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A library that makes it easy to communicate with the S³I (Smart Systems Service Infrastructure of the KWH4.0).

S³I Flutter

A library that makes it easy to communicate with the S³I

(Smart Systems Service Infrastructure of the Kompetenzzentrum Wald und Holz 4.0)

🚧 currently under construction 🚧

Installing #

Add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  s3i_flutter: ^0.1.0

Install packages from the command line

flutter packages get

If you like this package, consider supporting it by giving a star on GitHub and a like on pub.dev ❤️

About S³I and KWH4.0 #

If you are not familiar with the S³I concepts, please consider reading the KWH4.0-Standpunkt.

For further information see the KWH Glossar and the other Standpunkte.

Usage #

For a basic example application see the example.

Setup Auth #

Create a ClientIdentity used by your app. Please contact the KWH4.0 to get an app specific client.

final clientIdentity = ClientIdentity(<CLIENT-ID>, <CLIENT-SECRET>);

Now you can pass this to an AuthenticationManager of your choice. See here for a list of some implementations. In this example we use the OAuthProxyFlow. You can specify some scopes to add specific claims in your token.

final authManager = OAuthProxyFlow(clientIdentity,
      openUrlCallback: (uri) {debugPrint("Please visit:" + uri.toString());}, 
      onAuthSuccess: () {debugPrint("Auth succeeded");},
      scopes: ["group", "offline_access"]);

Last but not least you should use this AuthenticationManager-Instance to create a S3ICore-Instance. Now you could work with the S3I.

final s3i = S3ICore(authManager);

If you want to assure that the user is authenticated before going on with other requests you could trigger the auth process explicit by calling the login() function:

try {
  await s3i.login();
} on S3IException catch (e) {
 debugPrint("Auth failed: " + e.toString());

Send Requests to the directory #

If the S3ICore-Instance is ready to use you can receive information about a specific thing by calling getThing(). If you don't need the whole thing it's recommended to use a FieldQuery so you only receive a part of the entry which is faster and safes network data.

try {
  var thing = await s3i.getThing(<THING_ID>, fields: FieldQuery(["attributes/ownedBy"]));
} on S3IException catch (e) {
  debugPrint("Request Thing failed: " + e.toString());

Project Structure #

TODO: s3i core / entry

directory #

auth #

The auth folder includes classes which are used to authenticate a user/client in the S3I.

The S3ICore needs a valid instance of a AuthenticationManager to work. Currently there is only one implementation available: OAuthProxyFlow. This implementation of the AuthenticationManager uses the S3I-OAuthProxy to obtain an access and refresh token. But it doesn't refreshes the tokens automatically, only only if getAccessToken is called and the accessToken is expired.

policy #

broker #

exceptions #

query #

utils #

pub points


verified publishermmi.rwth-aachen.de

A library that makes it easy to communicate with the S³I (Smart Systems Service Infrastructure of the KWH4.0).

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, http, jwt_decoder


Packages that depend on s3i_flutter