scidart 0.0.1-dev.4 copy "scidart: ^0.0.1-dev.4" to clipboard
scidart: ^0.0.1-dev.4 copied to clipboard


Cross-platform scientific library for Dart. The main goal of SciDart is run where Dart can run, in other words, run on Flutter, Dart CLI, Dart web, etc.

SciDart #

SciDart is a experimental cross-platform scientific library for Dart.

Goals #

The main goal of SciDart is run where Dart can run, in other words, run on Flutter, Dart CLI, Dart web, etc.

Motivation #

Some time ago I tried make a guitar tuner (frequency estimator) with Flutter and I faced with the problem: Dart didn't have a unified scientific library. So, I tried implement something to help me and the community with this problem.

Link to the Pub repository:

Installation #

You can follow instruction in the Pub web site:

Dart REPL for prototyping quickly #

Dart don't have REPL by default but I found this amazing post from Andreas Kirsch and He implemented a experimental Dart REPL. But the current library don't support Dart SDK > 2.0.0. So, I decided to leave this work pending for now.

SciDart structure #

  • NumDart: Numerical computation libraries;
    • array_base: array manipulation;
    • calculus: calculus base;
    • constants: scientific constants;
    • fastmath: optimized math operations;
    • geometric: geometric related operations;
    • interpolation: discrete function interpolation;
    • linalg: linear algebra algorithms: matrix, decomposition, etc;
    • numbers: numeric base that are missing in Dart by default: Complex, double truncation, etc;
    • polynomial: polynomial estimation, regression, etc;
    • random: random data generation;
    • spaces: vector linear spaces generators: arrange, ones, linspace, etc;
    • statistic: statistic computation;
    • time: execution time measurement;
  • SciDart: Scientific computation libraries;
    • fftpack: fourier transformer tools;
      • dbfft
      • fft
      • fftfreq
      • rfft
    • signal: signal manipulation tools;
      • convolution
      • fir
      • lfilter
      • peaks
      • windows
    • special: special functions;
      • bessel

Examples #

NumDart basics #


import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    // 1D array creation
    var a = Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
    print(a); // print vector
    // 2D array creation
    var mA = Array2d.empty();
    var line = Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
    print(mA); // print matrix
    // 3D array creation
    var book = Array3d.empty();
    var page = Array2d.empty();
    page.add(Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]));
    page.add(Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]));
    page.add(Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]));
    // Create a array of complex numbers
    var aComplex = ArrayComplex([
      Complex(real: 2.0, imaginary: 2.0),
      Complex(real: 2.0, imaginary: 2.0),
      Complex(real: 2.0, imaginary: 2.0)

Numeric spaces

import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    var ar = arange(step: 0, stop: 100); // generate a array 0 to 99
    var lin =
        linspace(0, 10, num: 40); // generate a array 0 to 10 with 40 elements
    var on =
        ones(10); // generate a array with length 10 where all elements are 1
    var zer =
        zeros(5); // generate a array with length 5 where all elements are 0
    // generate a 1Hz sine wave with sample frequency (fs) of 128Hz
    var N = 50.0;
    var fs = 128;
    var n = linspace(0, N, num: (N * fs).toInt(), endpoint: false);
    var f1 = 1; // 1Hz
    var sg = arraySin(arrayMultiplyToScalar(n, 2 * pi * f1));

Random data generation

import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
  // generate a array with 10 random elements 0 to 0.99
    var r = randomArray(10);
    // generate a 2D 3x3 with random elements
    var r2d = randomArray2d(3, 3);
    // generate ArrayComplex with 10 random elements
    var rAc = randomArrayComplex(10);

