scrollview_observer 1.26.0
scrollview_observer: ^1.26.0 copied to clipboard
A widget for observing data related to the child widgets being displayed in a ScrollView.
Flutter ScrollView Observer #
Language: English | 中文
This is a library of widget that can be used to listen for child widgets those are being displayed in the scroll view.
☕ Support me #
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📖 Article #
- Flutter - Getting the items information those are currently displaying in ScrollView | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - Scrolling to a specific item in the ScrollView!🔥 | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - Quickly implement the effect of the chat session list, perfect 💯 | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - New upgrade😱Supports observing ScrollView built by third package💪 | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - Play alternately waterfall flow video 🎞 | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - Keep IM message position greatly upgraded (supports generative messages like ChatGPT) 🤖 | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - Anti-occlusion of form in ScrollView 🗒 | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - Quickly achieve half-view exposure statistic 📊 | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - How to quickly implement an contact list page (azlist) 📓 | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - Supports observing NestedScrollView, with greater compatibility 😈 | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - Offset effect in PageView | WeChat | JueJin
- Flutter - Parallax effect in PageView | WeChat | JueJin
🔨 Feature #
You do not need to change the view you are currently using, just wrap a
around the view to achieve the following features.
- ✅ Observing child widgets those are being displayed in ScrollView
- ✅ Support for scrolling to a specific item in ScrollView
- ✅ Quickly implement the chat session page effect
- ✅ Support for keeping IM message position when inserting or updating messages, avoiding jitter.
🎀 Support #
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- ✅ Mixing usage of
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built by third-party package.
🕹 Preview #
📦 Installing #
Add scrollview_observer
to your pubspec.yaml file:
scrollview_observer: latest_version
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Import scrollview_observer
in files that it will be used:
import 'package:scrollview_observer/scrollview_observer.dart';
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📚 Wiki #
- Wiki Home
- 1、Observing child widgets those are being displayed in the ScrollView
- 2、Scrolling to the specified index location
- 3、Chat Observer
🖨 About Me #
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