smart_arrays_contour_finder 2.0.4 copy "smart_arrays_contour_finder: ^2.0.4" to clipboard
smart_arrays_contour_finder: ^2.0.4 copied to clipboard


This package contours the 3-dimensional surface represented by the values f(x,y) of a matrix. The detected contour lines are passed on to a user-provided renderer.


import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:smart_arrays_contour_finder/smart_arrays_contour_finder.dart';
import 'package:smart_arrays_base/smart_arrays_base.dart';
import 'package:smart_arrays_sample_data/smart_arrays_sample_data.dart';

/// Example how to use the [ContourFinder] of the package
/// [smart_arrays_contour_finder]. First, a matrix to be contoured is computed.
/// Then [ContourFinder.findContour] is employed to search for the contours
/// and to graphically display the contours using the provided
/// [SampleContourRenderer]. You can execute this example by downloading the
/// files [example.dart.js] and [example.html], and executing the latter one in
/// your browser.
main() {
  // First create a sample 2D matrix to be contoured: f(x,y)=x*sin(y)+y*cos(x)
  XsinYcos2D mixedSin2D = XsinYcos2D(400, 600, 3 * math.pi, 3 * math.pi);

  // Compute equally spaced contour levels
  final int NLEVELS = 12;
  MinMax minmax = Array2D.getMinMax(mixedSin2D.matrix);
  double levelDelta = (minmax.maxValue - minmax.minValue).abs() / (NLEVELS - 1);
  Float64List levels = Float64List(NLEVELS);
  for (int i = 0; i < NLEVELS; i++) {
    levels[i] = (minmax.minValue + i * levelDelta) * 0.95;

  // construct a ContourFinder emitting the found contours to the sample renderer.
  ContourFinder contourFinder = ContourFinder(SampleContourRenderer());

  // Start contour search and rendering using [ContourRendererSample].
      mixedSin2D.matrix, // in this matrix
      0, // from this row
      mixedSin2D.matrix.length - 1, // to this row
      0, // from this col
      mixedSin2D.matrix[0].length - 1, // to this col
      mixedSin2D.yRowCoordinates, // normalized row coordinates (0...1)
      mixedSin2D.xColCoordinates, // normalized col coordinates (0...1)
      levels.length, // number of levels
      levels); // contour levels to draw

/// A sample countour renderer drawing the contours into the [CanvasElement].
/// defined in [example.html]. Negative contours are drawn in magenta, positive
/// ones in blue.
class SampleContourRenderer implements ContourRenderer {
  CanvasRenderingContext2D c2d;
  CanvasElement contourCanvas;
  int last_x1, last_y1, last_x2, last_y2;
  // size and location of drawing area:
  int dataAreaWidth, dataAreaHeight, dataAreaX = 0, dataAreaY = 0;
  bool rotate90 = true; // optional rotation of contour plot

  /// Sets up the graphics 2D context to which drawing will be performed.
  SampleContourRenderer() {
    Element ccel = document.getElementById("contour_canvas");
    contourCanvas = ccel; // cast
      ..position = "absolute"
      ..backgroundColor = "transparent";
    c2d = contourCanvas.getContext("2d");

    dataAreaWidth = contourCanvas.width;
    dataAreaHeight = contourCanvas.height;

  /// Implements the ContourRenderer: draws the specified contour line
  /// belonging to [contourLevel] into the graphics 2D context. [contourLevel]
  /// is needed to color the line: Here we give a different color to positive
  /// and negative levels.
  void drawContourLine(double startX, double startY, double endX, double endY,
      double contourLevel) {
    // Some apps need to rotate the contour by -90 deg. around the data area center
    // to obtain the typical contour representation. This code shows how to do that.
    // The rows will be drawn from the botton to the top, i.e. the biggest row
    // number will be drawn at the top of the data area.
    // This code also applies the data area origin, and accounts for the data area
    // width/height ratio.
    int x1 = (startY * dataAreaWidth).round() + dataAreaX;
    int x2 = (endY * dataAreaWidth).round() + dataAreaX;
    int y1 = ((1 - startX) * dataAreaHeight).round() + dataAreaY;
    int y2 = ((1 - endX) * dataAreaHeight).round() + dataAreaY;

    // skip lines that don't change the plot.
    // This speeds up drawing as long as we don't use compressed data.
    if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) {

    if (last_x1 != null) {
      // would overlap last line
      if ((last_x1 == x1 && last_x2 == x2) &&
          (last_y1 == y1 && last_y2 == y2)) {

    last_x1 = x1;
    last_x2 = x2;
    last_y1 = y1;
    last_y2 = y2;

    // Draw directly into canvas
    c2d.moveTo(x1, y1);
    c2d.lineTo(x2, y2);

    if (contourLevel < 0) {
      c2d.strokeStyle = "magenta";
    } else {
      c2d.strokeStyle = "blue";

    c2d.lineWidth = 1;
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This package contours the 3-dimensional surface represented by the values f(x,y) of a matrix. The detected contour lines are passed on to a user-provided renderer.



unknown (license)


build_runner, build_web_compilers, pedantic, smart_arrays_base, smart_arrays_sample_data


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