smart_arrays_contour_finder 2.0.6
smart_arrays_contour_finder: ^2.0.6 copied to clipboard
This package contours the 3-dimensional surface represented by the values f(x,y) of a matrix. The detected contour lines are passed on to a user-provided renderer.
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:smart_arrays_contour_finder/smart_arrays_contour_finder.dart';
import 'package:smart_arrays_base/smart_arrays_base.dart';
import 'package:smart_lorentz_gauss/smart_lorentz_gauss.dart';
import 'package:smart_arrays_plot_polyline/smart_arrays_plot_polyline.dart';
/// Demonstrates searching for contours in a sample matrix consisting of
/// a sum of 2D Lorentz-Gauss functions with positive and negative amplitudes.
/// The result is displayed in the browser.
main() {
// Create a sample 2D matrix to be contoured.
LorentzGaussMatrix lg2D = LorentzGaussMatrix(
rows_cols, amplitudes, centers, lineWidths, mixingFactors);
// Compute equally spaced contour levels from the matrix's min/max values
final int NLEVELS = 16;
MinMax minmax = Array2D.getMinMax(lg2D.matrix);
double levelDelta = (minmax.maxValue - minmax.minValue).abs() / (NLEVELS - 1);
Float64List levels = Float64List(NLEVELS);
for (int i = 0; i < NLEVELS; i++) {
levels[i] = (minmax.minValue + i * levelDelta) * 0.98;
// construct a ContourFinder to find the contours and draw them using
// the specified contour renderer
ContourFinder contourFinder = ContourFinder(createSimpleContourRenderer());
// Start contour search and rendering using [ContourRendererSample].
lg2D.matrix, // search in this matrix
0, // from this row
lg2D.matrix.length - 1, // to this row
0, // from this col
lg2D.matrix[0].length - 1, // to this col
lg2D.yRowCoordinates, // normalized row coordinates (0...1)
lg2D.xColCoordinates, // normalized col coordinates (0...1)
levels.length, // number of levels
levels); // contour levels to draw
/// Data for the sample matrix
List<int> rows_cols = [200, 300];
List<double> amplitudes = [200.0, -160.0, 120, -150, 120, -130];
List<List<double>> centers = [
[90, 50],
[90, 50],
[130, 150],
[60, 130],
[40, 180],
[70, 250]
List<List<double>> lineWidths = [
[15, 30],
[40, 20],
[50, 30],
[15, 15],
[30, 40],
[40, 40]
List<List<double>> mixingFactors = [
[0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0],
[1.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.8],
[1.0, 0.0],
[0.5, 0.5]
/// A sample contour renderer drawing the contours into 2D html canvas element
/// defined in [example.html]. By default, negative contours are drawn in
/// magenta, positive ones in blue.
SimpleContourRenderer createSimpleContourRenderer() {
/// Sets up the graphics 2D context to which drawing will be performed.
Element ccel = document.getElementById("contour_canvas");
CanvasElement contourCanvas = ccel; // cast
..position = "absolute"
..backgroundColor = "transparent";
SimpleContourRenderer sctr = SimpleContourRenderer(
contourCanvas, contourCanvas.width, contourCanvas.height, 0, 0, null);
return sctr;
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