shelf_easy 1.1.6 copy "shelf_easy: ^1.1.6" to clipboard
shelf_easy: ^1.1.6 copied to clipboard


This library includes a json model generator, a unified database operator, a server and client framework, a virtual machine for AOT code push, and a log module.

Language: English | 中文

This library includes a Json data model generation module, a unified Database operation interface module, a web server module, a Websocket server module, a supporting client module, a virtual machine module that can execute Dart dynamic code in an AOT environment, and a log module.

Each module can be used independently and is a comprehensive lightweight framework.

Table of contents #

The usage of each module is shown below. The specific code can be viewed in the example directory of this library.

1. Data model generation module for Json serialization. #

Create a generator.dart file in the example directory, the code is as follows:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';
import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_gens.dart';

void main() {
  final coder = EasyCoder(
    config: EasyCoderConfig(
      absFolder: '${Directory.current.path}/model',
    importList: [],
    classDesc: ['', '常量', ''],
    className: 'Constant',
    constFields: [
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'int', name: 'sexMale', desc: ['性别:男性'], defVal: '101', zhText: '男', enText: 'Male'),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'int', name: 'sexFemale', desc: ['性别:女性'], defVal: '102', zhText: '女', enText: 'Female'),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'int', name: 'sexUnknow', desc: ['性别:未知'], defVal: '103', zhText: '未知', enText: 'Unknow'),
    constMap: true,
    importList: [],
    classDesc: ['', '位置', ''],
    className: 'Location',
    classFields: [
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'ObjectId', name: '_id', desc: ['唯一标志']),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'String', name: 'country', desc: ['国家']),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'String', name: 'province', desc: ['省']),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'String', name: 'city', desc: ['市']),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'String', name: 'district', desc: ['区']),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'double', name: 'latitude', desc: ['纬度'], defVal: '16.666666'),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'double', name: 'longitude', desc: ['经度'], defVal: '116.666666'),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'double', name: 'altitude', desc: ['海拔'], defVal: '1'),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'int', name: '_time', desc: ['创建时间'], defVal: ''),
    importList: ['constant.dart', 'location.dart'],
    classDesc: ['', '用户', ''],
    className: 'User',
    classFields: [
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'ObjectId', name: '_id', desc: ['唯一标志']),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'String', name: 'no', desc: ['账号']),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'String', name: 'pwd', desc: ['密码'], secrecy: true),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'int', name: 'sex', desc: ['性别'], defVal: 'Constant.sexUnknow'),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'int', name: 'age', desc: ['年龄'], defVal: '18'),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'Location', name: 'location', desc: ['当前位置'], nullAble: true),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'List<Location>', name: 'locationList', desc: ['位置列表'], nullAble: true),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'Map<int, Location>', name: 'locationMap', desc: ['位置集合'], nullAble: true),
      EasyCoderFieldInfo(type: 'int', name: '_time', desc: ['创建时间'], defVal: ''),

Then execute the dart generator.dart generated code in the example directory as shown below:


Now let's demonstrate Json serialization, create test/test_model.dart under the example directory, the content is as follows:

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

import '../model/all.dart';

void main() {
  final logger = EasyLogger();
  final encoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');

  final user1 = User(
    no: 'aaa',
    pwd: '111',
    location: Location(
      country: 'xx国',
      province: 'xx省',
      city: 'xx市',
      district: 'xx区',
    locationList: [
      Location(district: 'List项1'),
      Location(district: 'List项2'),
  final user1String = encoder.convert(user1);
  logger.logInfo(['user1 =>', user1String]);

  final user2 = User.fromJson(jsonDecode(user1String))
    ..locationList = null
    ..locationMap = {
      1: Location(district: 'Map项1'),
      2: Location(district: 'Map项2'),
  final user2String = encoder.convert(user2);
  logger.logInfo(['user2 =>', user2String]);

Then execute dart test/test_model.dart in the example directory, and the output result is as follows:


For more rules of data model generation, please refer to the source code comments of related classes.

The usage of the logging function EasyLoggger will be introduced later.