Array operations

import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    var a = Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
    var b = Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
    var aComplex = ArrayComplex([
      Complex(real: 2.0, imaginary: 2.0),
      Complex(real: 2.0, imaginary: 2.0),
      Complex(real: 2.0, imaginary: 2.0)
    print(a + b);
    print(a - b);
    print(a * b);
    print(a / b);
    print(arrayConcat(a, b)); // array concatenation
    print(arrayDivisionToScalar(a, 2));
    print(a.getRangeArray(0, 2));
    print(arrayPadStart(a, 2)); // add zeros at start of array
    print(arraySin(a)); // compute sin for all elements of array
    var c = Array([1.12121212, 2.12121212, 3.12121212]);
    print(arrayTruncateEachElement(c, 4,
        returnNewArray: true)); // truncate all values
    print(a == c);
    print(arrayPow(a, 2));
    print(arrayReshapeToMatrix(Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), 2));
    // Complex array operations
    print(arrayComplexSum(aComplex, aComplex));
    print(arrayComplexPadStart(aComplex, 2));

Matrix operations

import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    var mA = Array2d.empty();
    var line = Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
    var mB = Array2d([
      Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]),
      Array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0]),
      Array([7.0, 8.0, 10.0])
    var mC = Array2d([
    print(matrixDeterminant(mA)); // find matrix determinant
    print(matrixRank(mA)); // matrix rank
    print(matrixTranspose(mA)); // matrix transposition
    print(matrixInverse(mC)); // matrix inverse
    print(matrixDot(mA, mC)); // Matrix product
    print(matrixQR(mA).Q()); // Matrix Q of QR decomposition
    print(matrixSolve(mB, mC)); // solve a linear system
    var mD = Array2d([
    array2dTruncateEachElement(mD, 4);
    print(mA + mB);
    print(mA - mB);
    print(mA * mB);
    print(mA / mB);
    print(mA == mB);

Complex operations

import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    var a = Complex(real: 1.121212, imaginary: 2.22222);
    var b = Complex.ri(4.0, 8.0);
    print(a + b);
    print(a - b);
    print(a * b);
    print(a / b);
    print(complexDivideScalar(a, 2));
    print(complexMultiplyScalar(a, 2));
    print(complexTruncate(a, 2));

Calculus operations

import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    var y = Array([-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]); // function y points
    var x = arange(stop: 8); // function x points
    // array integration
    print(trapzArray(y, x: x)); // integration with trapezoidal rule
    print(simpsArray(y, x: x)); // integration with Simpson's rule
    // cumulative integration using trapezoidal rule, useful for signals
    print(cumIntegration(y, x: x));
    // function integration
    var f = (x) => pow(x, 2); // function definition: y = x^2
    var a = 0.0; // start integration interval
    var b = 10.0; // end integration interval
    var n = 10; // number of point between a and b
    print(trapzFunction(a, b, n, f)); // integration using trapezoidal rule
    print(simpsFunction(a, b, n, f)); // integration using Simpson's rule
    // array differentiation
    print(differentiateArray(y, x)); // return a array with the differentiation
    // function differentiation
    var px = 10.0; // point where the function will be differentiated
    // return the differentiation at point x=10.0
    print(differentiateFunction(px, f));


import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    // generate a x range -3 to 3
    var x = linspace(-3, 3, num: 30);
    // generate parabolic equation: y = 5 - 0.555*x^2
    var y = Array.fixed(x.length, initialValue: 5) -
        arrayMultiplyToScalar(arrayPow(x, 2), 0.555);
    // estimate the inter-sample points vx and vy around the maximum point
    // of y function
    var xMax = arrayArgMax(y);
    var yMax = arrayMax(y);
    print("Array points:");
    print("${xMax}, ${yMax}");
    print("Estimated points:");
    print(parabolic(y, xMax));


import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    // some point to estimate a polynomial regression
    var y = Array([0, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 0]); // y axis points
    var x = Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); // x axis points
    var degree = 10; // suggested polynomial degree
    var p = PolyFit(x, y, degree); // polynomial regression
    print(p); // print polynomial
    // print the current polynomial degree, the function reduces the degree
    // to get the ideal degree rank for the actual points
    print(p.coefficients()); // polynomial coefficients
    print(p.predict(3.5)); // estimate a y value for the point x = 3.5


