shelf_easy 2.0.5 copy "shelf_easy: ^2.0.5" to clipboard
shelf_easy: ^2.0.5 copied to clipboard


This library includes a json model generator, a unified database operator interface, a server and client framework, a virtual machine for AOT code push, and a log module.

2.0.5 #

  • Optimize the filtering rules of the virtual machine's bridge type generator.

2.0.4 #

  • Optimize the generation rules of the bridging class library of the virtual machine.
  • Add an implicit break for the non-empty case of the virtual machine.

2.0.3 #

  • Fix the bug of _scanInstanceCreationExpression for virtual machines.

2.0.2 #

  • Remove the VmType class and related content in the virtual machine.

2.0.0 #

The content of this submission modification is as follows:

  • Add visitSwitchPatternCase support for the virtual machine and convert it to visitSwitchCase.
  • Replace deprecated fields in VM parser: to name2.lexeme, IfStatement.condition to IfStatement.expression.
  • Upgrade the bridge type generator of the virtual machine, and update the bridge library to dart_sdk: ^3.0.0.
  • Upgrade sdk to dart_sdk: ^3.0.0, update pubspec.yaml to the latest version.

The current version of the built-in bridging library for the virtual machine is dart_sdk: ^3.0.0 and 99% supports the following packages:

  • dart:async
  • dart:collection
  • dart:convert
  • dart:core
  • dart:math
  • dart:typed_data
  • dart:io
  • dart:isolate

1.3.8 #

  • Fix the bug of DbJsonWraper's toJson function.

1.3.7 #

  • Add global logger configuration options for virtual machines.

1.3.6 #

  • Optimize the filter parameters of the virtual machine's bridge type generator.

1.3.3 #

  • Optimize the initialization process of the iterator type of the virtual machine to support the null type.

1.3.2 #

  • Optimize the handling of private default values ​​in the virtual machine's bridge library generator.

1.3.1 #

The content of this submission modification is as follows:

  • Parameters with private reference defaults are reserved for virtual machine bridge type generators.
  • Optimize the operation expression of the virtual machine.

The current version of the built-in bridging library for the virtual machine is dart_sdk: ^2.19.0 and fully supports the following packages:

  • dart:async
  • dart:collection
  • dart:convert
  • dart:core
  • dart:math
  • dart:typed_data
  • dart:io
  • dart:isolate

1.2.9 #

  • Optimize the identification of internally defined type instances for virtual machines.

1.2.8 #

  • Add parameters to the EasyVmWare.eval function of the virtual machine.
  • Optimize the is expression and as expression of the virtual machine.
  • Modify the example file that generates the virtual machine bridge type: test_vmgen.dart.
  • Add EasyVmWare.debugVmObjectInfo function for virtual machine.
  • Add a default new constructor for the internal definition class of the virtual machine.

1.2.7 #

  • Fix the bug that multiple cases with the same logic in the switch expression of the virtual machine do not take effect.

1.2.5 #

  • Add the @nonVirtual annotation to some public methods of the virtual machine's mixin VmSuper.
  • Fix a bug in the assignment expression '=' of the virtual machine.

1.2.3 #

  • Added for virtual machine's bridge type generator: default constructor detection for non-abstract classes.

1.2.2 #

  • Add null support for index expressions to virtual machines.
  • Add string translation extension VmTranslate.

1.2.0 #

  • Fix the bug that the virtual machine class static scope conflicts with the class name.

1.1.22 #

  • Fix the bug of anonymous function scope binding of virtual machine.

1.1.21 #

  • Adjust the debugging information printing method of the virtual machine object stack.
  • Fix the bug of reading the defined type attribute inside the virtual machine.

1.1.20 #

  • Adjust the parameter definition position for calling the main function in the EasyVmWare instance.
  • Enhanced type deduction when scanning iterableLiteral for virtual machines.
  • Add support for the ! operator to PostfixExpression for virtual machines.

1.1.18 #

  • Added int to double implicit conversion to virtual machine's bridge type generator.
  • Add support for ?. expressions to virtual machines.
  • Modify the constraints of dependent packages.

1.1.16 #

  • Fix the bug that the _scanInstanceCreationExpression function cannot recognize the prefix constructor for the virtual machine.
  • Add implicit double conversion to virtual machine's bridge type generato.
  • Modify the structure of the export file.

1.1.13 #

  • Added anonymous function scope support for virtual machines.
  • Extended the type retrieval of Super parameters and Field parameters for the bridge type generator of the virtual machine.
  • Fix some bugs of the virtual machine.

1.1.12 #

  • Optimize the bridge type generator of the virtual machine, so that the generated proxy function is more accurate.
  • Limit virtual machine to only one instance at a time.
  • Optimize the exception capture mechanism of the virtual machine.
  • Add Enum and extension parsing for the bridge class generator of the virtual machine.

1.1.11 #

  • Implemented InstanceCreationExpression related functions for virtual machines.
  • Add the reassembly function of internally defined classes to the virtual machine.
  • Add a conversion interface for reading native values to virtual machines.

1.1.9 #

  • Refactor documentation
  • Optimize type speculation speed for virtual machines.
  • Modify the VmSuper class so that it can be used by Flutter widgets.

1.1.5 #

  • Optimize parts related to EasyClient and upgrade mongo_dart.

1.1.2 #

  • Implemented a dart-lang runtime virtual machine and improve documents.

1.0.66 #

  • Modify code generator.

1.0.63 #

  • Optimize the format of logger. Modify .gitignore.

1.0.61 #

  • Add generateBaseExports method for code generator.

1.0.60 #

  • Add custom http route for server and custom http request for client. Optimize the export structure of code.

1.0.50 #

  • Upgrade dependencies.

1.0.30 #

  • Extension code generation method.

1.0.25 #

  • Adjust part of the code.

1.0.20 #

  • Optimize encryption and decryption methods.

1.0.19 #

  • Add runZonedGuarded mode for worker.

1.0.17 #

  • Modify result's success judge rule for mongo's insert, delete, update functions.

1.0.11 #

  • Implement core functions.

0.0.0 #

  • Initial version.
pub points



This library includes a json model generator, a unified database operator interface, a server and client framework, a virtual machine for AOT code push, and a log module.

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#client #server #shelf #eval #code push


unknown (license)


analyzer, bson, crypto, dart_style, encrypt, fixnum, http, http_parser, meta, mime, mongo_dart, shelf, shelf_cors_headers, shelf_multipart, shelf_router, shelf_static, shelf_web_socket, uuid, web_socket_channel


Packages that depend on shelf_easy