2. The database unified interface module for Database operation. (Currently only supports Mongodb, plan to support postgre) #

Create a test/test_database.dart file in the example directory with the following content:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

import '../model/all.dart';

void main() {
  final unidb = EasyUniDb(
    config: EasyUniDbConfig(
      driver: EasyUniDbDriver.mongo,
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 27017,
      db: 'shelf_easy_example',
      params: {},
  unidb.connect().then((value) async {
    await unidb.insertOne(UserQuery.$tableName, User(no: 'aaa'));

    await unidb.insertMany(UserQuery.$tableName, [User(no: 'bbb'), User(no: 'ccc'), User(no: 'ddd'), User(no: 'eee'), User(no: 'fff')]);

    await unidb.deleteOne(

    await unidb.deleteMany(
        $or: [

    final userBBB = (await unidb.findOne(UserQuery.$tableName, DbFilter({$eq('bbb')}), converter: User.fromJson)).result;
    unidb.logWarn(['userBBB =>', userBBB]);

    final userList = (await unidb.findMany(UserQuery.$tableName, DbFilter({}), converter: User.fromJson)).resultList;
    unidb.logWarn(['userList =>', userList]);

    final deleteAllCount = (await unidb.deleteMany(UserQuery.$tableName, DbFilter({}))).rescode;
    unidb.logWarn(['deleteAllCount =>', deleteAllCount]);

    final afterDelAllTotal = (await unidb.count(UserQuery.$tableName, DbFilter({}))).rescode;
    unidb.logWarn(['afterDelAllTotal =>', afterDelAllTotal]);
    await unidb.destroy().then((value) => exit(0));
  //sigint {
    unidb.destroy().then((value) => exit(0));

Then execute dart test/test_database.dart in the example directory, and the output result is as follows:


The database auxiliary classes such as UserQuery generated by the serialization code generator combined with the unified database operation class EasyUniDb can take advantage of the language advantages of dart strong type and avoid Map<String, dynamic> or sql statement as much as possible The associated string key operation.

The interface style of EasyUniDb is basically consistent with that of mongo shell, currently only supports Mongodb, and plans to support postgre.

Note: The sample code above is just a demonstration. The result returned by each interface of EasyUniDb is an object of type DbResult<T>. In real scenarios, the database operation result can be judged according to the field of DbResult<T> state. For details, see the source code comments of the relevant classes.

3. Web server module, Websocket server module, supporting client module. (The server supports cluster deployment) #

Web server #

Create a test/test_webserver.dart file in the example directory with the following content:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_deps.dart';
import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

import '../model/all.dart';

void main() {
  final server = EasyServer(
    config: EasyServerConfig(
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 8080,
      pwd: '12345678', //AES加密密码
      binary: true, //使用二进制发送AES数据包
  final rootPath = Directory.current.path;

  server.get('/hello', (Request request) {
    return Response.ok('hello world by get.');

  server.get('/user/<no>/<pwd>', (Request request, String no, String pwd) {
    return Response.ok('I am $no, my pwd is $pwd');

  ///普通post请求'/test/one', (Request request) async {
    final data = await request.readAsString();
    return Response.ok('I am received: $data');

  server.httpRoute('/location', (request, packet) async {
    final no =!['no'] as String;
    final location =!['location'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
    return packet.responseOk(
      data: {
        'user': User(no: no, location: Location.fromJson(location)),

  server.httpUpload('/doUpload', (request, packet, files) async {
    final aaa =!['aaa'] as int;
    final bbb =!['bbb'] as int;
    return packet.responseOk(
      data: {
        'aaa': aaa,
        'bbb': bbb,
        'paths': => e.path.replaceFirst(rootPath, '')).toList(),
  }, destinationFolder: () => '$rootPath/upload');

  server.mount('/', rootPath, listDirectories: true);


  //sigint {
    server.close().then((value) => exit(0));

Then execute dart test/test_webserver.dart in the example directory to start the server, and the output is as follows:


The test results of ordinary get requests and ordinary post requests are as follows:





At this time, the server console output results are as follows:


