request_api_helper 4.0.8 copy "request_api_helper: ^4.0.8" to clipboard
request_api_helper: ^4.0.8 copied to clipboard

send request with stack request management and cancel request.

4.0.8 #

  • update repeat

4.0.7 #

  • update sql_query

4.0.6+5 #

  • update sql_query

4.0.6+3 #

  • bug fixed

4.0.6 #

  • update to flutter > 3

4.0.5+2 #

  • multiThread option added

4.0.5+1 #

  • encrypt bug fixed

4.0.5 #

  • attribute encrypted session data to encrypt data (optional)

4.0.4+4 #

  • request isolate bug fixed

4.0.4+3 #

  • request body bug fixed

4.0.4+2 #

  • request with isolate (trial)

4.0.4 #

  • isolate issue fixed

4.0.4 #

  • onProgress post, get now added
  • bug fixed header in file send
  • removing webview

4.0.3+4 #

  • timeout bug fixed

4.0.3 - Download Queue #

  • RequestApiHelper.init() => add maxDownload
  • RequestApiHelper now have navigatorKey
  • RequestApiHelperApp now have MaterialApp
  • have Navigator,RequestApiHelper.replaceTo, RequestApiHelper.replaceNameTo

4.0.2 - Example In Preview #

  • RequestApiHelper.totalDataUsed in bytes

4.0.1+2 - Example In Preview #

  • optimize loading

4.0.1 - Example In Preview #

  • tutorial in example now
  • timeout
  • minor bug

4.0.0+6 - #

  • Change Session base code to database that grand access to background process

4.0.0+5 - #

  • withloading

4.0.0+2 - #

  • post body not include (fixed)
  • add Session clear and delete

4.0.0+1 - add Error, auth error #

  • auth error function
  • error function

4.0.0 - Major Upgrade, removing loading #

  • request stack management
  • when push navigator, request is cancel

3.0.1+4 - Bug Auth #

  • fixed

3.0.1+2 - Bug StatusCode #

  • fixed

3.0.1+1 - adding Upload Callback (uploaded,total) #

  • callback upload file size added

3.0.0+14 - adding single context #

  • single context for triggering redirect in multiple request

3.0.0+10 - Bug error return null data #

  • Bug Fixed

3.0.0+9 - Bug RequestApiHelperConfigData #

  • Bug Fixed
  • adding Session delete function;

3.0.0+5 - change RequestApiHelperConfigData #

  • Change RequestApiHelperConfigData to RequestApiHelperConfigData

3.0.0+4 - Bug Server Switcher #

  • fixing error saved server

3.0.0+3 - Bug Loading #

  • adding socket , timeout exception function

3.0.0+1 - Bug Loading #

  • Fixed Loading Bug

3.0.0 - Upgrade And Optimizing #

  • changed all Function

2.2.6+10 - Update Plugin #

  • shared_preferences: ^2.0.6
  • fluttertoast: ^8.0.8

2.2.6+9 - Response Issue #

  • logResponse bug fixed

2.2.6+4 - Compatible FCM #

  • fixed FCM build error

2.2.6+2 - Version Request #

  • Update Http Version

2.2.6 - Version Request #

  • add version config

2.2.5+11 - Fixing Bug #

  • fixed bug LogResponse

2.2.5+8 - Fixing Bug #

  • fixed bug authredirect , succes exception pop 2x

2.2.5+1 - adding Atributes #

  • fixed bug in file upload batch

2.2.5 - adding Atributes #

  • adding onReloadSubmited, onReloadDissmiss (Post/Get)
  • change 'access_token' to 'token' saving login token

2.2.4+1 - authErrorRedirect always triggered #

  • now authErrorRedirect only trigger at 401(Post/Get)

2.2.4 - File Add to List #

  • file now can send in List (Post)

2.2.3+1 - Bug Fixed #

  • withLoading Never closed (Get)
  • Header Not Added with file (Post)
  • withLoading added in global configuration (Env)

2.2.3 - Get Request #

  • customHeader -> added (Get)
  • authErrorRedirect : Login() (statefull widget) -> added
  • singleContext -> added (bool) escaping context rules (rules : remove multiple push context)
  • removing bug multiple push TimeoutRedirect / SocketRedirect

2.2.2 - Change Function #

  • withLoading -> added

2.2.1 - Change Function #

  • Session().save() to
  • onError(code,response) -> added
  • onSuccess(response) -> added
  • Env save Request Configuration global

2.2.0 - Raw Response #

  • onComplete(v) -> added
  • beforeSend() -> added
  • onTimeout() -> added
  • onSocket() -> added
  • timeout -changed before -> dynamic | after -> int
  • onException(v)->added
  • (dynamic) timeoutRedirect -> added
  • (dynamic) socketRedirect -> added
  • (String)timeoutMessage -> added
  • (String)socketMessage -> added
  • Get customRequest -> String - changed body -> Map
  • null body checked
  • remove Auth()

2.1.1 - Image #

  • Post add attribute file

2.1.0+5 - Readme #

  • Readme Update

2.1.0 - Server Swither #

  • Server Switcher button

2.0.6+1 - Bug in logResponse. #

  • adding States for call setstate other class
  • Fixing Bug logResponse

2.0.5 - Return Message. #

  • default SuccessMessage & ErrorMessage
  • Example Response Api { 'message' : 'Your Message', 'data' : 'any data' }

2.0.4+1 - Timeout Connection Routing. #

  • Timeout View Routing
  • Fixing Bug

2.0.3+2 - 3 - Readme. #

  • Readme Update

2.0.3+1 - Change All Method. #

  • Post request.
    • with log response,
    • with exception (true/false),
  • Get request.
    • with log response,
    • with exception (true/false),
  • Session save.
  • Session load.
pub points


unverified uploader

send request with stack request management and cancel request.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


encrypt, flutter, http, http_parser, sqflite, sql_query


Packages that depend on request_api_helper