simple_mysql_orm 3.0.0 copy "simple_mysql_orm: ^3.0.0" to clipboard
simple_mysql_orm: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard


A simple ORM wrapper for mysql with Transaction support.

3.0.0-beta.3 #

  • BREAKING: renamed querySingle to queryColumn. Created new querySingle which returns a single row of columns.
  • BREAKING: changed the tableName named argument on DaoTenant to a positional argument for consistency with the Dao class.
  • Breaking: changed asCustom to return nnbd type and added tryCustom to return null type.
  • BREAKING: changed all tryAs... methods to try... for consistency.
  • BREAKING: for consistency I've changed withTransation's 'action' argument to be a named argument. This delivers better consistency with other method signatures.
  • BREAKING: for consistency I've changed withTransation's 'action' argument to be a named argument. This delivers better consistency with other method signatures.
  • Added new method Dao.queryWithAdaptor which allows you to run adhoc queries and placing the result into a non-entity based class.
  • added, offset, limit, orderBy and sortDirection to Dao.getListByField
  • Exposed the build_dao as an executable which can create dao and model classes from a schema.
  • Added a function tquery to provide easy access to executing queries outside the context of a dao.
  • Added a fromArgs ctor to the DbPool.
  • Moved the schema management functions into their own folder.
  • also made withNoConstraints take a named arg for action.
  • Added check to withTenant if -1 is passed as the tenant id. We now throw.

3.0.0-beta.2 #

  • Added a set of methods to help manage your mysql schema.
  • The withTransaction method takes an optional DbPool which if passed will be used rather than calling DbPool.
  • added an addWhere arg to the tenant appenders so you can control whether it needs to add an where clause or not.
  • Added a Dao.removeAll method.
  • corrected the doco for inTenantScope
  • Added method to create a pool without a database so that you can use it to create/drop schemas.
  • Removed a hardcoded default db name.
  • Added a method to retrieve the dbname the pool was created with.

3.0.0-beta.1 #

  • changed the default transaction nesting to 'nested' as this is the most common operation.
  • cleanedup the tenantbypass logic.
  • withTenantBypass now returns a value.
  • added check in 'update' for a valid id and added a helpful message if the id is notSet.
  • added standard method for attaching tenant id.
  • colour coded log messages based on sql action

2.0.1 #

  • A number of multi-tenant fixes.

2.0.0 #

1.4.0-beta.2 #

  • reworked tenant implementation to simplify the UI. updated the readme to include doco on tenants.
  • additional unit tests.
  • changed tenantColumnName to tenantFieldName for consistency.

1.4.0-beta.1 #

  • Added support for mulit-tenancy.
  • Improved the exception handling and logging when a mysqlexception is throw. We now (mostly) throw a coherent stack trace.
  • added the date_time class and created exensions for same.
  • Breaking: moved to the 2.16 beta so we could generated co-herent stack traces when mysql exceptions are thrown.
  • Breaking: renamed the fieldAsXX methods to asXX. Introduced tryAsXX method that can return a null replacing any of the fieldAsXXNulllable methods.
  • Added methods tryByXX which returns a null type.
  • Added querySingle so you can get a single row with a single value returned. handy for sum type queries.
  • Added the date_time package so we can support Date and Time files (as apposed to DateTime). Also added Money2 so we can store/retrieve monetary amounts.
  • Added addtional field conversions.
  • Added a query count to make it easier to associated log statements for the same query
  • Added a 'debugName' to withTransaction.
  • Fixed a bug where the excess connection future wasn't been shutdown which stop applications for exiting. We now use a timer and cancel it when DbPool.close() is called.
  • Added an extension class to the Date class to add in parsing.
  • added getSingle and fieldAsStringNullable
  • added test to confirm that the same db can't be allocated when transations overlap.
  • fixed bug where a window existed during allocate where the same connection could be allocated twice.
  • add isolate to log statement.

1.3.2 #

  • modified withTransaction to allow the return of a nullable value

1.3.1 #

  • the connection retry logic now gives up immediately on access denied as that is never going to recover.
  • added missing async on transaction action.
  • added missing awaits when running a transation causing connections to be released whilst the transaction was still running.
  • Fixed a bug where the transaction wasn't releasing a connection on normal completion.
  • We now throw if you attempt to use the DbPool after it has been closed.
  • Added logic to detect connections that haven't been released or are in a transaction when the pool is closed.
  • upgraded to latest version of di_zone2 package.
  • added logic to cleanup and close the pool for unit testing. Enabled the logger output during testing.

1.3.0 #

  • Added in logic to test if a connection is valid and if not replace it with a new connection. This allows us to wait for the db on startup and survive restarts of the db.
  • Fixed the connection pool which I had blindly copied from another project. It has been 'sharing' out the same connection. Now a connection can only be obtained by one caller. It must be released before it can be re-obtained. Also implemented a background thread to release excess connections at the rate of one per minute.
  • Improved the error message when a user tries to access a transation when no transation is in scope.

1.2.0 #

  • Added Dao.getAll method to return all rows in a table.

1.1.1 #

  • moved to di_zone2 until scope is released.
  • Added examples and readme.
  • renamed deleteByEntity to remove.

1.1.0 #

  • Added rollback method to allow a transaction to manually be rolled back.
  • Added support for json encoding maps when saving a field to db.
  • Fixed the formatting of date fields when inserting/updating.
  • improved logging. We know use the logging package.
  • Added additional unit testing for all the forms of a Transaction.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial version.