scidart 0.0.2-dev.11 scidart: ^0.0.2-dev.11 copied to clipboard
Cross-platform scientific library for Dart. The main goal of SciDart is run where Dart can run, in other words, run on Flutter, Dart CLI, Dart web, etc.
import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';
import 'package:scidart/scidart.dart';
void main() {
// generate the signals for test
// 1Hz sine wave
var N = 50.0;
var fs = 128.0;
var n = linspace(0, N, num: (N * fs).toInt(), endpoint: false);
var f1 = 1.0; // 1Hz
var sg1 = arraySin(arrayMultiplyToScalar(n, 2 * pi * f1));
var fEstimated = freqFromFft(sg1, fs);
print('The original and estimated frequency need be very close each other');
print('Original frequency: $f1');
print('Estimated frequency: $fEstimated');
double freqFromFft(Array sig, double fs) {
// Estimate frequency from peak of FFT
// Compute Fourier transform of windowed signal
// Avoid spectral leakage:
var windowed = sig * blackmanharris(sig.length);
var f = rfft(windowed);
var fAbs = arrayComplexAbs(f);
// Find the peak and interpolate to get a more accurate peak
var i = arrayArgMax(fAbs); // Just use this for less-accurate, naive version
// Parabolic approximation is necessary to get the exactly frequency of a discrete signal
// since the frequency can be in some point between the samples.
var true_i = parabolic(arrayLog(fAbs), i)[0];
// Convert to equivalent frequency
return fs * true_i / windowed.length;