Web client #

Create a test/test_webclient.dart file in the example directory with the following content:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_deps.dart';
import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

import '../model/all.dart';

void main() async {
  final client = EasyClient(
    config: EasyClientConfig(
      logLevel: EasyLogLevel.debug,
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 8080,
      pwd: '12345678', //AES加密密码
      binary: true, //使用二进制发送AES数据包

  final resp1 = await EasyClient.get('${client.httpUrl}/hello');
  final resp2 = await EasyClient.get('${client.httpUrl}/user/aaa/bbb');
  final resp3 = await'${client.httpUrl}/test/one', body: 'hello world!');
  client.logWarn(['resp1 =>', resp1.body]);
  client.logWarn(['resp2 =>', resp2.body]);
  client.logWarn(['resp3 =>', resp3.body]);

  final resp4 = await client.httpRequest('/location', data: {'no': 'ccc', 'location': Location(latitude: 11.111111, longitude: 111.111111)});
  client.logWarn(['resp4 =>',]);

  final resp5 = await client.httpRequest(
    data: {'aaa': 111, 'bbb': 222},
    fileBytes: [
    mediaType: MediaType.parse('image/png'),
  client.logWarn(['resp5 =>',]);

Then execute dart test/test_webclient.dart in the example directory, and the output results are as follows:


The image will be uploaded to the upload directory of the custom example:


Websocket server #

Create a test/test_wssserver.dart file in the example directory with the following content:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

import '../model/all.dart';

void main() {
  final server = EasyServer(
    config: EasyServerConfig(
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 8080,
      pwd: '12345678', //AES加密密码
      binary: true, //使用二进制发送AES数据包

  server.websocketRoute('location', (session, packet) async {
    final no =!['no'] as String;
    final location =!['location'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
    return packet.responseOk(
      data: {
        'user': User(no: no, location: Location.fromJson(location)),

  server.websocketRoute('currentTime', (session, packet) async {
    return packet.responseOk(desc:;


  //sigint {
    server.close().then((value) => exit(0));

Then execute dart test/test_wssserver.dart in the example directory to start the server, and the output is as follows:


Websocket client #

Create a test/test_wssclient.dart file in the example directory with the following content:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

import '../model/all.dart';

void main() async {
  final client = EasyClient(
    config: EasyClientConfig(
      logLevel: EasyLogLevel.debug,
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 8080,
      pwd: '12345678', //AES加密密码
      binary: true, //使用二进制发送AES数据包

    onopen: () async {
      final resp4 = await client.websocketRequest('location', data: {'no': 'ccc', 'location': Location(latitude: 11.111111, longitude: 111.111111)});
      client.logWarn(['resp4 =>',]);

      await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5));

      await client.destroy().then((value) => exit(0));
    onheart: (second, delay) async {
      final resp5 = await client.websocketRequest('currentTime', data: {});
      client.logWarn(['resp5 =>', resp5.desc]);

  //sigint {
    client.destroy().then((value) => exit(0));

Then execute dart test/test_wssclient.dart in the example directory, the output result is as follows:


At this time, the server console output results are as follows:


4. A virtual machine module for executing a subset of Dart (provides the underlying support for dynamically pushing dart code in an AOT environment). #

Generation of bridge types #

In the dart environment, bridge types can be generated through the EasyVmGen class.

Create a test/test_vmgen.dart file in the example directory with the following content:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_gens.dart';

import '../model/all.dart';

void main() {
  final vmgen = EasyVmGen(
    targetClassList: [
      MapEntry(Constant, Constant()),
      MapEntry(Location, Location()),
      MapEntry(User, User()),
    outputFile: '${Directory.current.path}/bridge/model_library.dart',
    outputClass: 'ModelLibrary',
    importList: ['../model/all.dart'],

Then execute dart test/test_vmgen.dart in the example directory to generate the result as shown below:


Note: dart:mirrors cannot be used in the flutter environment, if necessary, please write the bridge class by hand (thanks to the flutter declarative ui, the bridge type of the widget is not complicated, and in general, each widget only needs a few lines of code to bridge the structure function is sufficient).

