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Flutter utilities packages for custom widgets and utilities function.

skadi #

pub package Latest commit

Flutter utilities packages for custom widgets and utilities function.

Installation #

Add this to pubspec.yaml

  skadi: ^4.5.0

Widgets #

Widget Description
ConditionalWidget Build a widget based on a condition
CircularLoading Loading widget
Dot Create a customizable Dot or bullet point
EllipsisText Nullable Text with ellipsis as default overflow
KeyboardDismiss Dismiss keyboard on tap
LoadingOverlay Create an overlay loading that cover entire screen and disable input
LoadingOverlayPopScope prevent or allow user from pop the screen when LoadingOverlay is displaying
ReadMoreText Read more or read less text
SkadiAccordion Custom ExpansionTile
SkadiActionSheet Custom CupertinoActionSheet for option selector
SkadiAsyncButton Custom ElevatedButton for asynchronous onPressed callback
SkadiAsyncIconButton SkadiIconButton with asynchronous onPressed callback
SkadiBadge Small badge like notification
SkadiConfirmationDialog Platform adaptive AlertDialog with cancel and confirm action
SkadiFutureHandler FutureBuilder with less boilerplate code
SkadiIconButton Customizable IconButton
SkadiLoadingButton Custom ElevatedButton with loading notifier
SkadiPaginatedGridView GridView with pagination support
SkadiPaginatedListView ListView with pagination support
SkadiPlatformChecker Platform adaptive widget
SkadiProvider A provider for Skadi global setting
SkadiSimpleDialog Simple platform adaptive AlertDialog
SkadiStreamHandler A StreamBuilder with less boilerplate code
SpaceX SizedBox with only width
SpaceY SizedBox with only height
ValueNotifierWrapper Wrapper with ValueNotifier when using StatelessWidget
WidgetDisposer Provide a dispose callback when using StatelessWidget

Mixin #

AfterBuildMixin #

Create an override method that will call after the build method has been called

class _HomePageState extends State<NewPage> with AfterBuildMixin {

  //this method will call after widget has been build
  void afterBuild(BuildContext context) {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

SkadiFormMixin #

Provide some property and method when working with Form

field and attribute

  • formKey: a key for form
  • loadingNotifier: a bool ValueNotifier
  • passwordObscureNotifier: a bool ValueNotifier for toggling password obscure field
  • isFormValidated: a bool return by validate formKey


  • toggleLoading: toggle loadingNotifier value
  • togglePasswordObscure: toggle passwordObscureNotifier value
  • PasswordTextFieldBuilder: create a Password TextField
class _HomePageState extends State<NewPage> with SkadiFormMixin {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Form(key: formKey, child: child)

DeferDispose #

A mixin that can create an auto dispose ChangeNotifier base class

class _HomePageState extends State<NewPage> with DeferDispose {

  late ValueNotifier<int> notifier = createDefer(()=> ValueNotifier(2));

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

Extension #

BuildContext extension #

  Size screenSize = context.screenSize;
  Color primaryColor = context.primaryColor;
  Color accentColor = context.accentColor;
  TextThemeData textTheme = context.textTheme;
  Theme theme = context.theme;
  MediaQueryData data = context.mediaQuery;
  double keyboardHeight = context.keyboardHeight;

context extension also support method from SkadiNavigator

TextStyle Extension #

Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().normal)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().medium)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().bold)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().semiBold)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().white)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().black)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().red)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().green)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().grey)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().underline)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().setColor(Colors.white))
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().setFontSize(24))

