sanity_client 1.0.0-beta.2 copy "sanity_client: ^1.0.0-beta.2" to clipboard
sanity_client: ^1.0.0-beta.2 copied to clipboard

A client for running queries on

Sanity Client #

A Dart client for connecting to datasets and execute GROQ queries

Features #

  • Allows connecting to a project and run queries.
  • Support all parameters allowed by the HTTP API of Sanity including perspective, explainQuery, useCDN, etc.
  • Has support for switching between URL Builders for images. This is useful if you are hosting your images on an external service like Cloudinary or ImageKit

Getting started #

Use the package by adding to your dependencies. It is still in Beta, so there will be rough edges for sure.🤞

Usage #


A more comprehensive example will be added along with rich documentation.