smooth_api 1.0.0 copy "smooth_api: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
smooth_api: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

This library utilises Dart internal isolate to handle all your network calls to Api and on top of that it uses Hive database to cache the api responses and will give the response back even when intern [...]

Description #

This library utilises Dart internal isolate to handle all your network calls to Api and on top of that it uses Hive database to cache the api responses and will give the response back even when internet is not available.

Features #

  • Send request to your api on separate isolate
  • Cached your responses which enables your app to work in offline mode.
  • Helps in saving the work load (network requests) from main isolate which helps it to focus mainly on rendering.

Getting started #

To start using this package, add smooth_api dependency to your pubspec.yaml

    smooth_api: "<latest_release>"

Usage #

Example GET request using SmoothApi

var client = SmoothApiClient();
  await client.get(Uri.http(""),
      headers: {"auth": "fdfdfd", "isTrue": "true"}, callback: (response) {
    print((response as Response).body);

Bugs or Report #

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on GitHub and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.

License #

smooth_api is licensed under MIT license. View license.

pub points



This library utilises Dart internal isolate to handle all your network calls to Api and on top of that it uses Hive database to cache the api responses and will give the response back even when internet is not available.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


crypto, hive, http, http_parser


Packages that depend on smooth_api