rtc_conference_tui_kit 1.7.1 copy "rtc_conference_tui_kit: ^1.7.1" to clipboard
rtc_conference_tui_kit: ^1.7.1 copied to clipboard


rtc_conference_tui_kit is a UIKit about audio&video room launched by Tencent Cloud.

1.7.1(2024-01-08) #

  • Added administrator function
  • Upgrade the dependencies of rtc_room_engine

1.7.0(2023-12-18) #

  • Release the official version of rtc_conference_tui_kit
  • Fixed some known bugs and issues
  • Upgrade the dependencies of rtc_room_engine

1.6.1-rc(2023-11-14) #

  • Release candidate version of rtc_conference_tui_kit
  • Supports only Android and iOS platforms