shadcn_flutter 0.0.22 shadcn_flutter: ^0.0.22 copied to clipboard
Beautifully designed components from Shadcn/UI is now available for Flutter
0.0.22 #
- Added Collapsible Theme
- Added CardButton component
- Added leading and trailing to form title
- Added Progress Theme
- Added Tracker Theme
- Added separate overlay handler for mobile and desktop devices
- Separated data widgets to another package
- Fix dispose on RecentColorsScope notifier
- Added ThemeMode
- Fixed Form Validation microtask delay issue
- Form Validators now return a FutureOr
0.0.21 #
- Fixed issue with Form Validation Mode lifecycle
- Fixed text extension for SelectableText
- Replace switch focus border with FocusOutline
- Added tracker theme
- Added countries parameter to PhoneInput
- Added clipBehavior param to TextField
- Fix RecentColorsScope state disposal
- Scroll Interception is no longer enabled by default
- Added ShadcnLayer widget to wrap shadcn flutter components without ShadcnApp widget
0.0.20 #
- Replaced photoUrl to image provider in Avatar component
- Added ButtonGroup component
- Added StatedWidget component
- Added AutoComplete component
- Reworked the web preloader
- Added Number Input component
- Added Refresh Trigger component
- Fixed the issue with static button text style
- Fixed scaffold hitbox order issue
- Exposed textInputAction property for Text Input component
- Reworked the Color Picker component
- Added screen color picker
- Added toast layer to scaffold
0.0.19 #
- Fixed test issue
0.0.18 #
- Added Number Ticker component
- Added Linear Progress component
- Added Chip Input component
- Updated Color Picker component
- Added Multi Select component
- Added Phone Input component
- Added Radio Card component
- Added Star Rating component
- Added Time Picker component
- Added App Bar component
- Added Card Image component
- Added Scaffold component
- Added Stepper component
- Added Timeline component
- Added Dot Indicator component
- Added Navigation Bar component
- Added Navigation Rail component
- Added Navigation Sidebar component
- Added Tree component
- Added Avatar Group component
- Added Tracker component
- Added Keyboard Display component
- Added Overflow Marquee component
- Fixed animation implementation issue
- Improved popover system
- Added scaling option
- Added surfaceOpacity option
- Added surfaceBlur option
- Improved drawer
- Fixed button visual issue in light mode
- Fixed input issue on mobile
- Added option to use native input context menu
- Added mobile context menu
- Fixed radix icons visual glitch
- Added checkbox animation
- Added year and month selection to date picker
- Added tooltip trigger for mobile
- Fixed carousel implementation to match design spec
- Added data messenger to fix data binding issue
- Added more style to chip component
- Improved radio component visual design
- Added more params to input component
- Improved select performance
- Upgraded cross_file dependency
0.0.17 #
- Fixed chained text widget
- Added toast component
- Added colors constants
- Added HSL color picker
- Fixed color shades generation issue
- Improved radio group widget
0.0.16 #
- Fixed bug with data not being bound to popover context
- Fixed popover transformation matrix
0.0.15 #
- Added support for Material/Cupertino widgets
0.0.14 #
- Overhauled popover system
- Removed Popover, PopoverLayoutDelegate, PopoverExtension, and PopoverPortal
- Added NavigationMenu component
- Capture and re-wrap data widget in popover
0.0.13 #
- Fixed platform interface initialization
0.0.12 #
- Added Resizable component
- Added Menubar component
- Refactored ComboBox to Select
- Added Context Menu component
- Added Dropdown Menu component
0.0.11 #
- Fixed missing icons directory
0.0.10 #
- Fixed icon visual glitch
0.0.9 #
- Fixed duplicate widget entries
0.0.8 #
- Updated installation guide
0.0.7 #
- Fix broken links in
0.0.6 #
- Updated
0.0.5 #
- Fix platform support for windows, android, macos, linux, and ios
- Added drawer and sheet
0.0.4 #
- Split into 3 packages: shadcn_flutter, shadcn_flutter_web, and shadcn_flutter_platform_interface
0.0.3 #
- Added wasm support
- Overhauled the button component and the badge component
0.0.2 #
- Added missing components
- Improved documentation pages
0.0.1 #
- Initial release