### DateTime extension

```dart "dd mmm yyyy", locale: context.locale) "dd mmm yyyy", locale: context.locale)

List and map extension #

///Filter list
List<int> adult = [2,24,12,18].filter((age)=> age >= 18);

///Just find and return
int? eighteen = adult.findOne((age)=> age == 18);

///Find where age == 2 and update it to +2
adult.update((age)=> age == 2, (age) => age + 2 );

///Add age to Map if age isn't null
Map<String, int> data = {};
int? age = 20;

///Return null if age doesn't exist

Widget's Extension #

Text("Hello Flutter").padding(EdgeInsets.all(16.0)) // default value is EdgeInsets.all(8.0)
Text("Hello Flutter").margin(EdgeInsets.all(16.0)) // default value is EdgeInsets.all(8.0)
///As a value
Text("Hello Flutter").marginValue(all: 12)
Text("Hello Flutter").paddingValue(horizontal: 12, vertical: 8)
Text("Hello Flutter").cssSpacing(margin: [10,10], padding:[16])
//css margin and padding rule
Text("Hello Flutter").rotate(45)
///Rotate 45 degree
Text("Hello Flutter").flexible
Text("Hello Flutter").expanded
Text("Hello Flutter").clipOval
Text("Hello Flutter").opacity(0.5)

String extension #

String? name = "chunlee".capitalize; // => Chunlee
bool empty = name.isNullOrEmpty;

ValueListenable extension #

ValueNotifier<int> notifier = ValueNotifier(2);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return notifier.listen((value){
      return Text("${value}");

Utility and Style #

DotTabIndicator #

alt text

      indicator: DotTabIndicator(
        dotAlignment: TabAlignment.bottom,

SmallUnderlineTabIndicator #

alt text

      isScrollable: true, //This indicator work best with scrollable tab bar
      indicator: SmallUnderlineTabIndicator(
        paddingLeft: 16,
        alignment: TabAlignment.bottom,

ShadowInputBorder #

This input border solve a problem that TextField doesn't have a default elevation.

alt text

      decoration: InputDecoration(
        border: ShadowInputBorder(
          elevation: 2.0, //required
          fillColor: Colors.white, //required
          shadowColor: Colors.black87,


SkadiNavigator #

More efficient way to use Navigator with less boilerplate. Use the same method name as Navigator class

routeName: name argument for RouteSetting. You can still provide RouteSetting and this parameter will be ignore.

  SkadiNavigator.push(context, HomePage(), routeName: "home");
  SkadiNavigator.pushReplacement(context, HomePage(), routeName: "home");

  ///Push and remove all
    routeName: "home",
    condition: (route) => false,

  ///Pop until the first route

  ///Pop X amount of time
  SkadiNavigator.popTime(context, 2);

  ///Return current routeName
  String? route = SkadiNavigator.currentRoute(context);

  ///SkadiRouteObserver is a route observer that support logging and analytic callback
    debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
    navigatorObservers: [
      SkadiRouteObserver(log: true, analyticCallBack: (route) {}),
    home: HomePage(),

SkadiColor #

  //create color from Hex String
  Color color = SkadiColor.fromHexString("FAFAFA");

  ///Convert Color to MaterialColor
  MaterialColor material = SkadiColor.toMaterial(color);

  //create color from RGB without Opacity
  Color rgb = SkadiColor.fromRGA(222,222,222);

SkadiUtils #

//Ping to google to check for internet connection
bool isConnected = await SkadiUtils.checkConnection();

//Convert degree to radian value
double radian = SkadiUtils.degreeToRadian(90);

//Future.delayed base on millisecond value
await SkadiUtils.wait(200);

//Get random image from unsplash
String carUrlImage =  SkadiUtils.unsplashImage(width: 200, height: 200, category: "car");

//Get byte from asset bundle
Future<Uint8List> imageByte = await SkadiUtils.getBytesFromAsset("image asset path", 200); //200 is an image width

//Get random image from unsplash
String carUrlImage =  SkadiUtils.unsplashImage(width: 200, height: 200, category: "car");

//Get random from picsum with provided: width and height
String randomUrlImage = SkadiUtils.picsumImage(200,300);

SkadiResponsive #

A responsive tool to help define a value base on screen size

  • Wrap your Home widget in MaterialApp with SkadiResponsiveBuilder

Default breakpoint

    : mobileSmall = 360, /// <360
      mobile = 480, /// from 361 -> 766
      tablet = 768, /// 768 -> 1023
      desktop = 1024; /// >=1024

There are 2 support method to define a value SkadiResponsive.value and


// Only required first parameter
//set value 20 for `Mobile` size
//set value 24 for `Tablet` size
//set value 28 for `Desktop` size
//set value 16 for `Small mobile `size
//buildcontext is optional and if context isn't null, it will react to MediaQuery change
double width = SkadiResponsive.value(20, 24, 28, 16, context);

///Auto value base on provided rule
///-4 for `Small mobile`, +8 for `Tablet` and +16 for `Desktop` if using `SkadiResponsiveRule.add`
///-25% for `Small mobile`, x2 for `Tablet` and x3 for `Desktop` if using `SkadiResponsiveRule.multiply`
double width =, SkadiResponsiveRule.add);

Widget child = SkadiResponsive.builder(
  mobile: () => MobileWidget(), ///required
  tablet: () => TabletWidget(), ///required
  desktop: () => DesktopWidget(), ///Optional, using `Tablet` widget if value is null
  mobileSmall: () => MobileSmallWidget(), ///Optional, using `Mobile` widget if value is null

pub points



Flutter utilities packages for custom widgets and utilities function.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference




flutter, intl, universal_platform


Packages that depend on skadi