sealed_countries 1.5.0 copy "sealed_countries: ^1.5.0" to clipboard
sealed_countries: ^1.5.0 copied to clipboard

Provides data for world countries in the form of sealed classes.

1.5.0 #

This is the last minor version update with significant changes for some time. The next steps will be patches at most. Currently working on v2.0.0 which will bring new data and a big feature there, very likely without breaking the existing API.


  • 🎉 All translations in the eco-system packages now support all GlobalMaterialLocalizations and GlobalCupertinoLocalizations locales.
  • 🦾 Countries translations now also support all GlobalMaterialLocalization + GlobalCupertinoLocalizations locales.
  • The locale parameter in the maybeTranslation method is now nullable.
  • The permissive constructors are now even more permissive, only name and code parameters remain required.
  • Changed Vatican city unMember field to false and fix Cape Verde coordinates Link

1.4.0 #


  • 🦾 Language translations now also support all GlobalMaterialLocalization + GlobalCupertinoLocalizations locales.
  • Added new internationalName getter in IsoStandardized interface, representing the international name of the ISO object.
  • Added new UpperCaseMap class, that UpperCaseIsoMap extends, a simple version of UpperCaseIsoMap without key length checks and IsoStandardized values requirement.
  • The map in the RegionalBloc is now UpperCaseMap (with all it's benefits).
  • Added new maybeFromAcronym factory method in the RegionalBloc.
  • Added new BasicLocale class, that TranslatedName extends. Representing a type-safe world locale (language, country/region code and script).
  • Added new commonNamesCacheMap method for all ISO based sealed classes collections, which allows to create a cache map of common names translations for the given BasicLocale.


Because of the BasicLocale changes (described above), translation() and maybeTranslation() methods on the Translated classes now require BasicLocale input. If you are not using those methods directly, then you don't need to change anything, otherwise you will need to do small adjustment - wrap the content of those methods with a BasicLocale.





Or just:

  1. Enable Regular Expressions in your IDE's Find and Replace panel.
  2. In the Find field, enter the regex: (translation\()(.*)(\))
  3. In the Replace field, enter: $1BasicLocale($2)$3
  4. Execute the replace operation.

1.3.1 #


  • Fix thousands separator for CHF.
  • codeOther is no longer nullable (in all IsoStandardized classes).
  • Added new compile time constant and case-insensitive code maps (UpperCaseIsoMaps) in every ISO class (accessible as static constants via .map, .codeMap, .codeNumericMap, etc.).
  • Factory constructors and methods now using those maps if no (optional) array is provided there.
  • Factory constructors and methods in IsoStandardized classes now allow non-String inputs - any Object, for example you can now use StringBuffer or Enum instances directly:
 enum IsoEnum {de, fr, ar} // On .fromCode( call it will use "DE" input.

or you can basically use any custom class with toString() override:

class CustomIsoCodeClass {
 const CustomIsoCodeClass({String code = '123',}) : _code = code;
 final String _code;
 final Foo? foo;

 String toString() => _code; // Has to override toString() with ISO value.

// On .fromAnyCode(CustomIsoCodeClass(code: ' 321 ')) call it will use "321" input.


  • Refactored asserts in maybeMapIsoCode method.
  • Fixed typos in CHANGELOG and README.

1.2.0 #


  • Added new static maybeFrom* methods and refactored old ones. They are also now accept any Object? input instead of just String?.
  • Added new and refactored old tests with a performance in mind.
  • Added new firstIsoWhere* extensions on ISO iterables.
  • Added is* boolean getters for example:
if (isoObject.isFra) return _onFrance();

is more readable and shorter equivalent of this check:

if (isoObject == const CountryFra()) return _onFrance();

1.1.0 #


  • Added new constructor called permissive - which allow the creation of custom class instances that are not fully compatible with the ISO standard.
  • Translated class is now sealed - which means you can now directly compare instances of different ISO classes directly (for example in switch statements).

