screen_brightness_util 0.0.3
screen_brightness_util: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin to config and monitor brightness. Support Windows, Android and iOS platform.
screen_brightness_util #
A flutter plugin to config and monitor brightness.
Getting Started #
Get Brightness #
final ScreenBrightnessUtil _screenBrightnessUtil = ScreenBrightnessUtil();
double brightness = await _screenBrightnessUtil.getBrightness();
if(brightness == -1) {
debugPrint("Oops... something wrong!");
Set Brightness #
double brightness = 0.5;
final ScreenBrightnessUtil _screenBrightnessUtil = ScreenBrightnessUtil();
bool success = await _screenBrightnessUtil.setBrightness(brightness);
Listen Brightness Change #
final ScreenBrightnessUtil _screenBrightnessUtil = ScreenBrightnessUtil();
StreamSubscription ss = _screenBrightnessUtil.getBrightnessChangeStream().listen((brightness) {