sacco 0.1.4
sacco: ^0.1.4 copied to clipboard
Pure Dart library allowing you to easily create an HD Wallet and create, sign and send Cosmos-SDK transactions.
import 'package:sacco/sacco.dart';
void main() async {
// -----------------------------------
// --- Creating a wallet
// -----------------------------------
final networkInfo = NetworkInfo(
bech32Hrp: "did:com:",
lcdUrl: "http://localhost:1317",
final mnemonicString =
"vivid favorite regular curve check word bubble echo disorder cute parade neck rib evidence option glimpse couple force angry section dizzy puppy express cream";
final mnemonic = mnemonicString.split(" ");
final wallet = Wallet.derive(mnemonic, networkInfo);
// -----------------------------------
// --- Creating a transaction
// -----------------------------------
final message = StdMsg(
type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend",
value: {
"from_address": wallet.bech32Address,
"to_address": "did:com:1lys5uu683wrmupn4zguz7f2gqw45qae98pzn3d",
"amount": [
{"denom": "uatom", "amount": "100"}
final stdTx = TxBuilder.buildStdTx(stdMsgs: [message]);
// -----------------------------------
// Signing a transaction
// -----------------------------------
final signedStdTx = await TxSigner.signStdTx(wallet: wallet, stdTx: stdTx);
// -----------------------------------
// --- Sending a transaction
// -----------------------------------
final result = await TxSender.broadcastStdTx(
wallet: wallet,
stdTx: signedStdTx,
// Check the result
if (result.success) {
print("Tx send successfully. Hash: ${result.hash}");
} else {
print("Tx send error: ${result.error.errorMessage}");