serinus 0.4.1 copy "serinus: ^0.4.1" to clipboard
serinus: ^0.4.1 copied to clipboard

Serinus is a framework written in Dart for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.

Changelog #

0.4.1 #

  • Fix another bug in the normalization route of the Controllers (#22)

0.4.0 #

  • Add event-based response state (#14)
  • Fix a bug in the normalization route of the Controllers when a leading slash is present (#22)
  • Add request lifecycle hooks to the application both global and local (#18)
  • Add Request Lifecycle documentation (#15)
  • The Route class is now concrete and has several factory constructors to simplify the creation of routes (#16)
  • The Response.file method now uses streams to send the file to the client (#17)

0.3.1 #

  • Update Spanner to 1.0.1+5
  • Add Body size limit to the application
  • Improve performances of the application (up to 25%)

0.3.0 #

  • Add WebSocket support
  • Fix a bug in the ModulesContainer that caused a wrongful injection of the providers in the application.
  • Abstract the Handler interface to allow for more flexibility in the implementation of the handlers

0.2.3 #

  • Fix a bug in the ModulesContainer that caused a wrongful injection of the providers in the application.

0.2.2 #

  • Add enableCompression flag in the SerinusApplication
  • Clean up code and add more tests
  • Start documenting the code

0.2.1 #

  • Fix support for Serinus CLI run command environment variables
  • Improve general performance
  • Add Versioning to the Application
  • Add GlobalPrefix to the Application
  • Add ApplicationConfig to centralize the configuration of the application

0.2.0 #

  • General performance improvements
  • Refactor ViewEngines
  • Add tests
  • Add documentation
  • Add support for Serinus CLI run command environment variables
  • Simplify Route Handler signature (!!!BREAKING!!!)

0.1.1-dev.1 #

  • Add support for Spanner as router
  • Clean up code

0.1.0-dev.2 #

  • Add DeferredModules
  • Add scope to the ApplicationContext
  • Fix Middlewares

0.1.0-dev.1 #

  • Add DeferredProviders
  • Fix parsing of path parameters in request

0.0.1-dev.5 #

  • Add scoped providers to ExecutionContext

0.0.1-dev.4 #

  • Huge refactoring of the code
  • Add guards for the request
  • Add pipes for the request

0.0.1-dev.3 #

  • Added more exceptions
  • Added ApplicationInit mixins
  • Refactoring of the code and small fixes

0.0.1-dev.2 #

  • Changed request route mapping
  • Refactoring of the code and small fixes

0.0.1-dev.1 #

Initial Implementation

pub points



Serinus is a framework written in Dart for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#server #httpserver #backend #web #http




unknown (LICENSE)


async, collection, http_parser, intl, logging, meta, mime, spanner, stream_channel, uuid, web_socket_channel


Packages that depend on serinus