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The schematics package is a Flutter tool for creating 2D diagrams, maps, and floor plans with customizable blocks, entrances, and openings, supporting interactive diagrams.

Schematics 📐 #

A customisable and responsive Flutter widget for creating and displaying schematic diagrams.

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Table of Content #

Features #

  • 2D schematic map/diagram: Allows you to create and display 2D diagrams, maps, and floor plans. Entrances and openings: You can add entrances and openings to your diagrams, which can be either line openings or arc openings.
  • 2D grid map: Provides a grid where the schematic is drawn, specifying the areas that are the blocks on the diagram.
  • Line openings: Simple straight-line openings that can be added to blocks.
  • Arc openings: Curved openings that can be semicircles, sectors, or quarter circles.

Usage #

To use the Schema widget for creating and displaying schematic diagrams, you need to understand the following concepts:

  1. Schema: The Schema widget serves as the base for all blocks used in the schematics. It takes a config parameter, which is a SchemaConfiguration object.

  2. Schema Configuration: The SchemaConfiguration object includes properties such as size, axis scale initialization, and other configurations.

  3. Blocks: The Schema widget takes a list of Block objects. Each Block has properties like height, width, border, fence border, label, label style, position, and stroke width.

  4. Block Layout: The Schema widget also takes an onBlockLayout callback, which returns a list of BlockArea objects representing all the block areas in the schema.

  5. Grid Update: The Schema widget also takes onGridUpdate callback returns the updated grid, highlighting different positions on it.

  6. onBlockAreaTap: The Schema widget onBlockAreaTap callback returns the tapped block area and local and global positions of the tap.

Example #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:schematics/schematics.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Schematics Example')),
        body: Schema(
          config: SchemaConfiguration(
            size: SchemaSize(cell: kDefaultSchemaSize.cell, opening: 25),
            initiateAxesScale: (constraints) =>
                  x: 1,
                  y: 1,
                  opening: 1,
            // other properties
          blocks: [
              height: 100,
              width: 100,
              border: Border.all(color:,
              fenceBorder: FenceBorder.all,
              label: 'Block 1',
              labelStyle: TextStyle(color:,
              position: Offset(50, 50),
              strokeWidth: 2.0,
            // other blocks
          onBlockLayout: (blocks) {
            // Perform operation with blocks
          onGridUpdate: (grid) {
            // handle grid update
          onBlockAreaTap: (blockAreaTapEvent) {
            // handle block area tap

Refer to example project here.


For more real-world example, check-out the 2024 Lagos Devfest application here

Installation #

Add schematics as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  schematics: ^latest_version

Then run flutter pub get to fetch the package.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Screenshots 📱 #

desktop screenshot/record of schematics mobile screenshot/record of schematics

🤓 Developer(s) #

Sebastine Odeh

GitHub: codernamedhendrick Linkedin: SebastineOdeh Twitter: h3ndrick_ Gmail:



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The schematics package is a Flutter tool for creating 2D diagrams, maps, and floor plans with customizable blocks, entrances, and openings, supporting interactive diagrams.

Repository (GitHub)
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#schematics #diagrams #drawing #maps #floor-plan


API reference


MIT (license)




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