smart_arrays_peaks 2.1.3
smart_arrays_peaks: ^2.1.3 copied to clipboard
Provides functions to detect (search, pick) peaks (maximum values) in one- or two-dimensional arrays, also suitable for noisy data.
// Copyright (c) 2019, Dr. Bruno Guigas. All rights reserved. Use of this source
// code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:smart_arrays_peaks/smart_arrays_peaks.dart';
import 'package:smart_arrays_sample_data/smart_arrays_sample_data.dart';
import 'package:smart_arrays_plot_polyline/smart_arrays_plot_polyline.dart';
import 'package:smart_lorentz_gauss/smart_lorentz_gauss.dart';
/// Demonstrates peak picking for 1D and 2D arrays.
/// The result is shown in the browser.
main() {
// compute a 1D array containing a sinc function
final double VAL0 = 100.0, NOISE = 0.01 * VAL0;
Float64List array = Sinc1D(1000, VAL0, 0.0, 8, 0.0).array;
// add random "noise" to simulate "experimental" data
math.Random rand = math.Random();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] += NOISE * (2 * rand.nextDouble() - 1.0).sign;
// Pick peaks on [array], neglect "noise peaks"
List<int> peakIndices = PeakPicker1D.detectPeaks(
array, 0, array.length, 2 * NOISE, 0.001, PeakPicker1D.PICK_POSNEG, 0);
// Compute a sample 2D matrix with a negative and a positive peak
// (the sum of 2 Lorentzian line shapes
List<Float64List> matrix = LorentzGaussMatrix(
rows_cols, amplitudes, centers, lineWidths, mixingFactors)
// Pick the 2D peaks on [matrix]
List<List<int>> peakIndices2D = PeakPicker2D().detectPeaks(
// show result in the browser
plotResult(array, matrix, peakIndices, peakIndices2D, null);
/// The Lorentz-Gauss shape parameters
List<int> rows_cols = [200, 300];
List<double> amplitudes = [100, -150];
List<List<double>> centers = [
[80, 100],
[150, 200]
List<List<double>> lineWidths = [
[15, 15],
[20, 20]
List<List<double>> mixingFactors = [
[0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0]
/// Displays the [matrix] computed by [main] in the browser using the
/// package 'smart_arrays_plot_polyline'.
void plotResult(
Float64List array,
List<Float64List> matrix,
List<int> peakIndices,
List<List<int>> peakIndices2D,
List<Map<MarA, String>> markerAttrList) {
// get divs from 'example.html' (application and plot containers)
DivElement appDiv = (querySelector("#app_div") as DivElement);
DivElement plotDiv = (querySelector("#plot_div") as DivElement);
// the plot will take all available space of [appDiv] in this example
..width = "${appDiv.clientWidth}px"
..height = "${appDiv.clientHeight}px";
// setup some polyline, axis and legend attributes
List<Map<PyA, String>> plotAttr = [
// x axis labeling
Map<AxA, String> xaxisAttr = {
AxA.PHYS_X_WIDTH: "${array.length}",
AxA.LEGENDTEXT: "Number of points"
// y axis labeling
Map<AxA, String> yaxisAttr = {AxA.LEGENDTEXT: "Function value"};
// legend text and position
Map<LegA, String> legendAttr = {
LegA.TOP_TITLE: "Peak picking a noisy sinc function: " +
"Red ticks = positive peaks, green ticks = negative peaks",
LegA.SUB_TITLES: json.encode(["100 * sin(x) / x"]),
LegA.X: "45",
LegA.Y: "15"
// plot the arrays into [plotDiv]
SimplePlot splot = SimplePlot(
[array], plotDiv, plotAttr, xaxisAttr, yaxisAttr, legendAttr, null);
// setup peak marker: Use peak indices and respective array values for output
List<double> markerIndices = List(peakIndices.length);
List<String> markerLabels = List(peakIndices.length);
for (int i = 0; i < peakIndices.length; i++) {
int ipeak = peakIndices[i];
markerIndices[i] = ipeak.toDouble();
markerLabels[i] = "$ipeak / ${array[ipeak].toStringAsFixed(2)}";
// draw the peak markers
splot.polylines[0].drawMarkers(markerIndices, markerLabels, markerAttrList);
List<String> peak2DPrintout = [];
peak2DPrintout.add("Result of Lorentz-Gauss matrix peak picking");
peak2DPrintout.add("# / row / col / value: ");
for (int i = 0; i < peakIndices2D.length; i++) {
int row = peakIndices2D[i][0];
int col = peakIndices2D[i][1];
.add("${i + 1} / $row / $col / ${matrix[row][col].toStringAsFixed(2)}");
Map<LegA, String> legend2Attr = {
LegA.TOP_TITLE: "2D peak picking result:",
LegA.SUB_TITLES: json.encode(peak2DPrintout),
LegA.TEXT_COLOR: "darkgreen",
LegA.X: "${ ~/ 3}",
LegA.Y: "100"
// append the fitResultPrintOut legend to the plot's data area
Legend legend2 = SimplePlot.createLegend(legend2Attr, null);;
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