sealed_countries 1.1.0 sealed_countries: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
Provides data for world countries in the form of sealed classes.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print, avoid-non-ascii-symbols, prefer-match-file-name
import "package:sealed_countries/sealed_countries.dart";
void main() {
print(WorldCountry.list.length); // Prints: "250".
final mexico = WorldCountry.fromCode("MEX");
print(; // Prints: "Mexico".
final europeanCountries = WorldCountry.list.where(
(country) => country.continent is Europe,
print(europeanCountries); // Prints a list of European countries.
final europeanUnion = RegionalBloc.fromAcronym("EU");
final europeButNotEU = europeanCountries.where(
(country) => !(country.regionalBlocs?.contains(europeanUnion) ?? false),
print(europeButNotEU.length); // Prints 23 count of non-EU European countries.
/// Prints all the countries in the world with their phone code.
for (final country in WorldCountry.list) {
"${} code: ${country.idd.phoneCode()}",
for (final country in WorldCountry.list) {
"""${} translated to Slovak language: ${country.translation(const LangSlk()).name}""",
print(const _CountryCustom().name.common); // Prints "Custom".
/// Creates a instance of the custom country with permissive constructor.
class _CountryCustom extends WorldCountry {
const _CountryCustom()
: super.permissive(
name: const CountryName(
language: LangEng(),
official: "Republic of Custom",
common: "Custom",
namesNative: const [
language: LangSqi(),
official: "Republika e Kosovës",
common: "Kosova",
language: LangSrp(),
official: "Република Косово",
common: "Косово",
tld: const [],
code: "UNK",
codeNumeric: " ",
codeShort: "XK",
cioc: "KOS",
independent: true,
unMember: false,
currencies: const [FiatEur()],
idd: const Idd(root: 3, suffixes: [83]),
altSpellings: const ["XK", "Република Косово"],
continent: const Europe(),
subregion: const SouthwestEurope(),
languages: const [LangSrp(), LangSqi()],
translations: const [],
latLng: const LatLng(42.666667, 21.166667),
landlocked: true,
bordersCodes: const ["Alb", "Mkd", "Mne", "Srb"],
areaMetric: 10908,
demonyms: const [
Demonyms(language: LangEng(), female: "Kosovar", male: "Kosovar"),
Demonyms(language: LangFra(), female: "Kosovare", male: "Kosovar"),
emoji: "🇽🇰",
maps: const Maps(
googleMaps: "CSC4Yc8SWPgburuD9",
openStreetMaps: "relation/2088990",
population: 1775378,
gini: const Gini(year: 2017, coefficient: 29),
fifa: "KVX",
car: const Car(sign: "CS"),
timezones: const ["UTC+01:00"],
hasCoatOfArms: true,
startOfWeek: Weekday.monday,
capitalInfo: const CapitalInfo(
capital: Capital("Pristina"),
latLng: LatLng(42.67, 21.17),
postalCode: null,
regionalBlocs: const [BlocCEFTA()],