sidecar 0.1.0-dev.15 copy "sidecar: ^0.1.0-dev.15" to clipboard
sidecar: ^0.1.0-dev.15 copied to clipboard

An analyzer tool that provides more control over your IDE and developer experience.

Sidecar Analyzer #

Enable a more personalized developer experience within the IDE.

A screenshot of a Sidecar lint popup in an IDE

Build Status codecov License: MIT pub package

This is an experimental package which is expected to change slightly until an official 0.1.0 release. However, the core architecture of Sidecar has been designed around the Dart-official package:analyzer APIs, and therefore any rule packages you may want to experiment with will be easy to port over to any future APIs.

Functionality is currently only confirmed to be working on MacOS and Linux environments.

Overview #

Motivation #

Dart lints are incredibly useful for keeping a codebase clean and tidy, but code analysis use cases don't need to end at official rules. What if we could use these same tools to enforce highly-opinionated rules for a particular package ecosystem (BloC vs Riverpod) or for a particular app?

The goal of Sidecar is to enable a more personalized developer experience by allowing quick and easy access to the core lint and code assist tools of modern IDEs.

Features #

Lint Rules IDE CLI Debug
Lint reason and correction messages
Define a default severity
Apply Quick Fix suggestions 🚧 🚧
(IDE) URL links to rule documentation 🚫 🚫
(CLI) Alternate output formats 🚫 🚧
Ignore statements
CodeEdit Rules IDE CLI Debug
QuickAssist rules 🚧
Refactorings (rename, extract, etc.)
Code Completion
Rule Configuration (sidecar.yaml) IDE CLI Debug
Explicitly Enable/Disable rules
(Lints) Override default severity
Rule-level include/exclude globs 🚧
Package-level include/exclude globs 🚧
Project-level include/exclude globs 🚧
Customizable rule configurations
Multi-import inheritance
MacOS Linux Windows
Environment Support 🚧

Example Sidecar Rule Packages #

To explore how rule packages are created, take a look at the following rule packages:

Using Sidecar within a Dart or Flutter Project #

There are 3 modes which Sidecar can be run in: server, cli, or debug (WIP).

IDE Server Mode #

In Server mode, Sidecar boots up using the analyzer_plugin APIs created by the Dart team. To enable Sidecar to display lints and assist recommendations within your IDE, perform the following setup steps:

  1. Depend on any sidecar lint packages (e.g. design_system_lints)

  2. Create a sidecar.yaml file at the project's root directory and declare any rules from the package

# sidecar.yaml
  - "bin/**.dart"
  - "lib/**.dart"
  1. Enable the plugin to run by adding sidecar to the list of plugins in analysis_options.yaml
# analysis_options.yaml

    - sidecar

After several seconds of start-up (and potentially a restart of your IDE), the lints should begin appearing in your editor.

CLI Mode #

CLI Mode is useful for running lint rules from a CI/CD pipeline. To use Sidecar in CLI mode, run the following command in your terminal:

# activate sidecar
dart pub global activate sidecar

# run sidecar analyzer in CLI mode
sidecar analyze

NOTE: If you have a particular CLI use case in mind and would like to give feedback, feel free to reach out on Github.

Debug Mode (Work in Progress) #

Debug Mode comes equipped with IDE debugger integration and hot reload, which is helpful for when you're developing your own rules. Currently, this functionality is a work-in-progress.

Creating a Lint or QuickAssist Rule #

Below is an example of a Lint rule which highlights any string or string variable referenced from a Text widget.

//  hardcoded_text_string.dart

const packageId = 'intl_lints';
final kUri = Uri.parse('');

class HardcodedTextString extends Rule with Lint {
  static const _id = 'hardcoded_text_string';
  static const _message = 'Avoid any hardcoded Strings in Text widgets';
  static const _correction = 'Prefer to use a translated Intl message instead.';

  LintCode get code => LintCode(_id, package: packageId, url: kUri);

  void initializeVisitor(NodeRegistry registry) {

  void visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
    if (textType.isAssignableFromType(node.staticType)) {
      final textBody = node.argumentList.arguments
          .firstWhere((arg) => arg is! NamedExpression);
      if (textBody is SimpleStringLiteral || textBody is SimpleIdentifier) {
        reportAstNode(textBody, message: _message, correction: _correction);

Note the following features and requirements:

Rule Base Class #

  • All Sidecar rules must extend Rule as well as mixin either Lint or QuickAssist
  • All overridden visit methods should be added to the NodeRegistry via the initializeVisitor method (see above example)
  • Lint rules expose methods reportAstNode and reportToken, which take a lint message and an optional correction message to display to a user
  • A QuickFix mixin can also be added to a Lint mixin, which exposes an extra parameter editsComputer on the functions reportAstNode and reportToken
  • The Rule base class also exposes other fields, for example unit ( ResolvedUnitResult that is currently being analyzed), sidecarSpec, etc.

RuleCode #

  • A RuleCode is the ID of every unique Sidecar Rule
  • The ID of a RuleCode (e.g. hardcoded_text_string) should be in snake_case format and should match the class name (in PascalCase)
  • The Package ID of a RuleCode should be identical to the package name
  • A URL can be added to the LintCode, which would then appear as a hyperlink in an IDE's lint window

Rule Packages #

  • Sidecar rule packages can contain 1 or more rules
  • For a given package 'intl_lints', all rules must be accessible from the file lib/intl_lints.dart (either directly or via exports)
  • pubspec.yaml should also declare any rules
package: intl_lints

    - hardcoded_text_string # should match the Lint's RuleCode ID

NOTE: some of the above API details, like the initializeVisitor method that must be overridden for each Rule, are complicated or redundant; our intention over time is to reduce as much redundancy as possible in order to make rule creation as straightforward as possible. If you have any feedback for how you'd like the APIs to look, we encourage you to open an issue against Sidecar on github.

Installing the CLI tool #

Some Sidecar tasks are easier with the CLI tool. To install the CLI, simply run:

dart pub global activate sidecar

Contributing #

Suggestions or feature requests would be highly appreciated at this point in the development process, so that as many development use cases can be accounted for as possible. It's encouraged to reach out or open a Github issue against the Sidecar repository.