Virtual machine usage for a subset of Dart #

Create a test/test_vmware.dart file in the example directory with the following content:

// import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

import '../bridge/model_library.dart';
import '../model/all.dart';

void main() {
    customClassList: ModelLibrary.libraryClassList,
    customProxyList: ModelLibrary.libraryProxyList,

  final source = '''
 int main() {
        var count = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i = i + 1) {
          count = count + i;
        return count;
  final result1 = EasyVmWare.eval<int>(moduleCode: source, methodName: 'main');
  print('result1 ===========> $result1');

  final vmwareApp = EasyVmWare(
    config: EasyVmWareConfig(
      allModules: {
        'main': '''
          int main(){
            print('hello world!');
            return 1;
        'test': '''
          DateTime current(){
          User createUser(){
            return User();
        // 'code': File('${Directory.current.path}/test/test_vmcode.dart').readAsStringSync(),

  final result2 = vmwareApp.main();
  vmwareApp.logWarn(['result2 =>', result2]);

  final result3 =<DateTime>(moduleName: 'test', methodName: 'current');
  vmwareApp.logWarn(['result3 =>', result3]);

  final result4 =<User>(moduleName: 'test', methodName: 'createUser');
  vmwareApp.logWarn(['result4 =>', result4]);

  vmwareApp.debugObjectStack(); //打印虚拟机中的作用域堆栈信息

Then execute dart test/test_vmware.dart in the example directory, and the output result is as follows:


Note: All syntax supported by the virtual machine is shown in this file:


5. Log module. #

It is very simple to use, create a test/test_logger.dart file in the example directory, the content is as follows:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

void main() {
  final logger = EasyLogger(
    logger: EasyLogger.printAndWriteLogger, //这里设置为:同时输出到控制台和文件(默认情况下输出到控制台)
    logLevel: EasyLogLevel.trace,
    logTag: 'HelloLogger',
    logFilePath: '${Directory.current.path}/logs/test_logger', //日志文件输出路径
  logger.logTrace(['hello', 'world',]);
  logger.logDebug(['hello', 'world',]);
  logger.logInfo(['hello', 'world',]);
  logger.logWarn(['hello', 'world',]);
  logger.logError(['hello', 'world',]);
  logger.logFatal(['hello', 'world',]);

Then execute dart test/test_logger.dart in the example directory, and the console output results are as follows:


The file output results are as follows:


6. A simple demonstration of projects in a cluster environment. #

Create an app/ subdirectory under the example directory, as shown in the figure:


Cluster server #

app_server.dart is the startup file of the server, the content is as follows:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

import 'http_route.dart';
import 'inner_route.dart';
import 'outer_route.dart';

void main() {
    // machineBind: true,
    // machineFile: '${Directory.current.path}/hostname.txt',
    // environment: 'release',
    environment: 'develop',
    envClusterServerConfig: {
      'develop': {
        'http': [
          EasyServerConfig(host: '', port: 8080, links: ['outer', 'inner'], instances: 4),
        'outer': [
          EasyServerConfig(host: '', port: 8001, links: ['inner']),
          EasyServerConfig(host: '', port: 8002, links: ['inner']),
          EasyServerConfig(host: '', port: 8003, links: ['inner']),
        'inner': [
          EasyServerConfig(host: '', port: 9001, links: ['outer']),
          EasyServerConfig(host: '', port: 9002, links: ['outer']),
          EasyServerConfig(host: '', port: 9003, links: ['outer']),
      'release': {
        'http': [
          EasyServerConfig(host: 'localhost', port: 8080, links: ['outer', 'inner'], instances: 4),
        'outer': [
          EasyServerConfig(host: 'localhost', port: 8001, links: ['inner']),
          EasyServerConfig(host: 'localhost', port: 8002, links: ['inner']),
          EasyServerConfig(host: 'localhost', port: 8003, links: ['inner']),
        'inner': [
          EasyServerConfig(host: 'localhost', port: 9001, links: ['outer']),
          EasyServerConfig(host: 'localhost', port: 9002, links: ['outer']),
          EasyServerConfig(host: 'localhost', port: 9003, links: ['outer']),
    envClusterServerEntryPoint: {
      'develop': {
        'http': httpServerEntryPoint,
        'outer': outerServerEntryPoint,
        'inner': innerServerEntryPoint,
      'release': {
        'http': httpServerEntryPoint,
        'outer': outerServerEntryPoint,
        'inner': innerServerEntryPoint,
    envDefaultDatabaseConfig: {
      'develop': EasyUniDbConfig(driver: EasyUniDbDriver.mongo, host: '', port: 27017, db: 'shelf_easy_example', params: {}),
      'release': EasyUniDbConfig(driver: EasyUniDbDriver.mongo, host: 'localhost', port: 27017, db: 'shelf_easy_example', params: {}),
    logger: EasyLogger.printAndWriteLogger,
    logFolder: '${Directory.current.path}/logs',
    logFileBackup: 3,
    logFileMaxBytes: 10 * 1024,
    pwd: '12345678',
    secret: EasySecurity.uuid.v4(),
    binary: true,
    runErrorsZone: false,
    errorsAreFatal: false,

