sip_console 0.0.17 copy "sip_console: ^0.0.17" to clipboard
sip_console: ^0.0.17 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: mason_logger

A logger tool to interact with the console, used by the SIP CLI (package:sip_cli).

0.0.17 | 2/13/2024 #

Features #

  • Handle removing multiple concurrent symbols
  • This could happen if a script was defined with the concurrent symbol, and then was referenced in another script also using a concurrent symbol

Enhancements #

  • Update readme
  • chore: Update internal version file

0.0.16 | 2/13/2024 #

Features #

  • Add parsing support for chained short flags (sip run my-script -abc)

0.0.15 | 2/12/2024 #

Fixes #

  • Fix issue --list on sip run was not working

0.0.14 | 2/12/2024 #

Fixes #

  • Fix issue where - and _ chars were being ignored in variables

0.0.13 | 2/12/2024 #

Features #

  • Allow any args to be provided in any order without the requirement of -- before any "extra" args.
    • Before: sip run-many my-script -- --arg1 --arg2
    • After : sip run-many my-script --arg1 --arg2

0.0.12 | 2/12/2024 #

Fixes #

  • Fix issue where flags where not being passed to referenced scripts

0.0.11 | 2/12/2024 #

Fixes #

  • Handle when a script reference is not found

0.0.10 | 2/12/2024 #

Features #

  • Support referencing variables within (variables)

Enhancements #

  • Add extra line before printing the list of commands
  • Update README

0.0.9 | 2/10/2024 #

Features #

  • Declare when a script with fail with the (bail): key in scripts.yaml

Fixes #

  • Fix issue where all commands were printing after running a group of concurrent commands

0.0.8 | 2/9/2024 #

Fixes #

  • Fix issue where bail was not being respected and failing commands were not stopping the script

0.0.6 | 2/9/2024 #

Fixes #

  • Fix issue when parsing debug option

0.0.5 | 2/9/2024 #

Features #

  • Support individual concurrent commands with (+)
  • Support defining variables in scripts.yaml to use in commands
  • Support defining private scripts in scripts.yaml to use as references
  • Add alias for run-many command (r-m, run-m)

Enhancements #

  • Tighten key pattern matching
  • Improve color output when listing scripts, lighten color for scripts without a command definition

Fixes #

  • Handle null scripts

0.0.4 | 2/9/2024 #

  • Add version constraints to dependencies to support adding sip_cli to flutter projects

0.0.3 | 1/30/2024 #

  • Initial Release
pub points



A logger tool to interact with the console, used by the SIP CLI (package:sip_cli).

Repository (GitHub)
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#cli #logging #sip




unknown (LICENSE)


dart_console2, get_it, io


Packages that depend on sip_console