shorebird_code_push 0.1.1 copy "shorebird_code_push: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
shorebird_code_push: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

Control Shorebird code push from your app.

Shorebird Code Push #

License: MIT

A Dart library that allows Flutter apps to get information about code push updates.

WARNING: This package is in a preview state and does not work with the currently available version of Shorebird.

Usage #

import 'package:shorebird_code_push/shorebird_code_push.dart';

final shorebirdCodePush = ShorebirdCodePush();

// Gets the current patch version, or null if no patch is installed.
final currentPatchversion = shorebirdCodePush.currentPatchVersion();

// Checks whether a patch is available to install.
final isUpdateAvailable = await shorebirdCodePush.checkForUpdate();

Developing #


The Dart code in this library communicates with the Updater (part of Shorebird's Flutter engine) via FFI.

For an Updater function to be visible to the Dart code, it must:

  1. Be declared in as pub extern "C".
    1. This will add the function to the library/include/updater.h header file, which is generated by cbindgen when the Updater is built.
  2. Be included in the generated ffi bindings. These can be regenerated using dart run ffigen.
  3. Android specific: be listed in