rx_bloc_cli 5.3.0 copy "rx_bloc_cli: ^5.3.0" to clipboard
rx_bloc_cli: ^5.3.0 copied to clipboard

rx_bloc_cli that enables quick project setup including: flavors, localization [intl], state management [rx_bloc], routing [go_router], design system, analytics [firebase], tests

Rx Bloc CLI #

Rx Bloc Command Line Interface helps you creating fully functional and feature-rich projects in just a moment. It comes with pre-generated features (such as flavors, app localization, etc) so you can start working on your project right away

Installing #

$ dart pub global activate rx_bloc_cli

Commands #

$ rx_bloc_cli create #

Create command

Non-Interactive usage

$ rx_bloc_cli create <output_dir> <parameters> --no-interactive

Interactive usage

$ rx_bloc_cli create <output_dir> --interactive

Create a new project at the given directory with lots of already set-up features out of the box. Customize your project with the following properties:

parameter defaults to description
--project-name Name of directory where the project resides The project name for this new Flutter project. This must be a valid dart package name.
--organisation com.example The organisation name
--[no-]enable-analytics false Enables Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics for the project
--[no-]enable-feature-counter false Enables Counter feature for the project
--[no-]enable-feature-deeplinks false Enables Deep Links showcase flow for the project
--[no-]enable-feature-widget-toolkit false Enables widget_toolkit package showcase feature for the project
--[no-]enable-login true Integrate login with email and password functionality into our application
--[no-]enable-social-logins false Integrate social login with Apple, Google and Facebook functionality into our application
--[no-]enable-change-language true Enables changing of the language for the project
--[no-]enable-remote-translations true Enables remote translation lookup for localizations for the project
--[no-]enable-patrol false Enables patrol package for integration tests for the project
--[no-]realtime-communication none Enables realtime communication facilities for SSE. Values: none, sse.
--[no-]enable-dev-menu true Enables dev menu to easily access proxy debugging services.
--[no-]enable-otp false Enables OTP feature that can help with building sms/pin code workflows.
--[no-]enable-mfa false Enables Multi-Factor Authentication capability for the project.
--[no-]enable-profile true Enables Profile feature for the project
--[no-]interactive false Enables interactive project generation flow flags are read from command line prompts
--[no-]enable-pin-code false Enables pin code feature with biometrics, that can help with building pin code workflows.
--cicd fastlane Provides a template for setting up ci/cd for your project. Available options: none, fastlane, github, codemagic
--[no-]enable-feature-qr-scanner false Enables QR scanner feature for the project

$ rx_bloc_cli create_distribution #


rx_bloc_cli create_distribution <output_dir>

Creates a new distribution project for all your deployment and testing credentials, provisioning profiles, certificates, etc.

$ rx_bloc_cli --help #

See the complete list of commands and usage information.

Rx Bloc Command Line Interface

Usage: rx_bloc_cli <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help       Print this usage information.
-v, --version    Print the current version.

Available commands:
  create				Creates a new project in the specified directory.
  create_distribution	Creates a new distribution project in the specified directory.

Run "rx_bloc_cli help <command>" for more information about a command.

What's Included? 📦 #

Out of the box, a Rx Bloc CLI created projects includes:

Cross Platform Support - Built-in support for Android, iOS and Web

Build Flavors - Support for multiple flavors (development, staging and production)

Internationalization Support - Support multiple languages in your app just by adding translations and let the generator do the job for you

Sound Null-Safety - With sound null safety support, protect your app from null-dereference exceptions at runtime

rx_bloc - Integrated RxBlocs that help separate business logic from the presentation of the data in a clean, scalable and testable manner

Design system - A single place where you can define all your colors, typography, assets and more. Your app's Light and Dark mode are already configured

Testing - With Unit and Golden Tests you know your app is working as intended.

Static analysis - Strict Lint rules which are used to write quality code

Analytics - (Optional) Firebase analytics that keep track of how your app is used

Push notifications - Receive push notifications and messages to your device using Firebase Cloud Messaging

Http client - Make API calls, download files, send form data and more using a built-in Http client

Extendability #

Rx Bloc Command Line Interface supports extendability with the help of mason templates



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rx_bloc_cli that enables quick project setup including: flavors, localization [intl], state management [rx_bloc], routing [go_router], design system, analytics [firebase], tests

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MIT (license)


args, collection, flutter_lints, mason, path, xml


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