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shark: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard


A Flutter server rendering framework for mobile application, server-driven UI, dynamic change your interface in realtime

Shark Flutter 🦈 (Official) #

codecov pub package CodeFactor

A Flutter server rendering framework

What it is #

Shark is a server rendering framework, a server-driven UI framework.

Simple use case of shark

Let say you have a text widget, you specify it as json on the server return to the client, the client use shark to receive the text widget and show the UI successfully.

After a while, you want to change the text widget to a button, instead of modify it on the client code and go through all the mobile app store update process, you only need to modify the text widget to a button widget on the server, and the shark client received it, showed the newest UI.

Project diagram #

How to use #

First, init Shark library on main method on your application

  void main() {
    await Shark.init(hostUrl: '');


Second, set up UI widget

  • To be noticed, every thing related to widget is controlled by SharkController
  • get method is where we send the request
  late final SharkController _controller;

  /// init the shark controller
  void initState() {
    _controller = SharkController.fromUrl(path: '/container',)..get();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SharkWidget(controller: _controller);

To redirect to another page, call redirect


To refresh current page, call refresh


If you want to create your own parser

class MyCustomParser extends SharkParser {}

Routing #

shark auto handles your page routing, if you do not want it, set handleClickEvent to false

 _sharkController = SharkController('/your_path', handleClickEvent: false);

Click Event #

Routing trigger by click event, which you can set it like this on your json widget file.

A sample event json format

        "type": "container",
        "click_event": "route://your_path?xxx=xxx"

schema: xxx://

path: your_path

argument: After the prefix '?' is the argument field. xxx=xxx, separate with &


"click_event": "route://second_page?name=hello&place=world"  

The schema represents the routing action #

Currently, there are 4 routing action

route: prefix with route://, internally would call Navigator.pushName('new_path', args)

Push a new route to Navigator

** Please remember to specify route path on your route map

If not, navigator would throw an error then SharkController would try to navigator to a new default shark widget with the following path

pop: prefix with pop://, internally would call Navigator.pop(result)

redirect: prefix with redirect://, redirect current page with the following path

link: use url_launcher internally to open a url on browser, please visit url_launcher to configure the detail requirements for each platform

Caching #

Shark use dio_cache_interceptor for caching purposes.

When you initialize the shark library, you can pass a cacheStrategy argument to config your caching setting.

Parsing #

Note that Shark uses dynamic_widget for widget parsing,

If you want to create your own parser

class MyCustomParser extends SharkParser {}

To view the json format, go visit documentation on dynamic_widget.


You can also view the express server sample, you can deploy to heroku fast

or you can test it on this temporary host =(little slow)

Real world sample (Promotion 😂) #

My new meditation app had implemented shark recently, the profile page is handled by shark completely.

Future Job #

  • Security
  • Localization

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A Flutter server rendering framework for mobile application, server-driven UI, dynamic change your interface in realtime

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unknown (license)


device_info_plus, dio, dio_cache_interceptor, dynamic_widget, flutter, path_provider, url_launcher


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