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A library that makes it easy to communicate with the S³I (Smart Systems Service Infrastructure of the KWH4.0).

S³I Flutter

A library that makes it easy to communicate with the S³I

(Smart Systems Service Infrastructure of the Kompetenzzentrum Wald und Holz 4.0)

🚧 currently under construction 🚧

About S³I and KWH4.0 #

If you are not familiar with the S³I concepts, please read the KWH4.0-Standpunkt.

For further information see the KWH Glossar and the other Standpunkte.

Installing #

Add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  s3i_flutter: ^0.2.1

Install packages from the command line

flutter packages get

If you like this package, consider supporting it by giving a star on GitHub and a like on pub.dev ❤️

Usage #

For a basic example application see the example.

Setup authentication #

First you need to create a ClientIdentity used by your app. Please contact the KWH4.0 to get an app specific client.

final clientIdentity = ClientIdentity(<CLIENT-ID>, <CLIENT-SECRET>);

Now you can pass this to an AuthenticationManager of your choice. See here for a list of some implementations. In this example we use the OAuthProxyFlow. You can specify some scopes to add specific claims in your token.

final authManager = OAuthProxyFlow(clientIdentity,
      openUrlCallback: (uri) {debugPrint("Please visit:" + uri.toString());}, 
      onAuthSuccess: () {debugPrint("Auth succeeded");},
      scopes: ["group", "offline_access"]);

Last but not least you should use this AuthenticationManager-Instance to create a S3ICore-Instance.

final s3i = S3ICore(authManager);

If you want to assure that the user is authenticated before going on with other requests you could trigger the auth process explicit by calling the login() function:

try {
  await s3i.login();
} on S3IException catch (e) {
 debugPrint("Auth failed: " + e.toString());

If the S3ICore-Instance is ready to use you can now receive and update information from the S3I-Services.

Get data from the directory #

To get data about a specific thing you can simply call getThing() on your S3ICore-Instance. If you don't need the whole thing it's recommended to use a FieldQuery so you only receive a part of the entry which is faster and safes network data.

try {
  var thing = await s3i.getThing(<THING_ID>, fields: FieldQuery(["attributes/ownedBy"]));
} on S3IException catch (e) {
  debugPrint("Request Thing failed: " + e.toString());

Similar to this you can request a specific policy from the directory:

try {
  var policy = await s3i.getPolicy(<POLICY_ID>));
} on S3IException catch (e) {
  debugPrint("Request Policy failed: " + e.toString());

TODO: add search example

Update data in the directory #

To update data in the directory it's recommended to request the target before changing it. This is not needed, because all data classes cloud be created without a version from the cloud but since this package doesn't support PATCH requests using only local data could lead to unintentionally overwriting much more likely.

To update an entry in the directory simply use the putThing() or putPolicy() method with the locally modified object:

try {
  await s3i.putPolicy(policyEntry);
} on S3IException catch (e) {
  debugPrint("Update Policy failed: " + e.toString());

Send and receive messages via S3I-Broker #

TODO: ...

Project Structure #

TODO: s3i core / entry

directory #

auth #

The auth folder includes classes which are used to authenticate a user/client in the S3I.

The S3ICore needs a valid instance of a AuthenticationManager to work. Currently there is only one implementation available: OAuthProxyFlow. This implementation of the AuthenticationManager uses the S3I-OAuthProxy to obtain an access and refresh token. But it doesn't refreshes the tokens automatically, only only if getAccessToken is called and the accessToken is expired.

policy #

The policy folder includes data classes to store and manipulate the policy entries of a thing from the directory OR repository.

A PolicyEntry consists of PolicyGroups and manages the access control to one specific Entry. Each one has it's own policy entry which is only valid for the the service where it's stored (directory/repository). For more background information see: https://www.eclipse.org/ditto/basic-policy.html

In the S3I-Concept there are two special PolicyGroups which have a specific meaning:

  • owner: An owner has READ and WRITE permission to everything (thing:/, policy:/, message:/)
  • observer: An observer has only READ permission to the thing part (thing:/)

broker #

exceptions #

query #

utils #

pub points


verified publishermmi.rwth-aachen.de

A library that makes it easy to communicate with the S³I (Smart Systems Service Infrastructure of the KWH4.0).

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, http, jwt_decoder


Packages that depend on s3i_flutter