scrobblenaut 2.0.5 scrobblenaut: ^2.0.5 copied to clipboard
A deadly simple LastFM API Wrapper for Dart. So deadly simple that it's gonna hit the mark.
Disclaimer #
I'm doing it just for fun, so... use at your own risk.
I hope it will become something great.
Usage #
First build the .g files for Serializable (if you clone the repo):
pub run build_runner build
A simple usage example:
import 'package:scrobblenaut/scrobblenaut.dart';
// A simple example...
// For more, check the example folder.
void main() async {
final lastFMAuth = await LastFM.noAuth(apiKey: APIValues.API);
final scrobblenaut = Scrobblenaut(lastFM: lastFMAuth);
// Start using the Wrapper...
Get Scrobblenaut #
Add Scrobblenaut dependency on pubspec.yaml
From GitHub (for example: branch-name >> dev-build):
ref: branch-name
scrobblenaut: ^version-number
Features and bugs #
Status #
All the methods are available. Needs more time to check for problems caused by a bad information management from the API side. For example:
Tracks duration information taken from an album like method is different from a Track duration taken from a track info query.
Some variables can have strange content such as FIXME on some Track duration.
Many more. For now with my tests, this is the best I can handle. I just need more track and usage of my package to track different type of errors that can occurs.
Future of the package after all methods implemented #
It's still a long way. I have some ideas, and I'm going to continue to support it, just stay tuned.
For the documentation #
For now, You have to download the repo and run dartdoc on the console, on the root of the package. When I upload this package on you can use the documentation from there directly.
There's 2 type of usage:
- with authentication;
- without authentication.
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.