shelf_modular 2.0.1 copy "shelf_modular: ^2.0.1" to clipboard
shelf_modular: ^2.0.1 copied to clipboard

Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management

2.0.1 - 2022/07/22 #

  • fix: Bind aways Scoped.

2.0.0 - 2022/07/21 #

  • [BREAK CHANGE]: Update to new Dart 2.17. Preview version will no longer be supported.

  • [BREAK CHANGE]: New auto-dispose configuration. Starting with version 2.0, Modular will provide the Bind.onDispose property for calls to destroy, close or dispose methods FOR EACH BIND. This will make the dispose settings more straightforward and less universal. Therefore, Modular will manage the destruction of Binds that implement Disposable only. This is the new configuration:

final List<Bind> binds = [
  Bind.singleton((i) => MyBloc(), onDispose: (bloc) => bloc.close()),

The Bind.onDispose CANNOT be used in Bind type factory. You can choose to use Bind.onDispose or implement the Disposable class.

  • [BREAK CHANGE] Bind.export works only after imported.

  • feat: Added middlewares propertie in Modular() handler;

final handler = Modular(
    module: AppModule(),
    middlewares: [
      logRequests(), //add any shelf middleware
      CustomModularMiddleware(), // implementations of ModularMiddleware

  var server = await io.serve(handler, '', 4000);
  print('Serving at http://${}:${server.port}');
  • feat: Added new Middleware system:
class AuthGuard extends ModularMiddleware {
  Handler execute(Handler handler, [ModularRoute? route]) {
    return (request) {
      final accessToken = request.headers['Authorization']?.split(' ').last;
      if (accessToken == null || accessToken.isEmpty || accessToken != '1234') {
        return Response.forbidden(jsonEncode({'error': 'Not authorized'}));
      return handler(request);

1.0.2 - 2022/04/05 #

  • Update modular_core

1.0.1 - 2021/12/31 #

  • Fixed "bind replaced" bug

1.0.0 - 2021/10/20 #

  • initial release.
  • New doc!
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Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management

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http_parser, meta, mime, modular_core, shelf, shelf_web_socket, web_socket_channel


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