screenshots 0.1.1 copy "screenshots: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
screenshots: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard


Auto-generation of screenshots for Apple and Play Stores using emulators and simulators. Compatible with fastlane for upload to both stores.

pub package

alt text

Screenshot with overlayed status bar and appended navigation bar placed in frame

For an example of screenshots generated with screenshots on a live app see: GitErDone

Screenshots #

screenshots is a standalone command line utility and package for capturing screenshots for Flutter.

It is inspired by three products from Fastlane:

  1. Snapshots
    This is used to capture screenshots on iOS using iOS UI Tests.
  2. Screengrab
    This captures screenshots on android using android espresso tests.
  3. FrameIt
    This is used to place captured iOS screenshots in a device frame.

screenshots combines key features of all three Fastlane products.

  1. Captures screenshots from any iOS or android device.
  2. Frames screenshots in a device frame.
  3. The same Flutter integration test can be used across all devices.
    No need to use iOS UI Tests or Espresso.
  4. Integrates with Fastlane's deliver and supply for upload to respective stores.

See article for more information.

Writing tests for screenshots #

A special function is provided in the screenshots package that is called by the test to take the screenshot. screenshots will then process the images appropriately.

Taking screenshots using this package is straightforward.

To take screenshots in your tests:

  1. Include the screenshots package in your pubspec.yaml's dev_dependencies section
      screenshots: ^0.1.0
    ... or whatever the current version is.
  2. In your tests
    1. Import the dependencies
      import 'package:screenshots/config.dart';
      import 'package:screenshots/capture_screen.dart';
    2. Create the config map at start of test
           final Map config = Config('screenshots.yaml').config;
    3. Throughout the test make calls to capture screenshots
          await screenshot(driver, config, 'myscreenshot1');
      Note: make sure your screenshot names are unique across all your tests.

Configuration #

screenshots depends on a configuration file that is inspired by Fastlane's Snapshot.

# Screen capture tests
  - test_driver/test1.dart
  - test_driver/test2.dart

# Interim location of screenshots from tests
staging: /tmp/screenshots

# A list of locales supported in app
  - en-US
#  - de-DE

# A list of devices to emulate
#    - iPhone X
    - iPhone 7 Plus
    - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
#   "iPhone 6",
#   "iPhone 6 Plus",
#   "iPhone 5",
#   "iPhone 4s",
#   "iPad Retina",
#   "iPad Pro"
    - Nexus 5X

# Frame screenshots
frame: true

This config file should be present in your repo. The default name is 'screenshots.yaml'.

Emulators and Simulators #

screenshots expects that the emulators and simulators corresponding to the devices in the configuration file are installed in the test machine.

Installation #

To install screenshots on the command line:

pub global activate screenshots

To upgrade, simply re-issue the command

pub global activate screenshots

Note: the screenshots version should be the same for both the command line and package.

  1. If upgrading the command line version of screenshots, it is helpful to also upgrade the version of screenshots in your pubspec.yaml.
  2. If upgrading screenshots in your pubspec.yaml, you should also upgrade the command line version.

Dependencies #

screenshots depends on ImageMagick.

Since screenshots are generally required for both iOS and Android, testing must be done on a Mac (unless you are only testing for android).

brew update && brew install imagemagick

Usage #


If using a config file other than the default 'screenshots.yaml':

screenshots -c <path to config file>

Integration with Fastlane #

After screenshots completes the images can be found in


in a format suitable for upload via deliver and supply

Fastlane must be installed in both ios and android prior to running screenshots.

Resources #

A minimum number of screen sizes are supported to meet the requirements of both stores. The supported screen sizes currently supported, with the corresponding devices, can be found in devices.yaml.

Only supported devices can be used in your config file.

Note: This file is part of the package and is shown for illustration purposes only. It does not need to be modified. You can find the latest version in devices.yaml

        size: 1242x2208
        resize: 75%
          statusbar: resources/ios/1242/statusbar_black.png
          frame: resources/ios/phones/iPhone_7_Plus_Silver.png
        offset: -0-0
          - iPhone 7 Plus
        size: 2048x2732
        resize: 75%
          frame: resources/ios/phones/iPad_Pro_Silver.png
        offset: -0-0
          - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
        size: 1080x1920
        resize: 80%
          statusbar: resources/android/1080/statusbar.png
          navbar: resources/android/1080/navbar.png
          frame: resources/android/phones/Nexus_5X.png
        offset: -4-9
          - Nexus 5X
        destName: phone

Current limitations #

  • More screens can be added as necessary
  • Ipad screens have no status bar
  • Locales not supported (the default is whatever locale currently set in the emulator/simulator)

Issues and Pull Requests #

This is an initial release and more features can be added. Issues and pull requests are welcome.

pub points


unverified uploader

Auto-generation of screenshots for Apple and Play Stores using emulators and simulators. Compatible with fastlane for upload to both stores.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


args, file_utils, path, resource, yaml


Packages that depend on screenshots