlightBuilder: const SpotlightRectBuilder(),
      child: MyRectButton(),

It can also run by program:

  controller: _controller,
  children: [
      key: _ant,
      ants: [_ant],
      child: Text('child'),
// ...
final desiredIndex = 1;
_controller.addListener(() {
  if (!_controller.indexIsChanging) {
    if (desiredIndex == _controller.index) {;

Configuration #

Every ant(no matter it is gaffer or not) share the configuration bellow:

Name Default Desc.
key required Created by GlobalKey<SpotlightAntState>().
enable true -
spotlightBuilder SpotlightCircularBuilder Allow any builder from extends from SpotlightBuilder.
spotlightPadding EdgeInsets.all(8) -
spotlightSilent false Disable capture spotlight tap event.
spotlightUsingInkwell true Use GestureDetector if false.
spotlightSplashColor null -
backdropSilent false -
backdropUsingInkwell true -
backdropSplashColor null -
actions [SpotlightAntAction.skip] Actions showing in bottom, customize it by actionBuilder.
actionBuilder null -
nextAction null Change default widget
prevAction null -
skipAction null -
zoomInDuration Duration(milliseconds: 600) -
zoomOutDuration Duration(milliseconds: 600) -
bumpDuration Duration(milliseconds: 500) Argument for AnimationController.repeat
bumpRatio 0.1 How big outer area you want in bump animation.
content null Content beside spotlight.
contentAlignment null Auto-detect it or specify it.
contentFadeInDuration Duration(milliseconds: 300) -
onShown null Callback before zoom in.
onShow null Callback after zoom in.
onDismiss null Callback before zoom out.
onDismissed null Callback after zoom out.
child required The spotlight target.

Only gaffer can set the configuration below:

Name Default Desc.
ants null Set the ants for spotlight.
showAfterInit true If you want to fire it by program, set it to false
showWaitFuture null Pass the Future and it will wait until done and start the spotlight show.
onSkip null Callback after tapping SpotlightAntAction.skip.
onFinish null Callback after finish the show.

Customize #

It can be easy to customize your painter:

class MyCustomSpotlightBuilder extends SpotlightBuilder {
  SpotlightPainter build(Rect target, double value, bool isBumping) {
    // ...

  double inkwellRadius(Rect target) => 0;

class _Painter extends SpotlightPainter {
  /// The [size] should be the window's size
  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    // ...

Actions is also easy too:

  skipAction: TextButton.icon(
    onPressed: () => gaffer.skip(),
    label: const Text('MY Skip'),
    icon: const Icon(Icons.arrow_forward_ios_sharp),
  // ...
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Spotlight the widget by wrapping it and with highly flexible configuration.

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