shelf_route 0.13.1 copy "shelf_route: ^0.13.1" to clipboard
shelf_route: ^0.13.1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Routing middleware for Shelf

0.13.0 #

  • the internals have been completely rewritten to improve modularity, flexibility, extensibility, testability and a handful of other ilities. Mostly, this should be transparent to users, except for the noted breaking changes below.
  • removed attach method from Router
  • Dependency versions updated:
    • matcher to <0.12.0
    • uri to <0.10.0
  • Deprecated unittest module replaced with test

0.11.0+1 #

  • Added complete hello world example to README

0.11.0 #

  • Added RouteableAdapter to make it cleaner to use packages like shelf_rest

0.10.1 #

  • split into API and implementation
  • exposed a new library (extend.dart) for those wishing to subclass Router

0.10.0 #

  • added support for mergeable handler adapters. This allows things like customObjects to be extended by child routes

Note: this is only backward incompatible if you rely on handlerAdapters not being merged. i.e. to override instead

0.9.0 #

  • Support for Middleware directly on Router (i.e. can now add at top level)
  • Unified Router and _Route via a composite pattern

Note: should be backward compatible with 0.8.x unless you depended on deprecated methods that have been removed

0.8.0+1 #

  • Don't consume path when exact match is false

0.8.0 #

  • Changed Router.addAll to take a typedef rather than a class
    • This is backwards incompatible only for anyone that has a class that implements Routeable. To fix this simply use extends Routeable instead.

This change makes it easier to set up hierarchical routes. e.g.

var myRouter = router()
      ..addAll((Router r) => r
        ..get('/foo', (_) =>  new Response.ok('yeah foo'))
        ..get('/fum', (_) =>  new Response.ok('boo fum'))
        ..addAll((Router r) => r
                (req) => new Response.ok("Hello ${getPathParameter(req, 'name')}"))
                (req) => new Response.ok("Hello ${getPathParameter(req, 'name')}")),
          path: '/blah/{name}'),
        path: '/bar'

0.7.1 #

  • Added fallbackHandler to router function
  • call handlerAdapter on fallbackHandler
  • added ALL_METHODS constant

0.7.0+1 #

  • Fixed use of Deprecated

0.7.0 #

  • Fixed spelling of Adapter in several classes (thanks Michael Goodness for the contribution)

0.6.0 #

Major release with lots of changes including:

  • custom path adapters
    • Allows you to plugin any path style you like (e.g. /:foo)
  • custom handler adapters
    • Seamless integration with other Shelf components like Shelf Bind so you can use ordinary Dart functions as Shelf Handlers. For example:
  var myRouter = router(handlerAdapter: bind.handlerAdapter)
  myRouter.get('/{name}', (name) => "Hello ${name}");
  • Support for Shelf Path to remove direct dependency of handlers to Shelf Route
  • Easy to add per route middleware
  • print all routes in a router
  • control over exact path matching
  • Fixed path handling on windows

0.5.0 #

  • Upgraded to shelf 0.5.1. Note this is only a breaking change for those that directly accessed the path variables in the header. Unfortunately the example and doco did this so I made this a major release

0.4.0 #

  • Upgraded to shelf 0.5.0

0.3.1 #

0.3.0 #

0.2.0+1 #

  • Fixed handling of routes that are just a path variable

0.2.0 #

  • Upgraded to shelf 0.4.0

0.1.2+1 #

  • Fixed bug where body was missing on copied request

0.1.2 #

  • Added helper function getPathVariables to encapsulate extracting path variables stored in the request

0.1.1 #

  • Added support for path variables.

  • Improved tests.

pub points


unverified uploader

Routing middleware for Shelf



unknown (LICENSE)


matcher, option, path, shelf, shelf_path, uri


Packages that depend on shelf_route