simple_3d 4.0.0 copy "simple_3d: ^4.0.0" to clipboard
simple_3d: ^4.0.0 copied to clipboard


This package was created for the convenience of 3D non-experts, including scientists.

simple_3d #

(en)The explanation is in English and Japanese.

Overview #

(en)This package is a working Flutter(Dart) implementation of Simple 3D Format.
Simple 3D Format is a file format that makes it easy for non-experts to handle 3D objects.
The file output in this format has the extension .sp3d, and the inner class convert to JSON. All the data about one object is contained in one file.
This specification aims to minimize complexity, make it easier to read in a text editor, and make it versatile.
Made for science, it can be difficult to use in other genres. For the development of science, I aim to be able to use it without being affected by interests and conflicts.

(ja)このパッケージはSimple 3D Formatの実用的なFlutter(Dart)実装です。
Simple 3D Formatは、3次元オブジェクトを専門家以外でも手軽に扱えるようにするためのファイル・フォーマットです。
このフォーマットで出力されたファイルは拡張子.sp3dを持ち、内部クラスがJSONに変換されます。1つのオブジェクトに関する全てのデータが1つのファイル内に含まれています。 この仕様は様々な用途に使用できるように複雑さを最小限に抑え、かつ簡単にテキストエディタで内容が確認できることを目的としています。

Usage #

Quick Start #

(en)I created a package for rendering Sp3dObj.
You can use it more easily by using the following packages.
See the simple_3d_renderer package for how to use it.



Create Data #

final sp3dobj = Sp3dObj(
    [Sp3dV3D(0, 0, 0)],
            Sp3dFace([0], 0)
      Sp3dMaterial(Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0), true, 1, Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0))

Operation example #

// Move
// Rotate
// Vertex manipulation
// (en)You can do many other things with the Sp3dV3D feature.
// (ja)Sp3dV3Dの機能を使うと、他にも様々なことが出来ます。
sp3dobj.vertices[0] += Sp3dV3D(1,0,0);

Convert #

final sp3dobj_d = sp3dobj.to_dict();

Load #

final restored = Sp3dObj.from_dict(sp3dobj_d);

Support #

(en)If for any reason you need paid support, please contact my company.
SimpleAppli Inc.

Format Name #

Simple 3D Format

Filename Extension #


MIME Type ( Temporary ) #


Suitable #

(en)Science, Simple Games, etc.

Not Suitable #

(en)Advanced graphics.

Structure ( Decoded object ) #

  • Sp3dObj
    • id: String?
    • name: String?
    • vertices: List
      • v: Sp3dV3D
    • fragments: List
      • fragment: Sp3dFragment
        • is_particle: bool.
        • faces: List, One vertex for particle type.
          • face: Sp3dFace
            • vertex_index_list: List, Vertices index. Counterclockwise rotation from the upper left.
              • index: int
            • material_index: int?
          • r: double, Radius for particle type.
          • option: Map<String, dynamic>, Optional attributes that may be added for each app.
    • materials: List
      • material: Sp3dMaterial
        • bg: Color, argb.
        • is_fill: bool, if false, stroke line only.
        • stroke_width: double
        • stroke_color: Color, argb
        • image_index: int?, Invalid if null. When fill is enabled and there are 4 vertex, fill with image with the Counterclockwise order as the vertices from the upper left.
        • texture_coordinates: List, Cutout coordinates when you want to use a part of the image. 3 or 4 points.
        • option: Map<String, dynamic>, Optional attributes that may be added for each app.
    • images: list
      • image: Uint8List, png data.
    • option: Map<String, dynamic>, Optional attributes that may be added for each app.

Parameter Note #

(en)If you use Sp3dObj to calculate a large number of atoms, consider using the is_particle flag and r(radius).
Each atom has one vertex when calculated or saved, and you can draw a sphere using Util_Sp3dGeometry etc. only when drawing on the screen.
(That is, create a new Sp3dObj when drawing).

About version control #

(en)It is as follows in version 3.1.0 or later.
The C part will be changed at the time of version upgrade.

  • Changes such as adding variables, structure change that cause problems when reading previous files.
    • C.X.X
  • Adding methods, etc.
    • X.C.X
  • Minor changes and bug fixes.
    • X.X.C


  • 変数の追加など、以前のファイルの読み込み時に問題が起こったり、ファイルの構造が変わるような変更
    • C.X.X
  • メソッドの追加など
    • X.C.X
  • 軽微な変更やバグ修正
    • X.X.C

License #

(en)This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE file.

The “Dart” name and “Flutter” name are trademarks of Google LLC.
*The developer of this package is not Google LLC.

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This package was created for the convenience of 3D non-experts, including scientists.

Repository (GitHub)
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