import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    var a = randomArray(100); // generate a random array
    print(a); // print array
    print(mean(a)); // mean of array
    print(median(a)); // median of array
    print(mode(a)); // mode of array
    print(standardDeviation(a)); // standard deviation of array
    print(variance(a)); // variance of array


import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';

void main() {
    // the random function to measure the computation time
    var func = () {
      var x = arange(stop: 99);
      var y = randomArray(99);
      var py = PolyFit(x, y, 10);
    // the time measure the computation time if func and return
    var dur = timeit(func);
    print(dur); // print the computation time

SciDart basics #


import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';
import 'package:scidart/scidart.dart';

void main() {
    // generate the signal for test
    // 1Hz sine wave
    var N = 50.0;
    var fs = 128.0;
    var n = linspace(0, N, num: (N * fs).toInt(), endpoint: false);
    var f1 = 1.0; // 1Hz
    var sw = arraySin(arrayMultiplyToScalar(n, 2 * pi * f1));
    // return the fft of the signal
    var swF = fft(arrayToComplexArray(sw));
    // return the real fft, in other words,
    // only the components with of positive frequencies
    var swFr = rfft(sw);
    // return the frequency scale of FFT in Hz
    var swFScale = fftFreq(swF.length, d: 1 / fs);
    // return only the real frequencies of FFT, useful to use with rFFT
    swFScale = fftFreq(swF.length, d: 1 / fs, realFrequenciesOnly: true);
    print(ifft(swF)); // inverse FFT
    print(rifft(swFr)); // inverse FFT of a real FFT
    print(dbfft(sw, fs)); // Return the frequency and fft in DB scale


import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';
import 'package:scidart/scidart.dart';

void main() {
    // sample signals for test
    var x = arrayConcat(zeros(8), ones(8));
    var y = arrayConcat(ones(8), zeros(8));
    //-------- convolution -----------//
    // simple numeric convolution
    print(convolution(x, y));
    // compute the convolution using FFT, that will be more fast only if:
    // x.length + y.length is equal power of 2;
    print(convolution(x, y, fast: true));
    // compute the convolution for complex signals using FFT
    print(convolutionComplex(arrayToComplexArray(x), arrayToComplexArray(y)));
    // compute the circular convolution for the complex signals
        arrayToComplexArray(x), arrayToComplexArray(y)));
    //-------- FIR filter -----------//
    // generate the test signal for filter
    // a sum of sine waves with 1Hz and 10Hz, 50 samples and
    // sample frequency (fs) 128Hz
    var N = 50.0;
    var fs = 128;
    var n = linspace(0, N, num: (N * fs).toInt(), endpoint: false);
    var f1 = 1; // 1Hz
    var sg1 = arraySin(arrayMultiplyToScalar(n, 2 * pi * f1));
    var f2 = 10; // 10Hz
    var sg2 = arraySin(arrayMultiplyToScalar(n, 2 * pi * f2));
    var sg = sg1 + sg2;
    // design a FIR filter low pass with cut frequency at 1Hz, the objective is
    // remove the 10Hz sine wave signal
    var nyq = 0.5 * fs; // nyquist frequency
    var fc = 1; // cut frequency 1Hz
    var normal_fc = fc / nyq; // frequency normalization for digital filters
    var numtaps = 30; // attenuation of the filter after cut frequency
    // generation of the filter coefficients
    var b = firwin(numtaps, Array([normal_fc]));
    //-------- Digital filter application -----------//
    print('digital filter application');
    // Apply the filter on the signal using lfilter function
    // lfilter uses direct form II transposed, for FIR filter
    // the a coefficient is 1.0
    var sgFiltered = lfilter(b, Array([1.0]), sg);
    print(sg); // show the original signal
    print(sgFiltered); // show the filtered signal
    //-------- peaks -----------//
    var pk = findPeaks(sgFiltered);
    print(pk[0]);// print the indexes of the peaks found in the signal
    print(pk[1]);// print the values of the peaks found in the signal
    //-------- window functions -----------//
    // generate a backmanharris window with x length
    print('window functions');
    var wBh = blackmanharris(x.length);
    print(x * wBh); // apply the windows on the signal
    // the windows available can be get with getWindow
    print(getWindow('hann', x.length)); // hann window
    // for kaiser window, we need pass beta (double value)
    print(getWindow(['kaiser', 2.0], x.length));