1.0.0 #

🎉 First anniversary and first stable release!


  • Added new getter for TranslatedName name called common, which might be useful in some cases when name is being used by a parent class.
  • Added a lot of translations from the Symfony.
  • Currencies translations now support all GlobalMaterialLocalizations and GlobalCupertinoLocalizations locales.
  • Updated LICENSE.


  • Removed code marked as Deprecated in previous releases.
  • Replaced old FiatCurrency.list with a new FiatCurrency.listExtended.
  • Removed FiatCurrency.regularList (please use FiatCurrency.list instead).
  • Marked Croatian Kuna as Deprecated (currencies).

0.9.0 #


  • Added new interface IsoTranslated which combines Translated and IsoStandardizedinterfaces.
  • Added standard* static constants in the WorldCountry class referencing different names of the ISO 3166-1 standard.
  • Added standard* static constants in the FiatCurrency class referencing different names of the ISO 4217 standard.
  • Improved documentation in README, added FAQ.

0.8.0 #


  • Added new factories to WorldCountry - fromCodeNumeric which returns instance by it's numeric code and fromAnyCode, which do the length and type checks and redirects to other fromCode\* constructors
  • Added new static method to WorldCountry - maybeFromAnyCode, which works same way as fromAnyCode, but doesn't throws StateErrors if no currency object is found.
  • Added maybeMapIsoCode method to String extensions, which is used under the hood of (maybe)fromAnyCode.


  • Named classes now has boolean flag (short, defaults to true).
  • TranslatedName class by default returns .name value on toString().
  • Refactored dollar symbols in toString() methods.

0.7.0 #


  • WorldCountry class now contains way more translations of language name to other languages (79 translations for each language minimum).
  • Refactored factory constructors - there is an optional parameter to provide custom list.
  • Added regularList getter for the list of regular currencies (excludes 10 currencies from the specialPurposeList).
  • FiatCurrency class now contains translations of language name to other languages (79 translations for each language minimum).
  • Those translations are also accessible from the translation and maybeTranslation methods.
  • Added TranslatedName class for the translations.
  • Implement new abstract interfaces for currencies: Named and Translated.
  • Added a new sealed class called Script, based on the ISO 15924 standard.
  • The NaturalLanguage class now contains information about scripts (writing systems) and translations of the language name to other languages.


  • Fixed several English currency names.

0.6.0 #


  • Added copyWith, toJson etc. to the WorldCountry, FiatCurrency, NaturalLanguage classes.
  • Added copyWith, toJson etc. to all country-related sub-classes.
  • Added new interfaces (IsoStandardized, JsonEncodable) and typedef (JsonMap) to the model.
  • Refactoring in existing functional methods (sorting params to match list sorting).
  • Translations are now List<TranslatedName> instead of List<CountryName>, however CountryName is just an extension on top of TranslatedName (you can reference to name instead of common and fullName instead of official). There will be way more translations provided in upcoming version 0.7.0.
  • Renaming of extensions to follow the eco-system naming pattern.

0.5.0 #

  • Factory constructors and static methods for data classes creation now implicitly trimming and comparing uppercase string inputs.
  • Fixing old ignores and new linter rules.
  • Updates in dev_dependencies.
  • Added new data sealed classes related to world blocs.
  • Regional blocs are now part of the world country data.
  • Added regional blocs in the example


  • Zimbabwean Dollar (ZWL) is now properly placed as last item in currencies list.
  • Timezones for the Netherlands.


  • WorldCountry.list is now sorted alphabetically by the (3 letter) code.

0.2.2 #


  • Updates in dev_dependencies.

0.2.1 #


  • Provided structure screenshot.

0.2.0 #


  • Increase code coverage to 100%.

0.1.0 #


  • Provided code coverage links and badge.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release.
pub points



Provides data for world countries in the form of sealed classes.

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#countries #country #land #iso-3166 #flags


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