  //sigint {
    Easy.closeClusterServers().then((value) => exit(0));

void httpServerEntryPoint(String environment, String cluster, EasyServer server, EasyUniDb? database) => HttpRoute(server, database!).start();

void outerServerEntryPoint(String environment, String cluster, EasyServer server, EasyUniDb? database) => OuterRoute(server, database!).start();

void innerServerEntryPoint(String environment, String cluster, EasyServer server, EasyUniDb? database) => InnerRoute(server, database!).start();

As can be seen from the code, the above server contains two environments, namely: develop and release, which can be customized according to actual needs.

The server above contains three service clusters, namely: the public web service cluster http, the public persistent connection Websocket service cluster outer, and the internal service cluster inner.

http_route.dart corresponds to the http service (the file name, class name, and service name are not related and can be defined freely), the code is as follows:

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

class HttpRoute {
  final EasyServer server;

  final EasyUniDb database;

  HttpRoute(this.server, this.database);

  void start() {
    server.httpRoute('/webPushAll', (request, packet) async {
      server.callRemote('inner', route: 'pushAll', data:;
      return packet.responseOk();

    server.httpRoute('/webPushGRP', (request, packet) async {
      server.callRemote('inner', route: 'pushGRP', data:;
      return packet.responseOk();

    server.httpRoute('/webPushP2P', (request, packet) async {
      server.callRemote('inner', route: 'pushP2P', data:;
      return packet.responseOk();

    server.httpRoute('/webTimeNow', (request, packet) async {
      final result = await server.callRemoteForResult('inner', route: 'timeNow');
      return packet.responseOk(data:;

    ///Asynchronous error test
    Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 13), () {
      throw ('http async error');

http_route.dart defines 4 public interfaces.

The first three interfaces /webPushXXX call the inner service to push data to the client of the outer service persistent connection.

The latter interface /webTimeNow gets the current time by calling the inner service and returns it.

outer_route.dart corresponds to the outer service (the file name, class name, and service name are not related and can be defined freely), the code is as follows:

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

class OuterRoute {
  final EasyServer server;

  final EasyUniDb database;

  OuterRoute(this.server, this.database);

  void start() {
    server.websocketRoute('enter', (session, packet) async {
      final uid =!['uid'] as String; //读取用户id
      final token = EasySecurity.uuid.v4(); //生成随机的数据传输加密口令

      Future.delayed(, () {
        server.bindUser(session, uid, token: token, closeold: true); //closeold参数为true表示踢掉本线程重复uid的连接

      return packet.responseOk(data: {'uid': uid, 'token': token});

    server.websocketRoute('joinTeam', (session, packet) async {
      final cid =!['cid'] as String; //读取分组id
      server.joinChannel(session, cid);
      return packet.responseOk();

    server.websocketRoute('quitTeam', (session, packet) async {
      final cid =!['cid'] as String; //读取分组id
      server.quitChannel(session, cid);
      return packet.responseOk();

    server.websocketRoute('leave', (session, packet) async {
      Future.delayed(, () {

      return packet.responseOk();

    //Asynchronous error test
    Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 14), () {
      throw ('outer async error');

outer_route.dart defines 4 public interfaces.

Note: In the outer_route.dart service, remote methods can also be called like http_route.dart above. For more APIs, please refer to EasyServer source code and comments.

inner_route.dart corresponds to the inner service (the file name, class name, and service name are not related and can be defined freely), the code is as follows:

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

class InnerRoute {
  final EasyServer server;

  final EasyUniDb database;

  InnerRoute(this.server, this.database);

  void start() {
    ///推送广播消息 - 内部方法
    server.websocketRemote('pushAll', (session, packet) async {
      server.clusterBroadcast('outer', route: 'onPushAll', data:;
      return packet.responseOk();

    ///推送分组消息 - 内部方法
    server.websocketRemote('pushGRP', (session, packet) async {
      final toCid =!['toCid'] as String;
      server.pushClusterChannel('outer', route: 'onPushGRP', ucid: toCid, data:;
      return packet.responseOk();

    ///推送点对点消息 - 内部方法
    server.websocketRemote('pushP2P', (session, packet) async {
      final toUid =!['toUid'] as String;
      server.pushClusterSession('outer', route: 'onPushP2P', ucid: toUid, data:;
      return packet.responseOk();

    ///获取当前的时间 - 内部方法
    server.websocketRemote('timeNow', (session, packet) async {
      return packet.responseOk(data: {'time':});

    //Asynchronous error test
    Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 15), () {
      throw ('inner async error');

outer_route.dart defines 4 internal methods.