import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';
import 'package:scidart/scidart.dart';

void main() {
    // modified Bessel function of order 0
    // modified Bessel function of order 0 for a Array
    var a = randomArray(10);

Complete examples #

Avoid spectral leakage

import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';
import 'package:scidart/scidart.dart';

void main() {
    // generate the signals for test
    // 1Hz sine wave with incomplete with result a spectral leakage
    // in the frequency domain
    var N = 20.0;
    var fs = 128.0;
    var n = linspace(0, N, num: (N * fs).toInt(), endpoint: false);
    var f1 = 1.0; // 1Hz
    var sg = arraySin(arrayMultiplyToScalar(n, 2 * pi * f1));
    sg = sg.getRangeArray(0, sg.length - 201);
    sg = arrayConcat(sg, zeros(200));
    // reduce spectral leakage with a window function
    var sgWindowed = blackmanharris(sg.length) * sg;
    print(dbfft(sg, fs)); // fft of original signal
    print(dbfft(sgWindowed, fs)); // fft of windowed signal

Frequency estimator

import 'package:scidart/numdart.dart';
import 'package:scidart/scidart.dart';

void main() {
// generate the signals for test
    // 1Hz sine wave
    var N = 50.0;
    var fs = 128.0;
    var n = linspace(0, N, num: (N * fs).toInt(), endpoint: false);
    var f1 = 1.0; // 1Hz
    var sg1 = arraySin(arrayMultiplyToScalar(n, 2 * pi * f1));
    var fEstimated = freqFromFft(sg1, fs);
    print('The original and estimated frequency need be very close each other');
    print('Original frequency: ${f1}');
    print('Estimated frequency: ${fEstimated}');
    // both are equal if truncated
    expect(truncate(f1, 4), truncate(fEstimated, 4));

double freqFromFft(Array sig, double fs) {
  // Estimate frequency from peak of FFT

  // Compute Fourier transform of windowed signal
  // Avoid spectral leakage:
  var windowed = sig * blackmanharris(sig.length);
  var f = rfft(windowed);

  var fAbs = arrayComplexAbs(f);

  // Find the peak and interpolate to get a more accurate peak
  var i = arrayArgMax(fAbs); // Just use this for less-accurate, naive version

  // Parabolic approximation is necessary to get the exactly frequency of a discrete signal
  // since the frequency can be in some point between the samples.
  var true_i = parabolic(arrayLog(fAbs), i)[0];

  // Convert to equivalent frequency
  return fs * true_i / windowed.length;

References #

Below, the list of the main references of SciDart:

How to contribute #

I recommend see the Todo List and choose a task or choose and solve a problem with SciDart and implement the missing parts.

The references values for all function was obtained with SciPy. The contributions need use SciPy as reference too.

Every contribution needs have tests, documentation and examples, otherwise, the pull request will be blocked.

Todo list #

Project documentation #

  • create a logo
  • create a official web site
  • adjust the documentation to be more friendly for the users
  • write tutorials

Benchmarks #

  • construct codes for benchmark tests
  • made benchmark for Android devices
  • made benchmark for iOS devices
  • made benchmark on Web
  • made benchmark on Linux
  • made benchmark on MacOS
  • made benchmark on MS Windows

Code implementations #

pub points


unverified uploader

Cross-platform scientific library for Dart. The main goal of SciDart is run where Dart can run, in other words, run on Flutter, Dart CLI, Dart web, etc.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




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