Cluster client #

app_client.dart is the code file of the client, the content is as follows:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:shelf_easy/shelf_easy.dart';

void main(List<String> args) async {
  if (args.isEmpty) throw ('启动格式为: dart app/app_client.dart <port>');
  final port = args.first;
  switch (port) {
    case '8001':
      await userClient800X(port: 8001, uid: 'aaa', cid: 'cat'); //启动后加入到分组cat
    case '8002':
      await userClient800X(port: 8002, uid: 'bbb', cid: 'cat'); //启动后加入到分组cat
    case '8003':
      await userClient800X(port: 8003, uid: 'ccc', cid: 'dog'); //启动后加入到分组dog
    case '8080':
      await pushClient8080();

Future<void> userClient800X({required int port, required String uid, required String cid}) async {
  final client = EasyClient(
    config: EasyClientConfig(
      logTag: uid,
      logLevel: EasyLogLevel.debug,
      host: 'localhost',
      port: port,
      pwd: '12345678', //AES加密密码
      binary: true, //使用二进制发送AES数据包
  client.addListener('onPushAll', (packet) => client.logWarn(['onPushAll =>',]));
  client.addListener('onPushGRP', (packet) => client.logWarn(['onPushGRP =>',]));
  client.addListener('onPushP2P', (packet) => client.logWarn(['onPushP2P =>',]));
    onopen: () async {
      final result = await client.websocketRequest('enter', data: {'uid': uid});
      if (result.ok) {
        client.bindUser(uid, token:!['token']); //绑定客户端uid与服务器返回的数据加密口令token
        await client.websocketRequest('joinTeam', data: {'cid': cid}); //加入分组

  //sigint {
    client.destroy().then((value) => exit(0));

Future<void> pushClient8080() async {
  final client = EasyClient(
    config: EasyClientConfig(
      logLevel: EasyLogLevel.debug,
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 8080,
      pwd: '12345678', //AES加密密码
      binary: true, //使用二进制发送AES数据包

  final resp1 = await client.httpRequest('/webPushAll', data: {'type': 'all', 'body': 'Hello broadcast msg! '});
  client.logWarn(['resp1 =>', resp1.desc]);
  final resp2 = await client.httpRequest('/webPushGRP', data: {'type': 'grp', 'body': 'Hello channel msg!', 'toCid': 'cat'});
  client.logWarn(['resp2 =>', resp2.desc]);
  final resp3 = await client.httpRequest('/webPushP2P', data: {'type': 'p2p', 'body': 'Hello point to point msg!', 'toUid': 'aaa'});
  client.logWarn(['resp3 =>', resp3.desc]);
  final resp4 = await client.httpRequest('/webTimeNow');
  client.logWarn(['resp4 =>',]);

Cluster test #

First execute dart app/app_server.dart in the example directory to start the server

Then execute dart app/app_client.dart 8001 to start the long-term connection client of user aaa grouped by cat

Then execute dart app/app_client.dart 8002 to start the persistent connection client of user bbb grouped by cat

Then execute dart app/app_client.dart 8003 to start the persistent connection client of user ccc of dog group

At this time, the console output is as follows:


Finally, execute dart app/app_client.dart 8080 to start the http client and push data. At this time, the console output is as follows:


pub points



This library includes a json model generator, a unified database operator, a server and client framework, a virtual machine for AOT code push, and a log module.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


analyzer, bson, crypto, encrypt, fixnum, http, http_parser, mime, mongo_dart, shelf, shelf_cors_headers, shelf_multipart, shelf_router, shelf_static, shelf_web_socket, uuid, web_socket_channel


Packages that depend on shelf_easy